Gated streets are subject to the following and § 153.1073 of this chapter.
   (A)   Pavement management. The applicant shall include with the HOA documents a forecast and schedule of street maintenance costs prepared by a professional engineer. A maintenance account with seed money shall be established by the developer to enable the HOA to meet the maintenance schedule until the HOA is self-sufficient. Any HOA requesting that the city acquire their private streets shall produce documentation that the maintenance schedule set forth in the HOA’s original pavement management plan as part of the HOA documents has been followed.
   (B)   Fire lanes. The HOA documents shall require the HOAs to identify and enforce a no-parking restriction in fire lanes throughout the community.
   (C)   Master key security system. A master key security system shall be provided on all gates. The security system shall include the following:
      (1)   A gate override in case of power failure; and
      (2)   A master key provided to the Fire Department, the School District and the Police Department.
   (D)   Queuing. At gated entrances where traffic can queue into public streets, the gates-and-entrances design must provide for sufficient storage capacity such that no queuing vehicles will queue into the public street. The entryway, including the paved surface area lying between the street providing access to the subdivision and the gates, shall include a turning radius of at least 40 feet.
Table 153.1077(A): Minimum Driveway Throat Lengths
Land Use
Throat Length or Vehicle Storage Length
Table 153.1077(A): Minimum Driveway Throat Lengths
Land Use
Throat Length or Vehicle Storage Length
Automatic or self-serve car washes with more than one bay
Vehicle storage of 60 feet per bay
Developments < 200,000 GLA not otherwise enumerated in this table
Throat length: 75 feet
Drive-in banks with more than one lane
Sufficient to accommodate minimum queue of four vehicles per service lane
Fast-food restaurants with drive-in window service
Sufficient to accommodate minimum queue of eight vehicles per service lane
Gasoline service stations with pump islands perpendicular to the pavement edge
Minimum 35 feet between pump islands and right-of-way
Residential subdivision entryway (private, gated entries)
The entryway shall provide for vehicle turnaround capability based on the single-unit design vehicle as provided in the AASHTO Green Book. The minimum entryway vehicle storage length is 40 feet
Shopping centers > 200,000 gross land area (GLA)
Throat length: 200 feet
Single-lane drive-in banks
Sufficient to accommodate minimum queue of six vehicles
Single-lane drive-through car washes
Sufficient to accommodate minimum queue of 12 vehicles
Unsignalized driveways not otherwise enumerated in this table
Throat length: 40 feet minimum
AASHTO Green Book: A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th ed. (Washington, DC: American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2004).
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.23.13)