Article 1. Administration
18-29-101 General.
18-29-101.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-101.2 Scope.
18-29-101.2.1 Department of Water Management requirements.
18-29-101.2.2 Department of Water requirements.
18-29-101.3 Intent
18-29-101.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-102 Applicability.
18-29-102.1 General.
18-29-102.2 Existing installations.
18-29-102.3 Maintenance.
18-29-102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
18-29-102.5 Change in occupancy.
18-29-102.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-102.7 Moved buildings.
18-29-102.8 Referenced codes and standards.
18-29-102.9 Requirements not covered by chapter.
18-29-103 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-104 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-105 Approval.
18-29-105.1 Modifications.
18-29-105.2 Alternative materials, methods and equipment.
18-29-105.3 Required testing.
18-29-105.3.1 Test methods.
18-29-105.3.2 Testing agency.
18-29-105.3.3 Test reports.
18-29-105.4 Alternative engineered design.
18-29-105.4.1 Design criteria.
18-29-105.4.2 Submittal.
18-29-105.4.3 Technical data.
18-29-105.4.4 Construction documents.
18-29-105.4.5 Design approval.
18-29-105.4.6 Inspection and testing.
18-29-105.5 Material and equipment reuse.
18-29-106 Permits.
18-29-106.1 General.
18-29-106.2 Reserved.
18-29-107 Violations.
18-29-107.1 General.
Article 2. Definitions
18-29-201 General.
18-29-201.1 Scope.
18-29-201.2 Interchangeability.
18-29-201.3 Terms defined in other provisions.
18-29-201.4 Terms not defined.
18-29-202 General definitions.
Article 3. General Regulations
18-29-301 General.
18-29-301.1 Scope.
18-29-301.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-301.1.2 Reserved.
18-29-301.2 System installation.
18-29-301.3 Connections to drainage system.
18-29-301.4 Connections to water supply.
18-29-301.5 Pipe, tube and fitting sizes.
18-29-301.6 Prohibited locations.
18-29-301.7 Conflicts.
18-29-302 Exclusion of Materials Detrimental to the Sewer System.
18-29-302.1 Detrimental or dangerous materials.
18-29-302.2 Industrial wastes.
18-29-303 Materials.
18-29-303.1 Identification.
18-29-303.2 Installation of materials.
18-29-303.3 Plastic pipe, fittings and components.
18-29-303.4 Third-party certification.
18-29-303.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.3 Reserved.
18-29-303.5 Cast-iron soil pipe, fittings and components.
18-29-304 Rodent-Proofing.
18-29-304.1 General.
18-29-304.2 Strainer plates.
18-29-304.3 Meter boxes.
18-29-304.4 Openings for pipes.
18-29-305 Protection of Pipes and Plumbing System Components.
18-29-305.1 Protection against contact.
18-29-305.2 Reserved.
18-29-305.3 Stress and strain.
18-29-305.4 Reserved.
18-29-305.5 Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls.
18-29-305.6 Freezing.
18-29-305.6.1 Sewer depth.
18-29-305.6.2 Water main depth.
18-29-305.7 Waterproofing of openings.
18-29-305.8 Protection against physical damage.
18-29-305.9 Protection of components of plumbing system.
18-29-306 Trenching, Excavation and Backfill.
18-29-306.1 Support of piping.
18-29-306.2 Trenching and bedding.
18-29-306.2.1 Overexcavation.
18-29-306.2.2 Rock removal.
18-29-306.2.3 Soft loadbearing materials.
18-29-306.3 Backfilling.
18-29-306.4 Tunneling.
18-29-306.5 Reserved.
18-29-307 Structural Safety.
18-29-307.1 General.
18-29-307.2 Cutting, notching or boring of holes.
18-29-307.3 Penetrations of floor/ceiling assemblies and fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
18-29-307.4 Protection of footings.
18-29-307.5 Alterations to trusses.
18-29-307.6 Piping material exposed within plenums.
18-29-308 Piping Support.
18-29-308.1 General.
18-29-308.2 Piping seismic supports.
18-29-308.3 Materials.
18-29-308.4 Structural attachment.
18-29-308.5 Interval of support.
18-29-308.6 Sway bracing.
18-29-308.7 Anchorage.
18-29-308.7.1 Location.
18-29-308.8 Expansion joint fittings.
18-29-308.8.1 Vertical expansion.
18-29-308.9 Stacks.
18-29-308.10 Parallel water distribution systems.
18-29-308.11 Thermal expansion tanks.
18-29-309 Floodproofing.
18-29-309.1 General.
18-29-309.1.1 Base flood elevation.
18-29-309.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-310 Washroom and Toilet Room Requirements.
18-29-310.1 Light and ventilation.
18-29-310.2 Location of fixtures and compartments.
18-29-310.3 Interior finish.
18-29-310.4 Reserved.
18-29-311 Toilet Facilities for Workers.
18-29-311.1 General.
18-29-312 Tests and Inspections.
18-29-312.1 Required tests.
18-29-312.2 Drainage and vent water test.
18-29-312.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-312.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-312.5 Water supply system test.
18-29-312.6 Gravity sewer test.
18-29-312.7 Forced sewer test.
18-29-312.8 Storm drainage system test.
18-29-312.9 Cross connection control device inspections.
18-29-313 Equipment Efficiencies.
18-29-313.1 General.
18-29-314 Condensate Disposal.
18-29-314.1 Fuel-burning appliances.
18-29-314.2 Evaporators and cooling coils.
18-29-314.2.1 Condensate disposal.
18-29-314.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes.
18-29-314.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems.
18-29-314.2.3.1 Water-level monitoring devices.
18-29-314.2.3.2 Appliance, equipment and insulation in pans.
18-29-314.2.4 Traps.
