Article I. Openings, Construction and Repair in Public Ways
10-20-010 Definitions.
10-20-020 Safe closure of the public way.
10-20-030 Reserved.
10-20-040 Reserved.
10-20-050 Reserved.
10-20-100 License.
10-20-105 License application.
10-20-110 License renewal.
10-20-115 Insurance required for license.
10-20-120 Letter of credit required for license.
10-20-125 Letter of credit – Conditions for draw.
10-20-130 License suspension.
10-20-135 License revocation.
10-20-140 Suspension or revocation – Procedure and scope.
10-20-145 License violations – Penalty.
10-20-150 Permit – Fees – Issuance.
10-20-155 Pavement restoration.
10-20-160 Tearing up public ways.
10-20-165 Reserved.
Article II. Underground Transmitting Devices
10-20-200 Definitions.
10-20-203 Tunneling – Permit.
10-20-205 Underground work in streets to be improved.
10-20-210 Construction of conduit system.
10-20-215 Plans for conduit system.
10-20-220 Materials and cost of conduit system.
10-20-230 Utilidor use – Permit and fees.
10-20-240 Rules.
10-20-250 Violation – Penalty.
Article III. Private Paving
10-20-300 Board of local improvements authorization.
10-20-305 Notice.
Article IV. Driveways
10-20-390 Definitions.
10-20-400 Supervision.
10-20-405 Use of public way permit required.
10-20-410 Permit application – Insurance required.
10-20-415 Application – Insurance – Notice – Appeal.
10-20-420 Permit classes and fees.
10-20-425 Plans and specifications.
10-20-430 Commercial driveway permits.
10-20-435 Alley access to parking structure permitted when.
10-20-440 Construction.
10-20-442 Driveways rendered unusable – Removal and restoration.
10-20-445 Permits – Revocation.
10-20-447 Reserved.
10-20-450 Violation – Penalty.
Article V. Streets, Curbs and Sidewalks
10-20-500 Curb alignment.
10-20-505 Construction specifications.
10-20-510 Nonstandard surface material.
10-20-515 Nameplates.
10-20-520 Sidewalk Line.
10-20-525 Curbing.
10-20-530 Width of sidewalk.
10-20-535 Level of sidewalk.
10-20-540 Grade.
10-20-545 Sidewalk ramps.
10-20-550 Slope.
10-20-555 Violation – Penalty.
Article VI. Barricades
10-20-600 Barricade for new pavement.
10-20-605 Barricade of street openings and obstructions.
10-20-610 Warning lights.
10-20-615 Liability for damages.
Article VII. Viaducts
10-20-700 Definition.
10-20-705 License and permit required.
10-20-710 Specifications and plans.
10-20-715 Violation – Penalty.
Article VIII. Miscellaneous
10-20-800 Violation – Penalty.
10-20-805 Enforcement of provisions.
10-20-810 Authority to cite.
10-20-815 License and permit not exclusive.
10-20-820 Permittee responsible for agent.
For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply:
"Discipline" means any component activity of excavation performed by a permittee, subcontractor, or other person required to obtain an excavation permit.
"Excavation" has the same meaning ascribed to that term in Section 10-21-020.
"Restore" means restoration or replacement of the pavement, components of the pavement, or other materials to at least the condition that the pavement, components of the pavement, or other materials were in before the work contemplated by this article was commenced.
"Substantial owner" means any person or entity holding a 25 percent or greater ownership interest in any firm, partnership, limited partnership, corporation or limited liability company; provided, however, that where no person or entity holds such an ownership interest, substantial owner shall mean each of the four persons or entities with the largest ownership interests; provided further, that with regard to an individual or sole proprietorship, substantial owner means that individual or sole proprietorship.
(Added Coun. J. 11-7-22, p. 55595, Art. V, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 1-14-97, p. 37762, § 12, renumbered former § 10-20-010 as § 10-20-150.