(A) A property owner or his or her designated representative may initiate a comprehensive area, specific, or neighborhood plan amendment. The applicant may combine an application for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan with an application for approval of a rezoning, and said applications may be processed concurrently.
(B) Before any application is made, the applicant shall schedule a pre-application conference with the Code Enforcement Officer to discuss, in general, the procedures and requirements for a Comprehensive Plan amendment request pursuant to these regulations.
(D) The Planning Commission, the city, the Code Enforcement Officer, a property owner, a neighborhood association or the owner of any business located in the city may initiate a request for an amendment to the future land-use maps of the Comprehensive Plan. The application for amendment of the future land-use map may be accompanied by an application for a zoning district map amendment. By resolution, the city may establish a schedule prescribing when and how frequently Comprehensive Plan text amendments will be considered.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 4.20.2)