18-29-314.2.4.1 Ductless mini-split system traps.
18-29-314.2.5 Drain line maintenance.
18-29-315 Penetrations.
18-29-315.1 Sealing of annular spaces.
Article 4. Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings
18-29-401 General.
18-29-401.1 Scope.
18-29-401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections.
18-29-401.3 Water conservation.
18-29-401.4 Reserved.
18-29-401.5 Reserved.
18-29-401.6 Conflicts.
18-29-402 Fixture Materials.
18-29-402.1 Quality of fixtures.
18-29-402.1.1 Used fixtures.
18-29-402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures.
18-29-402.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-402.4 Sheet lead.
18-29-402.5 Fixture strainer.
18-29-402.6 Fixture overflow.
18-29-403 Minimum Plumbing Facilities.
18-29-403.1 Minimum number of fixtures.
18-29-403.1.1 Number of occupants.
18-29-403.1.2 Minimum fixture calculations.
18-29-403.1.3 Single-user toilet rooms and bathing rooms.
18-29-403.1.3.1 Signage.
18-29-403.1.3.2 Lock.
18-29-403.1.3.3 Enclosure.
18-29-403.1.3.4 Waste receptacle.
18-29-403.1.4 Lavatory distribution.
18-29-403.2 Separate facilities.
18-29-403.2.1 Nonseparate facilities.
18-29-403.2.1.1 Number of fixtures.
18-29-403.2.1.2 Water closet compartments.
18-29-403. Enclosure.
18-29-403. Lock.
18-29-403. Waste receptacle.
18-29-403.2.1.3 Urinals.
18-29-403.2.1.4 Proximity to single-user toilet room.
18-29-403.2.1.5 Entrance.
18-29-403.3 Public and employee toilet facilities.
18-29-403.3.1 Access.
18-29-403.3.2 Prohibited location.
18-29-403.3.3 Location.
18-29-403.3.4 Reserved.
18-29-403.3.5 Pay facilities.
18-29-403.3.6 Door locking.
18-29-403.4 Reserved.
18-29-403.5 Drinking fountain location.
18-29-403.6 Service sink location.
18-29-403.6.1 Reserved.
18-29-403.6.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-403.7 Community toilet facilities.
18-29-403.8 Reserved.
18-29-403.9 Reserved.
18-29-404 Accessible Plumbing Facilities.
18-29-404.1 Where required.
18-29-404.2 Accessible fixture requirements.
18-29-405 Installation of Fixtures.
18-29-405.1 Water supply protection.
18-29-405.2 Access for cleaning.
18-29-405.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-405.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-405.3 Setting.
18-29-405.3.1 Water closets, lavatories and bidets.
18-29-405.3.2 Access to lavatories.
18-29-405.3.3 Location of fixtures and piping.
18-29-405.3.4 Water closet compartment.
18-29-405.3.5 Urinal partitions.
18-29-405.4 Floor and wall drainage connections.
18-29-405.4.1 Floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.1.1 Hard lead floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.2 Securing floor outlet fixtures.
18-29-405.4.3 Securing wall-hung water closet bowls.
18-29-405.5 Water-tight joints.
18-29-405.6 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-405.7 Design of overflows.
18-29-405.7.1 Connection of overflows.
18-29-405.8 Access to concealed connections.
18-29-406 Automatic Clothes Washers.
18-29-406.1 Water connection.
18-29-406.2 Waste connection.
18-29-406.3 Reserved.
18-29-407 Bathtubs.
18-29-407.1 Approval.
18-29-407.2 Bathtub waste outlets.
18-29-407.3 Glazing.
18-29-408 Bidets.
18-29-408.1 Approval.
18-29-408.2 Water connection.
18-29-409 Dishwashing Machines.
18-29-409.1 Approval.
18-29-409.2 Water connection.
18-29-409.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-409.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-409.3 Waste connection.
18-29-409.3.1 Reserved.
18-29-409.4 Residential dishwasher waste connection.
18-29-410 Drinking Fountains.
18-29-410.1 Approval.
18-29-410.2 Reserved.
18-29-410.3 Accessible drinking fountains.
18-29-410.4 Substitution.
18-29-410.5 Prohibited location.
18-29-411 Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations.
18-29-411.1 Water connection.
18-29-411.2 Waste connection.
18-29-412 Floor and Trench Drains.
18-29-412.1 Approval.
18-29-412.2 Floor drains.
18-29-412.3 Size of floor drains.
18-29-412.4 Where required.
18-29-412.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.3 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.4 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.5 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.6 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.7 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.8 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.9 Reserved.
18-29-412.5 Floor slope.
18-29-413 Food Waste Disposer Units.
18-29-413.1 Approval.
18-29-413.2 Domestic food waste disposer waste outlets.
18-29-413.3 Commercial food waste disposer waste outlets.
18-29-413.4 Water supply required.
18-29-414 Garbage Can Washers.
18-29-414.1 Water connection.
18-29-414.2 Waste connection.
18-29-415 Laundry Trays.
18-29-415.1 Approval.
18-29-415.2 Waste outlet.
18-29-416 Lavatories.
18-29-416.1 Approval.
18-29-416.2 Cultured marble lavatories.
18-29-416.3 Lavatory waste outlets.
18-29-416.4 Movable lavatory systems.
18-29-416.5 Tempered water for public handwashing facilities.
18-29-417 Showers.
18-29-417.1 Approval.
18-29-417.2 Water supply riser.
18-29-417.3 Shower waste outlet.
18-29-417.4 Shower compartments.
18-29-417.4.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-417.4.2 Wall area.
18-29-417.4.3 Shower installation.
18-29-417.4.4 Water temperature safety.
18-29-417.4.5 Dimensions.
18-29-417.4.6 Materials.
