Completeness review shall be governed by this section and § 153.0497 of this chapter, to the extent consistent with this section. If the application is deemed incomplete by the Code Enforcement Officer, the Code Enforcement Officer shall provide a written response within 15 working days after submittal. The applicant shall file a written response to any staff comments or resolve outstanding issues prior to final approval. This response shall occur within 30 days of the mailing date of staff comments unless a time extension is requested and granted in writing. The maximum limit on an extension is six months from the original staff comment date. The appellate agency for purposes of completeness review (§§ 153.0510 through 153.0519 of this chapter) is the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 4.24.3; Ord. 3160, passed 1-9-2018)