(A) Design.
(1) Articulation. No fence or wall, or portion, shall exceed 100 horizontal feet in length unless one of the following architectural features visible from the paved surface of the street is provided as part of the fence:
(a) A column or pillar; or
(b) Articulation of the surface plane wall by incorporating plane projections or recesses having a depth of at least one foot and extending a horizontal distance of at least three feet and less than 20 feet.
(2) Exception. Subsection (A)(1) above does not apply to a fence or wall constructed of brick, masonry or iron fencing that consists of at least 50% open voids. The square footage of the fence shall be measured by taking the total square footage of an area defined by the length of the fence and its average height. The percent of open voids shall then be derived by dividing the total square footage of the open voids by the total square footage of the area calculated above and multiplying this figure by 100. The fence’s framing (the vertical posts supporting the fence from the ground and no more than three horizontal cross bars between the posts or brick or stone pillars) shall not be included in the calculation of the total square footage; provided that, the framing posts and cross bars do not exceed a four-inch width and the posts are spaced at least eight feet apart.
(B) Height.
(1) Front yard. No fence or wall, other than the wall of a permitted structure, shall exceed a height of four feet in the front yard. No fence or wall shall obscure vision above a height of four feet.
(2) Side or rear yard.
(a) No fence or wall, other than the wall of a permitted structure, shall be erected or altered in any side or rear yard to exceed a height of six feet.
(b) The following exceptions apply to subsection (B)(2)(a) above:
1. Subsection (B)(2)(a) above does not apply where the supplemental use regulations in Division 16 of this chapter require a higher fence for screening or security purposes;
2. A fence may be erected or altered up to a height of eight feet where the fence abuts a collector or higher-order street, the ground-floor elevation of the principal dwelling on an abutting lot is at least four feet higher than the elevation at the abutting lot line (Figure 153.1000(A) below), the fence abuts a side or rear lot line that abuts a collector street or an arterial street (in which case streetscape planting shall be provided in accordance with §§ 153.1145 and 153.1146 of this chapter), or the fence is a sound wall or fence required by the State Department of Transportation. The additional fence height may be permitted by the city pursuant to a rezoning or conditional use permit (CUP).
(3) Industrial districts. Fence height restrictions do not apply in the “IL” (Industrial Light) or “IH” (Industrial Heavy) Districts where:
(a) The lot does not abut a residential or commercial district; and
(b) The fence height and location do not adversely affect site distance at street and/or alley intersections.
(C) Residential subdivisions. The city finds that it is necessary for the public welfare to impose standards to improve and preserve the quality of fences in residential neighborhoods in order to avoid blighting influences on neighborhoods and public safety problems.
(1) Applicability. This section applies to fences located along the perimeter of a tract or parcel subject to an application for subdivision approval and abutting a collector or arterial street.
(2) Standards.
(a) A fence may be constructed of permanent material, such as wood, chain link, stone, rock, concrete block, masonry brick, brick, decorative wrought iron or other materials that are similar in durability.
(b) The following materials shall not be used for fencing subject to this section:
Additional height where home on adjacent lot is four feet higher.
1. Cast-off, secondhand or other items not originally intended to be used for constructing or maintaining a fence;
2. Plywood less than five-eighths inches thick, plywood not of a grade approved by the Code Enforcement Manager, particle board, paper and visqueen plastic, plastic tarp or similar material; and
3. Barbed wire, razor wire and other similar fencing materials capable of inflicting significant physical injury.
(c) A fence constructed of wooden boards shall include at least one of the following architectural or landscaping elements for every 50 lineal feet:
1. A wall or column extending at least 12 inches vertically and six inches horizontally from the remainder of the fence;
2. The fence, which shall be articulated by means of a recess or a projection extending at least 12 inches horizontally from the remainder of the fence; or
3. Climbing vines, shrubs or trees planted along the base of that portion of the wall or fence that fronts a public street. The remaining setback area between the fence and property line shall be landscaped with grass or other low ground cover. All plants shall be irrigated and maintained consistent with the provisions of this chapter. Only living vegetation may be used to meet these landscaping requirements.
(d) All fences shall be maintained by an HOA established consistent with the requirements of subsection (C)(2) above, so as not to create a hazard, public nuisance or blight in the surrounding neighborhood.
(Ord. 3020, passed 9-10-2013, § 5.14; Ord. 3160, passed 1-9-2018)