Required parks/open space shall be reserved for any development in the zoning districts or areas as set forth in Table 153.1017(A).
Table 153.1017(A): Required Parks
Zoning District(s) or Areas
Required Parks/ Open Space
Table 153.1017(A): Required Parks
Zoning District(s) or Areas
Required Parks/ Open Space
“IL” (Industrial Light)
Not applicable
“IH” (Industrial Heavy)
“RP” (Resource Protection)
900 square feet per dwelling unit
“RE” (Residential Estate)
“NS” (Neighborhood Suburban)
“NU” (Neighborhood Urban)
“MX” (Mixed Use) (residential uses)
“NP” (Neighborhood Preservation)
“O” (Office)
450 square feet per 1,000 gross square feet for buildings exceeding 5,000 square feet
“CN” (Commercial Neighborhood)
“CG” (Commercial General)
“CL” (Commercial Large-Scale)
“MX” (Mixed Use) (non-residential uses and mixed-use buildings)
“D” (Downtown)
150 square feet per 1,000 gross square feet for buildings exceeding 15,000 square feet
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.21.2)