(A) (1) This chapter establishes design templates for certain types of development. The procedures for permitting such activities are also described. The purpose is to consolidate the various aspects of the Unified Development Code (UDC) applicable to these activities in order to improve the readability of the UDC and, in some cases, to encourage certain types of development. Each section in this division describes the use pattern, the procedure for approval and the standards relating to approval, with cross-references to other parts of this chapter where needed.
(2) The intent is to present a visual, user-friendly overview of the regulations that apply to those types of uses or development styles.
(B) The use patterns established in this division are not zoning districts, overlay zoning districts or special zoning districts. Instead, they are forms of development that may be permitted in the various zoning districts established by the UDC. The use patterns typically involve multiple uses on the same property. They are described here and in the base zoning district regulations (
Table 153.0202(A)
of this chapter) as a land-use activity in order to trigger the appropriate development approval process. Some multiple-use developments, such as “PD” (Planned Development) Districts (see § 153.0184
of this chapter), are permitted through a special or overlay zoning district. However, a planned development is not a land-use activity, but rather a procedure for providing design flexibility. By contrast, the use patterns are specific land-use activities involving land-use and design controls that produce a distinct pattern of development.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 2.0)