153.0001 Purpose and findings
153.0002 Citation
153.0003 Authority
153.0004 Applicability
153.0005 Consistency with Comprehensive Plan
153.0006 Coordination with other regulations
153.0007 Development approvals
153.0008 Rules of interpretation; definitions
153.0009 Abbreviations
153.0010 Severability
153.0011 Conflict with other laws
153.0012 Repeal of existing zoning regulations
153.0013 Effective date
153.0025 Purpose and findings
153.0026 Applicability
Conservation Subdivision
153.0040 Purpose and findings; applicability
153.0041 Processing procedures
153.0042 Size and location of site
153.0043 Uses
153.0044 Lot and block design
153.0045 Transportation
153.0046 Storm water management
153.0047 Utilities
153.0048 Conservation areas
153.0049 Environmental protection
153.0050 Landscaping and screening
153.0051 Parking
Neighborhood Center
153.0065 Purpose and findings; applicability
153.0066 Processing procedures
153.0067 Size and location of site
153.0068 Uses and dimensional standards
153.0069 Lot layout
153.0070 Parks and open space
153.0071 Landscaping and screening
153.0072 Parking
153.0073 Open space
153.0085 Purpose and findings; applicability
153.0086 Processing procedures
153.0087 Size and location of site
153.0088 Uses
153.0089 Lot layout
153.0090 Building design
153.0091 Street design and transportation
153.0092 Parks and open space
153.0093 Landscaping and screening
153.0094 Parking
Commercial Retrofit
153.0105 Findings and purpose; applicability
153.0106 Processing procedures
153.0107 Site design and building disposition
153.0108 Adequate public facilities
153.0109 Lot layout
153.0110 Transportation
153.0111 Storm water management
153.0112 Utilities
153.0113 Parks and open space
153.0114 Environmental protection
153.0115 Landscaping, screening and tree preservation
153.0116 Parking
Traditional Neighborhood Development
153.0130 Applicability
153.0131 Processing procedures
153.0132 Size and location of site
153.0133 Uses and density
153.0134 Adequate public facilities
153.0135 Lot arrangement
153.0136 Building design
153.0137 Transportation
153.0138 Parks and open space
153.0139 Landscaping and screening
153.0140 Parking
Transit-Oriented Development
153.0155 Applicability
153.0156 Processing procedures
153.0157 Size and location of site
153.0158 Uses and density
153.0159 Lot arrangement and dimensions
153.0160 Building design
153.0161 Adequate public facilities
153.0162 Transportation
153.0163 Parks and open space
153.0164 Environmental protection
153.0165 Landscaping and screening
153.0166 Parking
153.0180 Purpose and findings; introduction
153.0181 General requirements
153.0182 Establishment of districts
153.0183 Official zoning map
153.0184 Zoning district boundaries
153.0185 Newly annexed territory
153.0200 Implementation of Comprehensive Plan
153.0201 Generally
153.0202 Use regulations
153.0203 Dimensional and permitted regulations
“RP” Resource Protection
153.0215 Purpose and findings
153.0216 Permitted uses
153.0217 Dimensional standards
“RE” (Residential Estate)
153.0230 Purpose and findings
153.0231 Permitted uses
153.0232 Dimensional standards
“NS” (Neighborhood Suburban)
153.0245 Purpose and findings
153.0246 Permitted uses
153.0247 Dimensional standards
“NU” (Neighborhood Urban)
153.0260 Purpose and findings
153.0261 Permitted uses
153.0262 Dimensional standards
“O” (Office)
153.0275 Purpose and findings
153.0276 Permitted uses
153.0277 Dimensional standards
153.0278 Scale
153.0279 Outdoor display/sales
153.0280 Design
“CN” (Commercial Neighborhood)
153.0295 Purpose and findings
153.0296 Permitted uses
153.0297 Dimensional standards
153.0298 Scale
153.0299 Design
153.0300 Service entrances/service yards
153.0301 Outdoor display/sales
“CG” (Commercial General)
153.0315 Purpose and findings
153.0316 Permitted uses
153.0317 Dimensional standards
153.0318 Scale
153.0319 Outdoor storage or display
“CL” (Commercial Large-Scale)
