(A)   General.
      (1)   No grading, demolition, trenching or other activity that may adversely affect trees in this zone may proceed prior to approval and issuance of necessary development approvals by the city.
      (2)   No person shall perform construction work (including the operation or storage of equipment or materials) within the drip line of any tree or shrub having its trunk on any public street or public property without first obtaining a development approval from the Code Enforcement Officer and complying with the requirements as described in subsections (B) through (E) below.
   (B)   Protective barriers. The applicant shall erect protective barriers as follows.
      (1)   Protective barriers shall be installed around each protected tree or group of protected trees that are designated for protection.
      (2)   Barriers shall not be supported by the plants they are protecting, but shall be self-supporting.
      (3)   Protective barriers shall be a minimum of four feet high and constructed of a durable material that will last until construction is completed.
      (4)   Protective barriers shall be installed at least one foot from the drip line or one foot from the trunk of the tree for each one inch of tree caliper.
   (C)   Irreparable damage. Where the Code Enforcement Officer determines that irreparable damage has occurred to a tree within a tree protection zone, the tree shall be removed and replaced and protective fencing shall be installed as provided in subsection (B) above.
   (D)   Compaction. Where compaction might occur due to traffic or materials storage, the tree protection zone must first be mulched with a minimum four-inch layer of processed pine bark or wood chips or a six-inch layer of pine straw.
   (E)   Replacement. When trees designated or planted in accordance with this section die or are removed for any reason, they must be replaced during the next suitable planting season in a manner, quantity and size approved by the Code Enforcement Officer.
   (F)   Tree survey required.
      (1)   Applications for development approvals and zoning clearance development approvals on all property subject to this section shall provide a tree survey as part of the greenspace plan.
      (2)   The tree survey shall include all trees of eight-inch DBH and larger within the tree protection zone and all trees over one-inch caliper and six feet in height on the public right-of-way. Stands of species may be indicated by groups with the average tree DBH.
      (3)   The tree survey shall be prepared by:
         (a)   A landscape architect, a surveyor, a professional engineer or a certified arborist retained by the applicant; or
         (b)   Upon mutual agreement between the City Manager and the applicant, a landscape architect, a surveyor, a professional engineer or a certified arborist retained by the city at the expense of the applicant.
      (4)   The tree survey shall be reviewed by the Code Enforcement Officer as part of the normal process for approving the application. The Code Enforcement Officer may refer the tree survey to a certified arborist or other qualified official for his or her review and comments.
Table 153.1223(A): Definition of Stream Corridor Zones
Corridor Zone
Location and Required Width of Zone
Perennial Stream
Intermittent Stream
Perennial Water Body
Managed use
50 feet from outer edge of stream side zone
Stream side
50 feet from stream bank
Total corridor area
150 feet minimum from each side of stream bank
T= the corridor zone applies to the particular stream classification. The terms “perennial stream”, “intermittent stream” and “perennial water body” are defined in § 153.0008 of this chapter.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.37.4)