18-29-417.4.7 Public or institution showers.
18-29-417.5 Shower floor or receptors.
18-29-417.5.1 Support.
18-29-417.5.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-417.6 Glazing.
18-29-418 Sinks.
18-29-418.1 Approval.
18-29-418.2 Sink waste outlets.
18-29-418.2.1 Facilities with no range oven.
18-29-418.3 Movable sink systems.
18-29-419 Urinals.
18-29-419.1 Approval.
18-29-419.2 Substitution for water closets.
18-29-419.3 Urinals for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-419.4 Surrounding material.
18-29-420 Water Closets.
18-29-420.1 Approval.
18-29-420.2 Water closets for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-420.3 Water closet seats.
18-29-420.4 Water closet connections.
18-29-420.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-420.6 Chemical closets.
18-29-420.7 Reserved.
18-29-421 Whirlpool Bathtubs.
18-29-421.1 Approval.
18-29-421.2 Installation.
18-29-421.3 Drain.
18-29-421.4 Suction fittings.
18-29-422 Health Care Fixtures and Equipment.
18-29-422.1 Scope.
18-29-422.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.7 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.8 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.9 Sterilizer equipment requirements.
18-29-422.9.1 Sterilizer piping.
18-29-422.9.2 Steam supply.
18-29-422.9.3 Steam condensate return.
18-29-422.9.4 Condensers.
18-29-422.10 Special elevations.
18-29-423 Specialty Plumbing Fixtures.
18-29-423.1 Water connections.
18-29-423.2 Approval.
18-29-423.3 Footbaths and pedicure baths.
18-29-424 Faucets and Fixture Fittings.
18-29-424.1 Approval.
18-29-424.1.1 Faucets and supply fittings.
18-29-424.1.2 Waste fittings.
18-29-424.2 Hand showers.
18-29-424.3 Individual shower valves.
18-29-424.4 Multiple (gang) showers.
18-29-424.5 Bathtub and whirlpool bathtub valves.
18-29-424.6 Hose-connected outlets.
18-29-424.7 Temperature-actuated, flow-reduction devices for individual fixture fittings.
18-29-424.8 Transfer valves.
18-29-424.9 Water closet personal hygiene devices.
18-29-424.10 Head shampoo sink faucets.
18-29-424.11 Prerinse spray valve.
18-29-425 Flushing Devices for Water Closets and Urinals.
18-29-425.1 Flushing devices required.
18-29-425.1.1 Separate for each fixture.
18-29-425.2 Flushometer valves and tanks.
18-29-425.3 Flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.1 Ball cocks.
18-29-425.3.2 Overflows in flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-425.3.4 Access required.
18-29-425.4 Flush pipes and fittings.
18-29-426 Floor Sinks.
18-29-426.1 Approval.
Article 5. Water Heaters
18-29-501 General.
18-29-501.1 Scope.
18-29-501.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-501.3 Drain valves.
18-29-501.4 Location for access.
18-29-501.5 Water heater labeling.
18-29-501.6 Tankless water heaters.
18-29-501.6.1 Coils.
18-29-501.7 Pressure marking of storage tanks.
18-29-501.8 Temperature controls.
18-29-501.8.1 Instantaneous water heaters.
18-29-501.9 Heat exchangers.
18-29-502 Installation.
18-29-502.1 General.
18-29-502.2 Water heaters installed in non- private garages.
18-29-502.3 Rooms used as a plenum.
18-29-502.4 Prohibited location.
18-29-502.5 Water heaters installed in closets accessed through sleeping rooms or bathrooms.
18-29-502.6 Water heaters installed in attics, basements or other areas.
18-29-503 Connections.
18-29-503.1 Cold water line valve.
18-29-503.1.1 Shutoff valves.
18-29-503.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-504 Safety Devices.
18-29-504.1 Antisiphon devices.
18-29-504.2 Vacuum relief valve.
18-29-504.3 Energy cutoff device.
18-29-504.4 Shutdown.
18-29-504.5 Relief valve.
18-29-504.5.1 Installation.
18-29-504.6 Relief valve approval.
18-29-504.7 Relief outlet waste.
18-29-504.7.1 Discharge.
18-29-504.7.2 Location.
18-29-504.7.3 Materials.
18-29-504.8 Required pan.
18-29-504.8.1 Pan size and drain.
18-29-504.8.2 Pan drain termination.
18-29-505 Insulation.
18-29-505.1 Unfired vessel insulation.
Article 6. Water Supply and Distribution
18-29-601 General.
18-29-601.1 Scope.
18-29-601.2 Inspections and notices.
18-29-601.3 Access for inspections.
18-29-601.4 Solar energy utilization.
18-29-602 Water Required.
18-29-602.1 General.
18-29-602.1.1 Obligations of water consumers.
18-29-602.1.2 Obligations of water consumers – Private water mains on private property.
18-29-602.2 Potable water required.
18-29-602.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-602.4 Reserve water supply.
18-29-602.4.1 Installation of line valves or taps.
18-29-602.4.2 Dual meter settings.
18-29-603 Water Service.
18-29-603.1 Size of water service pipe and water meter.
18-29-603.1.1 Meter spreader connection.
18-29-603.1.2 Water service for fire protection systems.
18-29-603.1.3 Permit required.
18-29-603.2 Separation of water service and building sewer/drain.
18-29-603.2.1 Water supply systems installed near a sewer structure.
18-29-603.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-603.2.3 Backfill.
18-29-603.3 Metered service.
18-29-603.3.1 Authority.
18-29-603.3.2 Connection of nonmetered to metered service.
18-29-603.3.3 Licensed and bonded contractor.
18-29-603.3.4 Location.
18-29-603.3.5 Construction of meter vaults.
18-29-603.3.6 Installation of taps.
