Article 1. Administration
18-29-101 General.
18-29-101.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-101.2 Scope.
18-29-101.2.1 Department of Water Management requirements.
18-29-101.2.2 Department of Water requirements.
18-29-101.3 Intent
18-29-101.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-102 Applicability.
18-29-102.1 General.
18-29-102.2 Existing installations.
18-29-102.3 Maintenance.
18-29-102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
18-29-102.5 Change in occupancy.
18-29-102.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-102.7 Moved buildings.
18-29-102.8 Referenced codes and standards.
18-29-102.9 Requirements not covered by chapter.
18-29-103 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-104 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-105 Approval.
18-29-105.1 Modifications.
18-29-105.2 Alternative materials, methods and equipment.
18-29-105.3 Required testing.
18-29-105.3.1 Test methods.
18-29-105.3.2 Testing agency.
18-29-105.3.3 Test reports.
18-29-105.4 Alternative engineered design.
18-29-105.4.1 Design criteria.
18-29-105.4.2 Submittal.
18-29-105.4.3 Technical data.
18-29-105.4.4 Construction documents.
18-29-105.4.5 Design approval.
18-29-105.4.6 Inspection and testing.
18-29-105.5 Material and equipment reuse.
18-29-106 Permits.
18-29-106.1 General.
18-29-106.2 Reserved.
18-29-107 Violations.
18-29-107.1 General.
Article 2. Definitions
18-29-201 General.
18-29-201.1 Scope.
18-29-201.2 Interchangeability.
18-29-201.3 Terms defined in other provisions.
18-29-201.4 Terms not defined.
18-29-202 General definitions.
Article 3. General Regulations
18-29-301 General.
18-29-301.1 Scope.
18-29-301.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-301.1.2 Reserved.
18-29-301.2 System installation.
18-29-301.3 Connections to drainage system.
18-29-301.4 Connections to water supply.
18-29-301.5 Pipe, tube and fitting sizes.
18-29-301.6 Prohibited locations.
18-29-301.7 Conflicts.
18-29-302 Exclusion of Materials Detrimental to the Sewer System.
18-29-302.1 Detrimental or dangerous materials.
18-29-302.2 Industrial wastes.
18-29-303 Materials.
18-29-303.1 Identification.
18-29-303.2 Installation of materials.
18-29-303.3 Plastic pipe, fittings and components.
18-29-303.4 Third-party certification.
18-29-303.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-303.4.2.3 Reserved.
18-29-303.5 Cast-iron soil pipe, fittings and components.
18-29-304 Rodent-Proofing.
18-29-304.1 General.
18-29-304.2 Strainer plates.
18-29-304.3 Meter boxes.
18-29-304.4 Openings for pipes.
18-29-305 Protection of Pipes and Plumbing System Components.
18-29-305.1 Protection against contact.
18-29-305.2 Reserved.
18-29-305.3 Stress and strain.
18-29-305.4 Reserved.
18-29-305.5 Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls.
18-29-305.6 Freezing.
18-29-305.6.1 Sewer depth.
18-29-305.6.2 Water main depth.
18-29-305.7 Waterproofing of openings.
18-29-305.8 Protection against physical damage.
18-29-305.9 Protection of components of plumbing system.
18-29-306 Trenching, Excavation and Backfill.
18-29-306.1 Support of piping.
18-29-306.2 Trenching and bedding.
18-29-306.2.1 Overexcavation.
18-29-306.2.2 Rock removal.
18-29-306.2.3 Soft loadbearing materials.
18-29-306.3 Backfilling.
18-29-306.4 Tunneling.
18-29-306.5 Reserved.
18-29-307 Structural Safety.
18-29-307.1 General.
18-29-307.2 Cutting, notching or boring of holes.
18-29-307.3 Penetrations of floor/ceiling assemblies and fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
18-29-307.4 Protection of footings.
18-29-307.5 Alterations to trusses.
18-29-307.6 Piping material exposed within plenums.
18-29-308 Piping Support.
18-29-308.1 General.
18-29-308.2 Piping seismic supports.
18-29-308.3 Materials.
18-29-308.4 Structural attachment.
18-29-308.5 Interval of support.
18-29-308.6 Sway bracing.
18-29-308.7 Anchorage.
18-29-308.7.1 Location.
18-29-308.8 Expansion joint fittings.
18-29-308.8.1 Vertical expansion.
18-29-308.9 Stacks.
18-29-308.10 Parallel water distribution systems.
18-29-308.11 Thermal expansion tanks.
18-29-309 Floodproofing.
18-29-309.1 General.
18-29-309.1.1 Base flood elevation.
18-29-309.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-310 Washroom and Toilet Room Requirements.
18-29-310.1 Light and ventilation.
18-29-310.2 Location of fixtures and compartments.
18-29-310.3 Interior finish.
18-29-310.4 Reserved.
18-29-311 Toilet Facilities for Workers.
18-29-311.1 General.
