§ 153.1023 CONNECTIVITY.
   (A)   The city finds and determines that an interconnected system of parks, trails, green-ways and bikeways provides a greater public benefit than isolated parks with access exclusively by automobiles. Such areas can provide form to neighborhoods, a common public gathering space and an opportunity to protect natural areas.
   (B)   Accordingly, this section provides incentives for developers to link parks and open space provided pursuant to this section with other public or private park and open space areas. It is not the intent of this section to require developers or landowners to provide a general public benefit, but rather to create incentives for creativity in the design of parks and open space as well as creative opportunities to meet the requirements of this section.
   (C)   Greenbelts, greenways or linear parks provided pursuant to this subsection shall be credited toward the minimum park and open space area requirements of § 153.1017 of this chapter at a ratio of one acre for every 20,000 square feet provided, where:
      (1)   Such areas are aligned with a continuation of an area designated as a public greenway, linear park or similar facility in a facilities plan officially adopted by the city; and
      (2)   Such areas include sidewalks, trails or similar facilities that align with such facilities in an abutting tract or, where abutting tracts are unimproved, conform to the specifications set forth in the facilities plan.
   (D)   Parks or open space provided pursuant to this subsection (D) shall be credited toward the minimum park and open space area requirements at a ratio of one acre for every 20,000 square feet provided, where:
      (1)   All lots within the proposed subdivision are within one-fourth mile of the park or open space; and
      (2)   The park or open space area abuts an area zoned “CN” (Commercial Neighborhood) or the area designated as a “center” in a TND.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.21.8)