18-29-603.3.7 Plans accompany permit application.
18-29-603.3.8 Notification of wrecking buildings for terminating water service.
18-29-604 Design of Building Water Distribution System.
18-29-604.1 General.
18-29-604.2 System interconnection.
18-29-604.3 Water distribution system design criteria.
18-29-604.4 Maximum flow and water consumption.
18-29-604.4.1 WaterSense compliance.
18-29-604.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-604.5 Size of fixture supply.
18-29-604.5.1 Minimum size.
18-29-604.6 Variable street pressures.
18-29-604.7 Inadequate water pressure.
18-29-604.8 Water pressure reducing valve or regulator.
18-29-604.8.1 Reserved.
18-29-604.8.2 Repair and removal.
18-29-604.9 Water hammer.
18-29-604.9.1 Air chambers.
18-29-604.10 Size of water supply pipes.
18-29-604.10.1 Minimum sizes of branch distributing pipes for fixtures and appliances.
18-29-604.10.1.1 Demand load.
18-29-604.10.1.2 Size of piping.
18-29-604.10.1.3 Available pressure.
18-29-604.10.2 Procedures for calculating sizing.
18-29-604.11 Individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings.
18-29-604.11.1 Reserved.
18-29-605 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-605.1 Water compatibility.
18-29-605.2 Soil and ground water.
18-29-605.3 Lead content of water supply pipe and fittings.
18-29-605.3.1 Lead content of drinking water pipe and fittings.
18-29-605.4 Water service pipe.
18-29-605.4.1 Materials for supply pipes and fittings.
18-29-605.5 Water distribution pipe.
18-29-605.6 Fittings.
18-29-605.7 Valves.
18-29-605.8 Manufactured pipe nipples.
18-29-605.9 Prohibited joints and connections.
18-29-605.10 Flexible water connectors.
18-29-605.11 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.12 Brass.
18-29-605.12.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.12.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.12.4 Welded joints.
18-29-605.13 Gray iron and ductile iron joints.
18-29-605.14 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.1 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.2 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.3 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.4 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.14.5 Welded joints.
18-29-605.15 Copper tubing.
18-29-605.15.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.15.2 Flared joints.
18-29-605.15.3 Grooved and shouldered mechanical joints.
18-29-605.15.4 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.15.5 Press-connect joints.
18-29-605.15.6 Soldered joints.
18-29-605.15.7 Push-fit fitting joints.
18-29-605.16 CPVC plastic.
18-29-605.16.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.16.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-605.16.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17 Steel.
18-29-605.17.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.18 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.19 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.20 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.21 Joints between different materials.
18-29-605.21.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-605.22 Protection for pipes and fixtures.
18-29-605.23 Hydrants and non-freeze hydrants protection.
18-29-605.24 Water supply pipe protection.
18-29-605.25 Refrigerant condensers.
18-29-605.26 Dead-ends prohibited.
18-29-605.27 Air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
18-29-605.28 Permissible exceptions.
18-29-606 Installation of the Building Water Distribution System.
18-29-606.1 Location of full-open valves.
18-29-606.2 Location of shutoff valves.
18-29-606.3 Access to valves.
18-29-606.4 Valve identification.
18-29-606.5 Water pressure booster systems.
18-29-606.5.1 Hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, gravity tank.
18-29-606.5.1.1 Requirements.
18-29-606. Pressure relief valve.
18-29-606. Compression tank.
18-29-606. Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.1.2 Booster pump system.
18-29-606. Gravity tanks.
18-29-606. Total pressure.
18-29-606. Low pressure cutoff.
18-29-606.5.2 Surge tank for pumps.
18-29-606.5.3 Check valves required.
18-29-606.5.3.1 Approval required.
18-29-606.5.4 Equipment required for tanks receiving city water.
18-29-606.5.4.1 Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.4.2 Size.
18-29-606.5.4.3 Covers and support.
18-29-606.5.5 Recycling system for vehicle wash installations.
18-29-606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location.
18-29-606.5.7 Tank drain pipes.
18-29-606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks.
18-29-606.5.9 Pressure relief valve requirements.
18-29-606.5.10 Pressure relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks.
18-29-606.6 Test of distribution pipes.
18-29-607 Hot Water Supply System.
18-29-607.1 Where required.
18-29-607.1.1 Temperature limiting means.
18-29-607.1.2 Tempered water temperature control.
18-29-607.1.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-607.2 Hot or tempered water supply to fixtures.
18-29-607.2.1 Circulation systems and heat trace systems for maintaining heated water temperature in distribution systems.
18-29-607.2.1.1 Pump controls for hot water storage system.
18-29-607.2.1.2 Demand recirculation controls for distribution systems.
18-29-607.2.1A Reserved.
18-29-607.2.2 Piping for recirculation systems having temperature-actuated mixing valves.
18-29-607.3 Thermal expansion control.
18-29-607.3.1 Reserved.
18-29-607.3.2 Reserved.
18-29-607.4 Flow of hot water to fixtures.
18-29-607.5 Insulation of piping.
18-29-607.6 Expansion joints.
18-29-608 Protection of Potable Water Supply.
18-29-608.1 General.
18-29-608.2 Plumbing fixtures.
18-29-608.3 Water supply pipes.
18-29-608.3.1 Special equipment, water supply protection.
18-29-608.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-608.5 Secondary water.
18-29-608.6 Prohibited use of secondary water.
18-29-608.6.1 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.7 Stop-and-waste valves prohibited.
18-29-608.8 Identification of potable and nonpotable water.
18-29-608.9 Re-utilization prohibited.
18-29-608.10 Reuse of piping.
18-29-608.11 Painting of water tanks.
18-29-608.12 Pumps and other appliances.
18-29-608.13 Backflow protection.
