(A) The traditional neighborhood development (TND) option (see Figure 153.0130(A) below) is designed to permit the development of land in a manner consistent with the historic and timeless principles of the city’s existing neighborhoods. A TND combines a variety of housing types with commercial and civic uses in a compact, walkable neighborhood setting. TNDs feature a highly interconnected street network and setbacks appropriate to create a public realm built on a human scale. The street network should recognize a site’s topography and other natural features. A TND may not be appropriate where severe environmental constraints, such as steep slopes, wetlands or streams, preclude street interconnections and high-impervious surface coverage.
(B) A TND may be approved in any of the following zoning districts: “NS” (Neighborhood Suburban), “NU” (Neighborhood Urban), “O” (Office), “CN” (Commercial Neighborhood), “CG” (Commercial General), “CL” (Commercial Large-Scale) or “MX” (Mixed Use).
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 2.6.1)