(A) Meetings. When required by this chapter, the applicant shall facilitate at least one meeting with surrounding neighborhoods before formally filing an application.
(B) Target area. The target area shall include the following:
(1) Property owners within the public hearing notice area required by statute; and
(C) Citizen participation documentation. Citizen participation shall include the following information as required in § 153.1645 of this chapter.
(D) Report on implementation of citizen participation. The applicant shall provide a written report on the results of its citizen participation efforts with the filing of the application. The report shall be forwarded to the reviewing agency. At a minimum, the citizen participation report shall include details of techniques the applicant used to involve the public, including:
(1) Dates and locations of all meetings where citizens were invited to discuss the applicant’s proposal;
(2) Content, dates mailed and numbers of mailings, including letters, meeting notices, newsletters and other publications;
(3) Where residents, property owners, and interested parties receiving notices, newsletters or other written materials are located;
(4) The number of people who participated in the process;
(5) A summary of concerns, issues and problems expressed during the process;
(6) How the applicant has addressed or intends to address concerns, issues and problems expressed during the process; and
(7) Concerns, issues and problems the applicant is unable to address, including reasons why the concerns cannot or should not be addressed.
(E) Signature or affidavit of compliance. If the applicant prepares a citizen participation report, the report shall include a list of persons contacted, a list of persons invited to any neighborhood meeting, and one of the following:
(1) The signature of the president or vice president of any neighborhood association required to be contacted, certifying that the neighborhood meeting was conducted; provided, however, that, the signature need not certify agreement with the applicant as to any issues raised at the neighborhood meeting;
(2) If the president or vice president of the neighborhood association was unavailable or refused to sign such certification, a statement as to the efforts to contact them and, in the event of unavailability, the reasons as to why they were unable to sign the certification; or
(3) A statement that there are no registered neighborhood associations within the required notification area.
(F) Restrictions on continuances. It is the intent of this chapter to encourage applicants to involve neighborhoods in the development approval process while, at the same time, streamlining the development approval process through the discouragement of continuances and frivolous appeals by neighbors or neighborhood associations. Accordingly, any person who received notice of a neighborhood meeting and who failed to participate in a neighborhood meeting shall not be permitted:
(1) A continuance of any hearing relating to a development approval application requiring a public hearing; or
(2) To file an administrative appeal from any development order approving the application on any issue that was resolved at a neighborhood meeting. For the purpose of this section, persons will be considered to have “received notice” if their names appear on the invitation list.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 4.10.2; Ord. 3160, passed 1-9-2018)