18-29-608.13.1 Air gap.
18-29-608.13.2 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers.
18-29-608.13.3 Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent.
18-29-608.13.4 Barometric loop.
18-29-608.13.5 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers.
18-29-608.13.6 Double check-valve assemblies.
18-29-608.14 Location of backflow preventers.
18-29-608.15 Protection of potable water outlets.
18-29-608.16 Connections to the potable water system.
18-29-608.16.1 Beverage carbonator.
18-29-608.16.1.1 Backflow preventer.
18-29-608.16.2 High-pressure steam boilers.
18-29-608.16.3 Connections to automatic fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems.
18-29-608.16.4 Fire protection equipment, risers, standpipes, tanks to be drained and flushed.
18-29-608.16.5 Fire-extinguishing equipment cross- connection.
18-29-608.16.5.1 Prohibitions.
18-29-608.16.6 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.1 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.2 Water flushing or cooling.
18-29-608.16.6.3 Chemical, contaminated water, or sewage lines or vessels.
18-29-608.16.7 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-608.16.8 Portable cleaning equipment.
18-29-608.16.9 Dental pump equipment.
18-29-608.17 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.17.1 Well locations.
18-29-608.17.1.1 Distances.
18-29-608.17.1.2 Direct connections.
18-29-609 Health Care Plumbing.
18-29-609.1 General.
18-29-609.1.1 Where required.
18-29-609.2 Water service.
18-29-609.3 Hot water.
18-29-609.4 Vacuum breaker installation.
18-29-609.5 Prohibited water closet and clinical sink supply.
18-29-609.6 Clinical, hydrotherapeutic and radiological equipment.
18-29-609.7 Condensate drain trap seal.
18-29-609.8 Valve leakage diverter.
18-29-610 Disinfection of Potable Water System.
18-29-610.1 Scope.
18-29-611 Water Treatment Units.
18-29-611.1 Design.
18-29-611.2 Reverse osmosis systems.
Article 7. Sanitary Drainage
18-29-701 General.
18-29-701.1 Scope.
18-29-701.2 Sewer required.
18-29-701.3 Separate building sewer connection.
18-29-701.4 Sewage treatment.
18-29-701.5 Damage to drainage system or public sewer.
18-29-701.6 Tests.
18-29-701.7 Connections.
18-29-701.8 Notification of wrecking buildings and sealing or abandoning sewer facilities.
18-29-702 Materials.
18-29-702.1 Above-ground sanitary drainage and vent pipe.
18-29-702.1.1 Mixed-occupancy buildings.
18-29-702.2 Underground building sanitary drainage and vent pipe.
18-29-702.3 Building sewer pipe.
18-29-702.4 Fittings.
18-29-702.5 Temperature rating.
18-29-702.5.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.2 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.3 Reserved.
18-29-702.6 Chemical waste system.
18-29-702.6.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.6.2 Reserved.
18-29-702.7 Reserved.
18-29-702.8 Safe pans.
18-29-702.8.1 Material.
18-29-702.8.2 Construction.
18-29-703 Building Sewer.
18-29-703.1 Building sewers, building drains or drainage systems installed near the water pipes and water supply system.
18-29-703.2 Drainage pipe in filled ground.
18-29-703.3 Sanitary and storm sewers.
18-29-703.3.1 Combined sewers.
18-29-703.4 Existing building sewers and drains.
18-29-703.4.1 Inspection of existing underground building sewers for drain and reuse.
18-29-704 Drainage Piping and Installation.
18-29-704.1 Slope of horizontal drainage piping.
18-29-704.2 Change in size.
18-29-704.3 Connections to offsets and bases of stacks.
18-29-704.4 Future fixtures.
18-29-704.5 Reserved.
18-29-704.5.1 Reserved.
18-29-704.5.2 Reserved.
18-29-705 Joints.
18-29-705.1 General.
18-29-705.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.4 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.3 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.4 Reserved.
18-29-705.5 Cast iron.
18-29-705.5.1 Caulked joints.
18-29-705.5.2 Compression gasket joints.
18-29-705.5.3 Mechanical joint coupling.
18-29-705.6 Concrete joints.
18-29-705.7 Copper pipe.
18-29-705.7.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.7.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.7.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.7.4 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.7.5 Welded joints.
18-29-705.8 Copper tubing.
18-29-705.8.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.8.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.8.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.9 Borosilicate glass joints.
18-29-705.9.1 Caulked joints.
18-29-705.10 Steel.
18-29-705.10.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.10.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.11 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.12 PVC plastic.
18-29-705.12.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.12.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-705.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.13 Vitrified clay.
18-29-705.14 Polyethylene plastic.
18-29-705.14.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.14.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.15 Polyolefin plastic.
18-29-705.15.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.15.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints.
18-29-705.16 Polyvinylidene fluoride plastic.
18-29-705.16.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.16.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints.
18-29-705.17 Reserved.
18-29-705.18 Joints between different materials.
18-29-705.18.1 Copper pipe or tubing to cast-iron hub pipe.
18-29-705.18.2 Copper or copper-alloy pipe or tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-705.18.3 Cast-iron pipe to galvanized steel or brass pipe.
18-29-705.18.4 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material.
18-29-705.18.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.18.6 Borosilicate glass to other materials.
18-29-705.18.7 Stainless steel drainage systems to other materials.
18-29-705.19 Drainage slip joints.
18-29-705.20 Caulking ferrules.
18-29-705.21 Reserved.
18-29-705.22 Stainless steel drainage systems.
18-29-706 Connections Between Drainage Piping And Fixtures.
18-29-706.1 Connections and changes in direction.
18-29-706.2 Obstructions.
18-29-706.3 Installation of fittings.
18-29-707 Prohibited Joints and Connections.
