(A) The purpose of this division is to consolidate the procedures for filing and processing applications for development approval. The format is designed to allow users to quickly and efficiently ascertain the various steps involved in obtaining development approval - from the initiation and filing of an application, the administrative completeness review, the review for compliance with substantive standards, through the public hearings:
(4) Division 8, Zoning Procedures;
(5) Division 9, Subdivisions;
(6) Division 10, Variances and Appeals and Miscellaneous Development Orders; and
(7) Section 153.9999, Penalty.
(B) The provisions of this chapter are designed to implement the Comprehensive Plan elements (i.e., land use, administrative circulating, natural resources, housing, implementation, economic development, agricultural, environmental and all subarea (specific neighborhood) and functional (transportation, redevelopment, utility and downtown plans).
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 4.0)