(A)   Streets and sidewalks. Streets within a “PD” (Planned Development) District may be public or private. However, the Planning Commission may require dedication and construction of public streets through or into a “PD” District. Public or private streets shall conform to the transportation standards. (See §§ 153.1065 through 153.1078 of this chapter.)
   (B)   Utilities. All utility systems shall comply with the utilities standards. (See §§ 153.1090 through 153.1095 of this chapter.) Water and sanitary sewer systems within a “PD” (Planned Development) District may be publicly or privately owned; however, the maintenance of private systems shall be the responsibility of the proposed development’s community association. Public utility systems shall be approved by the applicable agency or the city.
   (C)   Easements. Utilities shall be placed in public streets or easements that are a minimum of 16 feet in width unless a narrower width is approved by the applicable utility. Dead-end easements shall not be permitted unless a city-approved vehicular turnaround is provided at the end of each such easement.
   (D)   Garbage collection. Private streets in a “PD” (Planned Development) District shall be arranged so that garbage may be collected without creating a safety hazard. All garbage collection shall be subject to the then current garbage collection ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 3.24.5)