18-29-707.1 Prohibited joints.
18-29-708 Cleanouts.
18-29-708.1 Scope.
18-29-708.2 Cleanout plugs.
18-29-708.3 Where required.
18-29-708.3.1 Horizontal drains within buildings.
18-29-708.3.2 Building sewers.
18-29-708.3.3 Changes of direction.
18-29-708.3.4 Base of stack.
18-29-708.3.5 Building drain and building sewer junction.
18-29-708.3.6 Manholes.
18-29-708.4 Concealed piping.
18-29-708.5 Opening direction.
18-29-708.6 Prohibited installation.
18-29-708.7 Minimum size.
18-29-708.8 Pipes 8 inches and larger.
18-29-708.9 Clearances.
18-29-708.10 Access.
18-29-709 Fixture Units.
18-29-709.1 Values for fixtures.
18-29-709.2 Fixtures not listed in Table 18-29-709.1.
18-29-709.3 Conversion of gpm flow to dfu values.
18-29-709.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-709.5 Values for indirect waste receptor.
18-29-709.5.1 Clear-water waste receptors.
18-29-710 Drainage System Sizing.
18-29-710.1 Maximum fixture unit load.
18-29-710.1.1 Sizing building drains and building sewers for combined sanitary and storm drainage.
18-29-710.1.2 Minimum size.
18-29-710.1.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-710.1.4 Vertical stack offsets.
18-29-710.2 Future fixtures.
18-29-710.3 Underground drainage piping.
18-29-711 Offsets in Drainage Piping in Buildings of Five Stories or More.
18-29-711.1 Horizontal branch connections above or below vertical stack offsets.
18-29-711.1.1 Omission of vents for vertical stack offsets.
18-29-711.2 Horizontal branch connections to horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.1 Omission of vents for horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.2 Suds pressure zones.
18-29-711.3.2.1 Height.
18-29-711.3.2.2 Upstream.
18-29-711.3.2.3 Downstream.
18-29-711.4 Offsets below lowest branch.
18-29-712 Sumps and Ejectors.
18-29-712.1 Building drains below sewer.
18-29-712.2 Check and gate valve required.
18-29-712.3 Sump design.
18-29-712.3.1 Sump pump.
18-29-712.3.2 Sump pit.
18-29-712.3.3 Discharge piping.
18-29-712.3.4 Maximum effluent level.
18-29-712.3.5 Ejector connection to the drainage system.
18-29-712.4 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors.
18-29-712.4.1 Capacity.
18-29-712.4.2 Duplex equipment required.
18-29-713 Health Care Plumbing.
18-29-713.1 Scope.
18-29-713.2 Bedpan washers and clinical sinks.
18-29-713.3 Indirect waste.
18-29-713.4 Vacuum system station.
18-29-713.5 Bottle system.
18-29-713.6 Central disposal system equipment.
18-29-713.7 Central vacuum or disposal systems.
18-29-713.7.1 Piping.
18-29-713.7.2 Velocity.
18-29-713.8 Vent connections prohibited.
18-29-713.9 Local vents and stacks for bedpan washers.
18-29-713.9.1 Multiple installations.
18-29-713.9.2 Trap required.
18-29-713.9.3 Trap seal maintenance.
18-29-713.10 Sterilizer vents and stacks.
18-29-713.10.1 Drainage.
18-29-713.11 Sterilizer vent stack sizes.
18-29-713.11.1 Bedpan steamers.
18-29-713.11.2 Boiling-type sterilizers.
18-29-713.11.3 Pressure sterilizers.
18-29-713.11.4 Pressure instrument washer sterilizer sizes.
18-29-714 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-715 Backwater Valves.
18-29-715.1 Sewage backflow.
18-29-715.2 Fixture branches.
18-29-715.3 Material.
18-29-715.4 Seal.
18-29-715.5 Diameter.
18-29-715.6 Location.
18-29-716 Flood Control.
18-29-716.1 Flood control devices.
18-29-716.2 Flood control systems.
Article 8. Indirect/Special Waste
18-29-801 General.
18-29-801.1 Scope.
18-29-801.2 Protection.
18-29-802 Indirect Wastes.
18-29-802.1 Where required.
18-29-802.1.1 Food handling.
18-29-802.1.2 Floor drains in food storage areas.
18-29-802.1.3 Potable clear-water waste and swimming pools.
18-29-802.1.4 Nonpotable clear-water waste.
18-29-802.1.5 Waste piping.
18-29-802.1.6 Commercial dishwashing machines.
18-29-802.1.7 Sinks.
18-29-802.2 Materials, joints and connections.
18-29-802.3 Installation.
18-29-802.3.1 Air gap.
18-29-802.3.2 Air break.
18-29-802.4 Waste receptors.
18-29-802.3.1 Size of receptors.
18-29-802.3.2 Open hub drains.
18-29-802.3.1 Standpipes.
18-29-803 Special Wastes.
18-29-803.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-803.2 Neutralizing device required for corrosive wastes.
18-29-803.3 System design.
18-29-803.4 Volatile wastes.
18-29-804 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-804.1 General.
18-29-804.2 Acid waste piping material.
18-29-805 Waste Water Control.
18-29-805.1 Preliminary treatment.
18-29-805.1.1 Approval.
18-29-805.2 Prohibited wastes.
18-29-805.2.1 Maximum concentration.
18-29-805.2.2 Types of discharge.
18-29-805.3 Discharges of clean waters.
18-29-805.4 Manholes.
18-29-805.4.1 Use and permit.
18-29-805.5 Gauging and sampling.
18-29-805.5.1 Legal or financial obligation.
18-29-805.6 Sampling methods.
18-29-805.7 Analyses.
18-29-805.7.1 Preliminary treatment.
18-29-805.7.2 Written approval.