153.0330 Purpose and findings
153.0331 Permitted uses
153.0332 Dimensional standards
153.0333 Scale
153.0334 Outdoor storage or display
“D” (Downtown)
153.0345 Purpose and findings
153.0346 Permitted uses
153.0347 Dimensional standards
153.0348 Design
153.0349 Outdoor display/sales
“IL” (Industrial Light)
153.0360 Purpose and findings
153.0361 Permitted uses
153.0362 Dimensional standards
153.0363 General provisions
“IH” (Industrial Heavy)
153.0375 Purpose and findings
153.0376 Permitted uses
153.0377 Dimensional standards
153.0378 General provisions
“PD” (Planned Development)
153.0390 Purpose and findings
153.0391 Evaluation criteria
153.0392 Minimum size
153.0393 Permitted uses and density
153.0394 Height and yard requirements
153.0395 Infrastructure requirements
153.0396 Parks/open space
153.0397 Parking requirements
153.0398 Common areas and facilities
153.0399 Master site plan
“MX” (Mixed Use)
153.0410 Purpose and findings
153.0411 Locational criteria
153.0412 Use regulations
153.0413 Lot and building specifications
153.0425 Designation and issues
“NP” (Neighborhood Preservation)
153.0440 Purpose and findings
153.0441 Designation criteria
153.0442 Zoning authority
153.0443 Neighborhood preservation district
153.0444 Designation procedures
153.0445 Design standards
“AO” (Airport Overlay)
153.0460 Purpose and findings
153.0461 Airport zones established and defined
153.0462 Height limitations
153.0463 Use restrictions
153.0464 Regulations to be considered
153.0465 Conditions on variances
153.0466 Application of regulations to preexisting structures and uses
153.0467 Exemption of utility structures
153.0480 Density bonus
153.0481 Applicability
153.0482 Bonus criteria
153.0495 Purpose and findings
153.0496 Procedural requirements
153.0497 Categories of development approvals
Completeness Review
153.0510 General
153.0511 Pre-application conference
153.0512 Application materials
153.0513 Review procedures
153.0514 Jurisdiction
153.0515 Time limits by complete application
153.0516 Review by code enforcement officer
153.0517 Time limits
153.0518 Limitation on further information requests
153.0519 Traffic impact reports or analyses
Notice Provisions
153.0530 Generally
153.0531 Contents of notice
153.0532 Action to be consistent with notice
153.0533 Minor amendments not requiring renotification
Public Hearing
153.0545 Applicability
153.0546 Meetings
153.0547 Records
153.0548 Legislative body
Quasi-Judicial and Legislative Approvals
153.0560 Quasi-judicial public hearings
153.0561 Legislative hearings
Revocation of a Development Approval
153.0575 Initiation
153.0576 Grounds for revocation
153.0577 Notice and public hearing
153.0578 Decision and notice
153.0579 Appeals
153.0580 Right cumulative
Neighborhood Registration
153.0595 Applicability
153.0596 Contents
153.0597 Effect of neighborhood registry
Neighborhood Participation Meeting
153.0610 Purpose and findings
153.0611 Applicability
153.0612 Recommended procedures
Ministerial Development Approvals
153.0625 Development approval
153.0626 Grading and land disturbance
153.0627 Zoning certificates
153.0628 Certificate of occupancy
Plans and Plan Amendments
153.0640 Procedures established
153.0641 Applicability
153.0642 Initiation
153.0643 Completeness review
153.0644 Decision
153.0645 Criteria
153.0646 Scope of approval
Code Amendments
153.0660 Introduction
153.0661 Applicability
153.0662 Initiation
153.0663 Completeness review
153.0664 Decision
153.0665 Approval criteria
153.0666 Subsequent applications
153.0667 Amendments
153.0668 Scope of approval
153.0669 Recording procedures
Conditional Zoning
153.0680 Purpose
153.0681 Applicability
153.0682 Initiation
153.0683 Completeness review
153.0684 Decision
153.0685 Criteria
153.0686 Subsequent applications
153.0687 Amendments
153.0688 Scope of approval
153.0689 Recording procedures
Conditional Use Permits
153.0700 Purpose and findings
153.0701 Conditional applicability
153.0702 Initiation
