(A)   “O” (Office) Districts permit institutional, indoor retail, service and office uses requiring arterial or collector street access and business and commercial development along urban arterials. The purpose of “O” Districts is to accommodate well-designed development sites that provide excellent transportation access, make the most efficient use of existing infrastructure and provide for orderly transitions and buffers between uses. “O” (Office) Districts facilitate the development and expansion of targeted industries, including manufacturing and assembly, research, high technology, aviation and regional distribution, and business incubator facilities. These districts encourage economic development activities that will:
      (1)   Strengthen neighborhoods and communities;
      (2)   Provide educational, training and employment opportunities;
      (3)   Provide necessary support services; and
      (4)   Promote and encourage economic participation for all citizens.
   (B)   They restrict uses primarily to offices and ancillary uses that do not have peak weeknight or weekend usage in order to provide a buffer between residential areas and more intensive uses.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 3.17)