(A) A neighborhood center may be located at the intersection of any of the street classifications and within the zoning districts as set forth in Table 153.0067(A) below.
(A) Street Classification | (B) RP, RE | (C) RP, NS, NU | (D) CN, O, CG, D | (E) MX |
(A) Street Classification | (B) RP, RE | (C) RP, NS, NU | (D) CN, O, CG, D | (E) MX |
Arterial-Arterial | C | P | P | P |
Arterial-Collector | C | P | P | P |
Arterial-Local | - | P | P | P |
Collector-Collector | - | P | P | P |
Local-Collector | - | C | P | P |
Local-Local | - | - | - | - |
NOTES TO TABLE: RP = Resource Protection; RE = Residential Estate; NS = Neighborhood Suburban; NU = Neighborhood Urban; CN = Commercial Neighborhood; O = Office; CG = Commercial General; D = Downtown; MX = Mixed Use; C = a neighborhood center may be permitted only upon approval of a conditional use permit; and P = a neighborhood center may be established as of right at the intersection of the street classifications listed in Columns (B) through (E). A dash (“-”) means that the neighborhood center is not permitted at that location. | ||||
(B) (1) A neighborhood center shall not exceed 150 feet of frontage.
(2) No neighborhood center shall be approved in locations where the combined lineal frontage, including the proposed development, exceeds 660 feet.
(C) The establishment of a neighborhood center shall not establish a precedent for higher-density zoning between the nodes or intersections where the neighborhood centers are established.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 2.3.3)