153.0703 Completeness review
153.0704 Approval
153.0705 Approval criteria
153.0706 Subsequent applications
153.0707 Amendments
153.0708 Scope of approval
153.0709 Recording procedures
Site Plans
153.0720 Purpose and findings
153.0721 Applicability
153.0722 Initiation
153.0723 Completeness review
153.0724 Decision
153.0725 Appeal
153.0726 Approval criteria
153.0727 Subsequent applications
153.0728 Amendments
153.0729 Scope of approval
153.0730 Recording procedures
Applicability and General Provisions
153.0745 General
153.0746 Subdivisions subject to this Division 9
153.0747 Exemptions
153.0748 Recordation of unapproved plat prohibited
153.0749 Sale or lease
153.0750 Development approval
153.0751 Classification of subdivisions
153.0752 Sketch plat procedures
153.0753 Dedication (acceptance)
Preliminary Plat Procedures
153.0765 General
153.0766 Applicability
153.0767 Initiation
153.0768 Completeness review for plat approval
153.0769 Decision
153.0770 Criteria
153.0771 Subsequent applications
153.0772 Amendments
153.0773 Major amendments
153.0774 Scope of approval
153.0775 Recording procedures
Final Plat Procedures
153.0790 Applicability
153.0791 Initiation
153.0792 Completeness review for plat approval
153.0793 Decision
153.0794 Criteria
153.0795 Subsequent applications
153.0796 Amendments
153.0797 Scope of approval
153.0798 Recording procedures
Construction Plans
153.0810 Applicability
153.0811 Public agency reviews
153.0812 Timing of improvements
153.0813 Modification of construction plans
153.0814 As-built drawings
153.0815 Inspection and acceptance of improvements
Subdivision Improvement Agreements
153.0830 Applicability
153.0831 Covenants to run with the land
153.0832 Base course to be installed
153.0833 Performance security
153.0834 Type of security
153.0835 Guarantees
153.0836 Reimbursement
153.0837 Maintenance bond
153.0838 Temporary improvements
Subdivision Variances
153.0850 Applicability
153.0851 Initiation
153.0852 Completeness review
153.0853 Decision
153.0854 Approval criteria
Plat Vacation
153.0865 Applicability
153.0866 Initiation
153.0867 Completeness review
153.0868 Decision
153.0869 Approval criteria
153.0870 Scope of approval
153.0871 Recording procedures
Plats (Amending)
153.0885 Purpose and findings
153.0886 Applicability
153.0887 Initiation
153.0888 Completeness review
153.0889 Decision
153.0890 Approval criteria
153.0891 Recording procedures
153.0905 Powers and duties of Board of Adjustment
153.0906 Stay of development approvals
Appeals to Board of Adjustment
153.0920 Applicability
153.0921 Initiation
153.0922 Stay of proceedings
153.0923 Decision
153.0924 Appeals involving constitutional or statutory claims
153.0935 Applicability
153.0936 Initiation
153.0937 Decision
153.0938 Approval criteria
Development Agreements
153.0950 Purpose and findings
153.0951 Applicability
153.0952 Criteria for entering into development agreements
153.0953 Initiation
153.0954 Contents of development agreement
153.0955 Completeness review
153.0956 Decision
153.0957 Recordation
153.0958 Coordination of development agreement application with other discretionary approvals
153.0959 Existing and subsequently adopted rules, regulations, ordinances, laws and policies
153.0960 Subsequently adopted state and federal laws
153.0961 Periodic review, termination or modification
153.0962 Amendment or cancellation of agreement
153.0963 Annexation
153.0964 Enforcement
153.0975 Applicability
153.0976 Administrative exceptions
153.0977 Variances
153.0978 Standard specifications
153.0979 Americans with Disabilities Act
153.0980 Operation and maintenance
Design Standards
153.0995 Generally
153.0996 Lots
153.0997 Blocks
153.0998 Building height
153.0999 Building design
153.1000 Fences and walls
153.1001 Lighting
153.1002 Homeland security site-specific vulnerability assessment
153.1003 Sustainability
Parks/Open Space
153.1015 Purpose and findings
153.1016 Applicability
