(A) Generally.
(1) This section establishes the standards for conservation areas. Conservation areas are the parks, natural features and passive open space that distinguish this use pattern from other types of development.
(2) Conservation areas shall be designated as permanent open space, not to be further subdivided, and protected through a conservation easement held by the city or by a land trust or conservancy.
(3) The conservation easement shall prohibit further development in the conservation areas and may establish other standards safeguarding the site’s special resources from negative changes.
(B) Set-aside and allocation of conservation areas. A minimum of 60% of the total tract area shall be designated as conservation areas. The following areas shall be designated as conservation areas:
(1) Wetlands;
(2) Woodlands;
(3) Sensitive aquifer recharge features;
(4) All of the floodway and flood fringe within the 100-year floodplain, as shown on the official Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps;
(5) All areas within 100 feet of the edge of the 100-year floodplain, as delineated on the FEMA maps and any letter of map revision;
(6) All areas within 100 feet of the banks of any stream shown as a blue line on the U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 (7.5-minute) scale topographic maps for city;
(7) Steep slopes (slopes exceeding 25%);
(8) Soils subject to slumping, as indicated on the medium-intensity maps contained in the county soil survey, published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service;
(9) Significant wildlife habitat areas;
(10) Areas with highly permeable (excessively drained) soil;
(11) Significant wildlife habitat areas not designated as a conservation area;
(12) Prime farmland;
(13) Historic, archaeological or cultural features listed (or eligible to be listed) on national, state or city registers or inventories; or
(14) Scenic views into the property from existing public roads.
(C) Connectivity. Conservation areas shall abut existing conservation areas, parks, open space or farmland on adjacent parcels.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 2.2.9)