Article 9. Vents
18-29-901 General.
18-29-901.1 Scope.
18-29-901.2 Trap seal protection.
18-29-901.2.1 Venting required.
18-29-901.3 Chemical waste vent system.
18-29-901.4 Use limitations.
18-29-901.5 Tests.
18-29-901.6 Protection from freezing.
18-29-902 Materials.
18-29-902.1 Vents.
18-29-902.2 Sheet copper.
18-29-902.3 Sheet lead.
18-29-903 Vent Stacks and Stack Vents.
18-29-903.1 Main vent required.
18-29-903.2 Vent stack required.
18-29-903.3 Vent termination.
18-29-903.4 Vent connection at base.
18-29-903.5 Vent headers.
18-29-904 Vent Terminals.
18-29-904.1 Vent terminals required.
18-29-904.1.1 Roof extension unprotected.
18-29-904.1.2 Occupiable rooftop.
18-29-904.1.3 Reserved.
18-29-904.1.4 Sidewall vent terminal.
18-29-904.2 Frost closure.
18-29-904.3 Flashings.
18-29-904.4 Prohibited use.
18-29-904.5 Location of vent terminal.
18-29-904.6 Extension outside a structure.
18-29-905 Vent Connections and Grades.
18-29-905.1 Connection.
18-29-905.2 Grade.
18-29-905.3 Vent connection to drainage system.
18-29-905.4 Vertical rise of vent.
18-29-905.5 Height above fixtures.
18-29-905.6 Side inlet.
18-29-905.7 Vent for future fixtures.
18-29-906 Fixture Vents.
18-29-906.1 Distance of trap from vent.
18-29-906.2 Venting of fixture drains.
18-29-906.3 Crown vent.
18-29-907 Individual Vent.
18-29-907.1 Individual vent permitted.
18-29-908 Common Vent.
18-29-908.1 Individual vent as common vent.
18-29-908.2 Connection at the same level.
18-29-908.3 Connection of different levels.
18-29-909 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-910 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-911 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-912 Combination Drain and Vent System.
18-29-912.1 Type of fixtures.
18-29-912.2 Waste piping and trap.
18-29-912.2.1 Branches.
18-29-912.2.2 Sinks, lavatories, and other fixtures.
18-29-912.2.3 Long mains.
18-29-912.2.4 Floor drains.
18-29-912.3 Size.
18-29-913 Island Fixture Venting.
18-29-913.1 Limitation.
18-29-913.2 Vent connection.
18-29-913.3 Vent installation below the fixture flood level rim.
18-29-914 Relief Vents – Stacks of More Than 10 Branch Intervals.
18-29-914.1 Where required.
18-29-914.2 Size and connection.
18-29-915 Vents for Stack Offsets.
18-29-915.1 Vent for horizontal offset of drainage stack.
18-29-915.2 Upper section.
18-29-915.3 Lower section.
18-29-916 Vent Pipe Sizing.
18-29-916.1 Size of stack vents and vent stacks.
18-29-916.2 Vents other than stack vents or vent stacks.
18-29-916.3 Developed length.
18-29-916.4 Multiple branch vents.
18-29-916.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-916.5 Sump vents.
18-29-916.5.1 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors other than pneumatic.
18-29-916.5.2 Pneumatic sewage ejectors.
18-29-917 Vents Not Required.
18-29-917.1 Not required.
18-29-918 Deliberately omitted.
Article 10. Traps, Separators and Interceptors
18-29-1001 General.
18-29-1001.1 Scope.
18-29-1002 Trap Requirements.
18-29-1002.1 Fixture traps.
18-29-1002.1.1 Open plumbing.
18-29-1002.1.2 Traps underground.
18-29-1002.1.3 Animal facilities and barn drainage.
18-29-1002.1.4 Basement floor drains.
18-29-1002.1.5 Backwater valves.
18-29-1002.2 Design of traps.
18-29-1002.3 Prohibited traps.
18-29-1002.4 Trap seals.
18-29-1002.5 Size of fixture traps.
18-29-1002.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1002.7 Trap setting and protection.
18-29-1002.8 Recess for trap connection.
18-29-1002.9 Acid-resisting traps.
18-29-1002.10 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-1003 Interceptors and Separators.
18-29-1003.1 Where required.
18-29-1003.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-1003.2 Approval.
18-29-1003.3 Grease interceptors.
18-29-1003.3.1 Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices required.
18-29-1003.3.2 Food waste disposers restriction.
18-29-1003.3.3 Additives to grease interceptors.
18-29-1003.3.4 Reserved.
18-29-1003.3.5 Hydromechanical grease interceptors; fats, oils and greases disposal systems and automatic grease removal devices.
18-29-1003.3.5.1 Grease interceptor capacity.
18-29-1003.3.5.2 Rate of flow controls.
18-29-1003.3.6 Automatic grease removal devices.
18-29-1003.3.7 Gravity grease interceptors and gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems.
18-29-1003.3.8 Engineered gravity grease interceptors (grease catch basin).
18-29-1003.3.8.1 Location and construction.
18-29-1003.3.8.2 Basin cover.
18-29-1003.3.9 Direct connection.
18-29-1003.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1003.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-1003.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1003.6 Volatile waste separator.
18-29-1003.6.1 Garages.
18-29-1003.7 Separation of liquids.
18-29-1003.7.1 General design requirements.
18-29-1003.7.2 Garage and service stations.
18-29-1003.8 Sand interceptors in commercial establishments.
18-29-1003.9 Laundries.
18-29-1003.10 Bottling establishments.
18-29-1003.11 Slaughterhouses.
18-29-1003.12 Venting of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1003.13 Access and maintenance of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1004 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-1004.1 General.
Article 11. Storm Drainage
18-29-1101 General.