153.1017 Required parks/open space
153.1018 Categories of parks/open space
153.1019 Fee in lieu of park development
153.1020 Park and open space characteristics
153.1021 Designation of parks/open space
153.1022 Development phasing
153.1023 Connectivity
Storm Water Management
153.1035 Purpose and findings
153.1036 Applicability
153.1037 Regional storm water management program
153.1038 Options
153.1039 Timing of payment
153.1040 System criteria
153.1041 Level of service
153.1042 Method of computing run-off
153.1043 Drainage easements/rights-of-way
153.10431 Lower elevation of site
153.1044 Site design and grading
153.1045 Low impact storm water management design
153.1046 Storm water detention
153.1047 Multi-use facilities
153.1048 Location of detention facilities
153.1049 Streets for storm water drainage
153.1050 Drainage channels and watercourses
153.1051 Concrete channels
153.1052 Storm sewers
153.1053 Inlets and openings
Street Design and Transportation
153.1065 Purpose and findings; applicability
153.1066 Classification
153.1067 Geometric design
153.1068 Connectivity
153.1069 Cul-de-sacs
153.1070 Street intersections
153.1071 Street names and signage
153.1072 Street lights
153.1073 Private streets
153.1074 Pavement design
153.1075 Sidewalks
153.1076 Access and driveways
153.1077 Gated subdivision streets
153.1078 Traffic calming
153.1090 Purpose; applicability
153.1091 Generally
153.1092 Central water and sewer required
153.1093 Private water system
153.1094 Private wastewater system
153.1095 Easements
153.1105 Purpose and findings
153.1106 Applicability
153.1107 Interpretation of terms
153.1108 Greenspace plan
153.1109 Acceptable landscape materials
153.1110 Protection of plant areas
Buffers and Screening
153.1120 Purpose and findings
153.1121 Applicability
153.1122 Required buffer yards
153.1123 Natural buffer yards
153.1124 Location of buffer yard
153.1125 Permitted uses within the buffer yard
153.1126 Size and type of plant materials
153.1127 Fences and walls
153.1128 Berms
153.1129 Screening
153.1130 Utilities
Streetscape Landscaping
153.1145 Applicability
153.1146 Street trees
Building Landscaping
153.1160 Applicability
153.1161 Standards
Parking Lot Landscaping
153.1175 Applicability
153.1176 Calculation of shaded area
153.1177 Design
Entrance Landscaping
153.1190 Applicability
153.1191 Standards
House-Lot Landscaping
153.1205 Applicability
153.1206 Generally
153.1207 Installation standards
153.1208 Greenspace plan not required
Tree Preservation and Tree Save Areas
153.1220 Applicability
153.1221 Protected trees
153.1222 Preservation standards
153.1223 Tree survey required
Riparian Buffers
153.1235 Applicability
153.1236 Riparian corridors
153.1237 Permitted uses and activities in riparian buffers
153.1238 Dimensional regulations
153.1239 Development standards in riparian buffers
Steep Slopes
153.1250 Purpose and findings
153.1251 Applicability
153.1252 Measurement of slope
153.1253 Contents of application
153.1254 Construction techniques
153.1265 Purpose and findings
153.1266 Applicability
153.1267 Generally
153.1268 Exemption
153.1269 Standards
Outdoor Storage
153.1280 Applicability
153.1281 Standards
153.1295 Minimum standards
153.1296 Parking ratios
153.1297 Shared parking
153.1298 Dimensions
153.1299 Location
153.1300 Construction and maintenance
153.1301 Bicycle parking
153.1315 General requirements
153.1316 Responsibility
153.1317 Types and location
153.1318 Location
153.1319 Construction and maintenance
153.1320 Minimum requirements and area
153.1321 Waiver
153.1335 Purpose and findings
153.1336 Adequate public facilities
153.1337 Applicability
153.1338 Procedures for the processing of applications for development approval
153.1339 Determination of adequacy of public facilities
153.1340 Advancement of capacity
153.1341 Methodology
153.1342 Capital improvements program
153.1355 Purpose and findings
153.1356 Compliance mandatory
