(A)   Conventional. Classification of an existing or proposed street not already identified on the major street plan, for the purpose of determining the appropriate design of a roadway or development, or for the purpose of determining the appropriateness of a location for a proposed use, shall be done by the Code Enforcement Officer. Pursuant to the major street plan, the classification system, as described in Table 153.1067(A) of this chapter, is adopted.
   (B)   Factors. In determining the classification of a street, factors to be considered include the following existing or proposed features:
      (1)   Facility geometrics, including the number and width of traffic lanes, turning lanes and parking lanes;
      (2)   Access conditions, including any restrictions on access, the spacing of private accesses and average lot frontages;
      (3)   Traffic characteristics, including average daily traffic, percentage of trucks, average operating speed, percentage of turning movements, origin-destination characteristics of the traffic and peak-hour characteristics of traffic; and
      (4)   Adjacent land uses.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.23.2)