18-29-1101.1 Scope.
18-29-1101.2 Where required.
18-29-1101.2.1 Roof drainage and downspouts.
18-29-1101.2.2 Drainage of areas and yards.
18-29-1101.2.3 Storm runoff.
18-29-1101.3 Prohibited drainage.
18-29-1101.4 Tests.
18-29-1101.5 Continuous flow.
18-29-1101.6 Fittings and connections.
18-29-1101.7 Roof design.
18-29-1101.8 Cleanouts required.
18-29-1101.9 Backwater valves.
18-29-1102 Materials.
18-29-1102.1 General.
18-29-1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors.
18-29-1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe.
18-29-1102.4 Building storm sewer standards.
18-29-1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe.
18-29-1102.6 Roof drains.
18-29-1102.7 Fittings.
18-29-1103 Traps.
18-29-1103.1 Main trap.
18-29-1103.2 Material.
18-29-1103.3 Size.
18-29-1103.4 Cleanout.
18-29-1104 Conductors and Connections.
18-29-1104.1 Prohibited use.
18-29-1104.1.1 District sewer lines.
18-29-1104.2 Combining storm with sanitary drainage.
18-29-1104.2.1 Separate sewer systems.
18-29-1104.3 Floor drains.
18-29-1105 Roof Drains.
18-29-1105.1 Strainers.
18-29-1105.2 Flat decks.
18-29-1105.3 Roof drain flashing.
18-29-1105.4 Maximum area.
18-29-1106 Size of Conductors, Leaders and Storm Drains.
18-29-1106.1 General.
18-29-1106.2 Vertical conductors and leaders.
18-29-1106.3 Building storm drains and sewers.
18-29-1106.4 Vertical walls.
18-29-1106.5 Parapet wall scupper location.
18-29-1106.6 Size of roof gutters.
18-29-1107 Fines.
18-29-1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm System.
18-29-1108.1 Size of combined drains and sewers.
18-29-1109 Values for Continuous Flow.
18-29-1109.1 Equivalent roof area.
18-29-1110 Controlled Flow Roof Drain Systems.
18-29-1110.1 General.
18-29-1110.1.1 Design.
18-29-1110.2 Control devices.
18-29-1110.3 Installation.
18-29-1110.4 Minimum number of roof drains.
18-29-1111 Sumps.
18-29-1111.1 Subsoil drains.
18-29-1111.2 Building subdrains.
18-29-1111.3 Pumping system.
18-29-1111.3.1 Pump capacity and head.
18-29-1111.3.2 Construction.
18-29-1111.3.3 Electrical.
18-29-1111.3.4 Piping.
Article 12. Swimming Pools and Other Swimming Facilities
18-29-1201 General.
18-29-1201.1 Scope.
18-29-1202 Nonprivate Swimming Pools.
18-29-1202.1 Scope.
18-29-1202.2 Additional requirements.
18-29-1202.3 Location.
18-29-1202.4 Permit required.
18-29-1202.5 Construction requirements.
18-29-1202.5.1 Illinois Swimming Facility Code.
18-29-1202.5.2 Water source.
18-29-1202.5.3 Piping materials.
18-29-1202.5.4 Cleanouts.
18-29-1202.5.5 Working space.
18-29-1203 Bather Preparation Facilities.
18-29-1203.1 Scope.
18-29-1203.2 General design requirements.
18-29-1203.2.1 Separate facilities.
18-29-1203.2.2 Floors.
18-29-1203.2.3 Light and ventilation.
18-29-1203.2.4 Hose bibbs.
18-29-1203.2.5 Large facilities.
18-29-1203.3 Showers, water closets and lavatories.
18-29-1203.3.1 School facilities.
18-29-1203.4 Dressing rooms.
18-29-1203.5 Foot spray.
18-29-1203.6 Drinking fountains.
18-29-1204 Private Residential Swimming Pools.
18-29-1204.1 Scope.
18-29-1204.2 Location.
18-29-1204.3 Permit required.
18-29-1204.4 Construction requirements.
18-29-1204.4.1 Recirculation pools.
18-29-1204.4.2 Materials.
18-29-1204.4.3 Structural design.
18-29-1204.4.4 Pool deck.
18-29-1204.4.5 Enclosure.
18-29-1204.4.6 Slope.
18-29-1204.4.7 Steps or ladders.
18-29-1204.4.8 Overflow gutters.
18-29-1204.4.9 Inlets.
18-29-1204.4.9.1 Water recirculation system inlets.
18-29-1204.4.9.2 Makeup water.
18-29-1204.4.9.3 Water systems construction conformance.
18-29-1204.4.10 Outlets.
18-29-1204.4.10.1 Water recirculation system outlets.
18-29-1204.4.10.2 Drainage system.
18-29-1204.4.10.3 Drain water discharge.
18-29-1204.4.11 Recirculation system and appurtenances.
18-29-1204.4.11.1 Required apparatuses.
18-29-1204.4.11.2 Water volume turnover.
18-29-1204.4.11.3 Pump capacity.
18-29-1204.4.11.4 Backwash filter rate.
18-29-1204.4.11.5 Hair and lint strainer.
18-29-1204.4.11.6 Pressure filters.
18-29-1204.4.11.7 Disinfection equipment.
18-29-1204.4.11.8 Gaseous chlorination systems prohibited.
18-29-1204.5 Water source.
18-29-1204.6 Safety.
18-29-1204.7 Seasonal operation.
18-29-1204.8 Maintenance.
Article 13. Referenced Standards
18-29-1301 Referenced Standards.
18-29-1301.1 General.
Article 1. Administration (18-29-101 et seq.)
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 328)
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 329)
The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, installation, quality of materials, location, operation, and maintenance or use of plumbing equipment and systems.