153.1357 Regulations supplement other code regulations
153.1358 Accessory uses and structures
153.1359 Accessory dwelling units
153.1360 Auto-oriented development
153.1361 Commercial buildings
153.1362 Extractive use
153.1363 Group homes
153.1364 Home occupations
153.1365 Housing facilities for older persons
153.1366 Inclusionary zoning/affordable dwelling units
153.1367 Junkyards and automobile graveyards
153.1368 Manufactured home land-lease communities
153.1369 Mixed-use buildings and live-work units
153.1370 Outdoor display areas
153.1371 Outdoor storage
153.1372 Residential dwelling units
153.1373 Satellite dish antennas
153.1374 [Reserved]
153.1375 Solid waste facilities
153.1376 Temporary uses
153.1377 Utilities
153.1378 Wireless communications facilities
153.1379 Agriculture
153.1380 Recreational vehicles within manufactured home parks
153.1390 Purpose and findings
153.1391 Applicability
153.1392 Continuation
153.1393 Abandonment
Non-Conforming Uses
153.1405 Applicability
153.1406 Continuance
153.1407 Enlargement
153.1408 Conditions
153.1409 Change of use regulations
Non-Conforming Sites
153.1420 Purpose and findings
153.1421 Applicability
153.1422 Authority to continue
153.1423 Non-conforming site categories
153.1424 Extension
153.1425 Relocations
153.1426 Change in use
153.1427 Abandonment
153.1428 Exception for repairs
Non-Conforming Structures
153.1440 Applicability
153.1441 Continuance of non-conforming structures
153.1442 Enlargement
153.1443 Termination of non-conforming structures
Non-Conforming Lots
153.1455 Applicability
153.1456 Generally
153.1457 Newly annexed territory
153.1458 Incomplete construction
153.1459 Proposed construction
Certificate of Non-Conforming Use
153.1470 Applicability
153.1471 Contents
153.1472 Denial of registration
153.1473 Amendment
Termination of Non-Conformities
153.1485 Violation of chapter
153.1486 Specific acts of termination
153.1487 Notice
153.1488 Action of the Board of Adjustment
153.1489 Destruction or damage of structure
Expansion of Non-Conformity
153.1500 Applicability
153.1501 Criteria for conditional use permit
153.1502 Conditions applicable
153.1515 Applicability
Vested Rights Determination
153.1530 Generally
153.1531 Consent agreement
153.1532 Terms and conditions
153.1533 Failure to comply with consent agreement
Vested Rights Determination Process
153.1545 Initiation
153.1546 Review and approval
153.1547 Variance
153.1548 Recordation
153.1560 Generally
153.1561 Specific power
Planning Commission and Department
153.1575 Duties of Planning Commission
153.1576 Quorum; majority vote
153.1577 Conflict of interest
153.1578 Recommendations
153.1579 Robert’s Rules of Order
153.1580 Planning Department and administration
Board of Adjustment
153.1590 Use permit
153.1591 Board of Adjustment
153.1592 Variances
153.1593 Change of zoning
153.1594 Validity of variances
153.1605 Purpose
153.1606 General requirements
153.1607 Forms
153.1608 Information required
153.1609 Certifications
153.1610 Control points and monumentation guidelines
153.1611 Digital requirements for street and drainage construction plan submittals
Digital Plat Requirements
153.1625 Generally
153.1626 Data layer/level requirements
153.1627 Additional digital criteria
153.1628 Formats for graphical data
153.1629 File-naming conventions
153.1630 Media requirements and file creation
153.1631 Fees for city workstation operator services
153.1632 Use of digital data
Specific Processes
153.1645 Citizen participation plan
153.1646 Conditional use permit
153.1647 Land alteration development approval
153.1648 Landscape plans
153.1649 Non-conforming use certification
153.1650 Plat vacation and resubdivision
153.1651 Rezoning
153.1652 Storm water management plan
153.1653 Street plans
153.1654 Subdivision plat applications
153.1655 Traffic impact analysis
153.1656 Tree preservation plan
153.1657 Vested rights determination
153.1658 Site plan checklist
153.9999 Penalty