§ 153.0482 BONUS CRITERIA.
   (A)   An applicant may be granted a density bonus by establishing any of the incentive items as described in Column (A) of Table 153.0482(A) below consistent with the standards described in Columns (B) and (C) of Table 153.0482(A) below. The total permissible dwelling units shall be calculated in accordance with Column (C) of Table 153.0482(C) below. In no event shall the cumulative total permissible dwelling units for public parks or open space in Table 153.0482(A) below exceed that which is described in Table 153.0482(A) below.
   (B)   In no event shall minimum lot sizes be less than that shown in Table 153.0482(B) below.
Table 153.0482(A): Incentive Zoning Bonus
Active Open Space
Passive Open Space
Affordable Housing
Percent to Total Permitted Dwelling Units
Table 153.0482(A): Incentive Zoning Bonus
Active Open Space
Passive Open Space
Affordable Housing
Percent to Total Permitted Dwelling Units
= Applicable incentive item. For example, under Row (C), if the application includes additional active open space and passive open space but not affordable housing, a 30% density bonus applies. See Table 153.0482(C) below for an interpretation of this table.
Table 153.0482(B): Adjusted Lot Sizes, Incentive Zoning
Zoning District
Minimum Adjusted Lot Size
“RP” (Resource Protection)
304,920 square feet
“RE” (Residential Estate)
30,000 square feet
“NS” (Neighborhood Suburban)
7,000 square feet
“NU” (Neighborhood Urban)
3,500 square feet
Table 153.0482(C): Bonus Density Chart
Incentive Item
Bonus Calculation
Affordable housing: low income
At least 15% of all dwelling units must be restricted as low-income housing through a deed restriction or an enforceable contract with a public housing authority or community development corporation.
BD = TD x Y where: BD = total permitted dwelling units, with bonus density; TD = base calculation of total permitted dwelling units; and Y = 1.10. The factor “Y” shall increase by 0.05 for every additional 5% of units restricted as low-income housing, up to the maximum set forth in this section.
Affordable housing: very low income
At least 5% of all dwelling units must be restricted as very low-income housing through a deed restriction or an enforceable contract with a public housing authority or community development corporation.
BD = TD x Y where: BD = total permitted dwelling units, with bonus density; TD = maximum number of dwelling units permitted by applying the maximum density of the base zoning district (see § 3.12 Dimensional Regulations of this chapter); and Y = 1.20. The factor “Y” shall increase by 0.05 for every additional 15% of units restricted as very low-income housing, up to the maximum set forth in this section.
Parks and open space
Establishment of active or passive open space in excess of the minimum acreage requirements of the parks and open space standards (§§ 153.1015 through 153.1023 of this chapter). The area dedicated to open space shall comprise at least 1 acre and shall comply with parks and open space standards to receive bonus credit.
• For conventional subdivisions:
BD = [(NA MLS) + (AOS x 4))
< [(NA MLS) x C) where:
BD = total permissible dwelling units with bonus; NA = net acreage (adjusted for right-of-way but not open space); MLS = minimum lot size; AOS = additional open space (in acres) multiplied by maximum permitted density; and C = cap on density from Table 153.0482(B) below.
• For conservation subdivisions:
BD = [(GA x MD) + (AOS x 4))< [(GA x MD) x C) where:
BD = total permissible dwelling units with bonus; GA = gross acres; MD = maximum density of base district; AOS = additional open space (in acres) multiplied by maximum permitted density; and C = cap on density from Table 153.0482(B) below.
Redevelopment of existing strip centers in accordance with the provisions of the commercial retrofit standards (§§ 153.0105 through 153.0116 of this chapter).
For each 100 spaces of surface parking converted to structured parking on an area not exceeding 20% of the site area, an additional 20,000 feet of non-residential space may be constructed.
Retail site design
Superstores, shopping centers, or other retail uses located in zoning districts “CG” (Commercial General) or “CL” (Commercial Large-Scale) may obtain a density bonus pursuant to Column (C) where the proposed development complies with the neighborhood center design criteria (§§ 153.0065 through 153.0073 of this chapter).
A 30% increase in permitted height (permitted height x 1.3) may be granted.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 3.50.2)