18-29-312 Tests and Inspections.
18-29-312.1 Required tests.
18-29-312.2 Drainage and vent water test.
18-29-312.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-312.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-312.5 Water supply system test.
18-29-312.6 Gravity sewer test.
18-29-312.7 Forced sewer test.
18-29-312.8 Storm drainage system test.
18-29-312.9 Cross connection control device inspections.
18-29-313 Equipment Efficiencies.
18-29-313.1 General.
18-29-314 Condensate Disposal.
18-29-314.1 Fuel-burning appliances.
18-29-314.2 Evaporators and cooling coils.
18-29-314.2.1 Condensate disposal.
18-29-314.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes.
18-29-314.2.3 Auxiliary and secondary drain systems.
18-29-314.2.3.1 Water-level monitoring devices.
18-29-314.2.3.2 Appliance, equipment and insulation in pans.
18-29-314.2.4 Traps.
18-29-314.2.4.1 Ductless mini-split system traps.
18-29-314.2.5 Drain line maintenance.
18-29-315 Penetrations.
18-29-315.1 Sealing of annular spaces.
Article 4. Fixtures, Faucets and Fixture Fittings
18-29-401 General.
18-29-401.1 Scope.
18-29-401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections.
18-29-401.3 Water conservation.
18-29-401.4 Reserved.
18-29-401.5 Reserved.
18-29-401.6 Conflicts.
18-29-402 Fixture Materials.
18-29-402.1 Quality of fixtures.
18-29-402.1.1 Used fixtures.
18-29-402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures.
18-29-402.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-402.4 Sheet lead.
18-29-402.5 Fixture strainer.
18-29-402.6 Fixture overflow.
18-29-403 Minimum Plumbing Facilities.
18-29-403.1 Minimum number of fixtures.
18-29-403.1.1 Number of occupants.
18-29-403.1.2 Minimum fixture calculations.
18-29-403.1.3 Single-user toilet rooms and bathing rooms.
18-29-403.1.3.1 Signage.
18-29-403.1.3.2 Lock.
18-29-403.1.3.3 Enclosure.
18-29-403.1.3.4 Waste receptacle.
18-29-403.1.4 Lavatory distribution.
18-29-403.2 Separate facilities.
18-29-403.2.1 Nonseparate facilities.
18-29-403.2.1.1 Number of fixtures.
18-29-403.2.1.2 Water closet compartments.
18-29-403. Enclosure.
18-29-403. Lock.
18-29-403. Waste receptacle.
18-29-403.2.1.3 Urinals.
18-29-403.2.1.4 Proximity to single-user toilet room.
18-29-403.2.1.5 Entrance.
18-29-403.3 Public and employee toilet facilities.
18-29-403.3.1 Access.
18-29-403.3.2 Prohibited location.
18-29-403.3.3 Location.
18-29-403.3.4 Reserved.
18-29-403.3.5 Pay facilities.
18-29-403.3.6 Door locking.
18-29-403.4 Reserved.
18-29-403.5 Drinking fountain location.
18-29-403.6 Service sink location.
18-29-403.6.1 Reserved.
18-29-403.6.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-403.7 Community toilet facilities.
18-29-403.8 Reserved.
18-29-403.9 Reserved.
18-29-404 Accessible Plumbing Facilities.
18-29-404.1 Where required.
18-29-404.2 Accessible fixture requirements.
18-29-405 Installation of Fixtures.
18-29-405.1 Water supply protection.
18-29-405.2 Access for cleaning.
18-29-405.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-405.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-405.3 Setting.
18-29-405.3.1 Water closets, lavatories and bidets.
18-29-405.3.2 Access to lavatories.
18-29-405.3.3 Location of fixtures and piping.
18-29-405.3.4 Water closet compartment.
18-29-405.3.5 Urinal partitions.
18-29-405.4 Floor and wall drainage connections.
18-29-405.4.1 Floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.1.1 Hard lead floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.2 Securing floor outlet fixtures.
18-29-405.4.3 Securing wall-hung water closet bowls.
18-29-405.5 Water-tight joints.
18-29-405.6 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-405.7 Design of overflows.
18-29-405.7.1 Connection of overflows.
18-29-405.8 Access to concealed connections.
18-29-406 Automatic Clothes Washers.
18-29-406.1 Water connection.
18-29-406.2 Waste connection.
18-29-406.3 Reserved.
18-29-407 Bathtubs.
18-29-407.1 Approval.
18-29-407.2 Bathtub waste outlets.
18-29-407.3 Glazing.
18-29-408 Bidets.
18-29-408.1 Approval.
18-29-408.2 Water connection.
18-29-409 Dishwashing Machines.
18-29-409.1 Approval.
18-29-409.2 Water connection.
18-29-409.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-409.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-409.3 Waste connection.
18-29-409.3.1 Reserved.
18-29-409.4 Residential dishwasher waste connection.
18-29-410 Drinking Fountains.
18-29-410.1 Approval.
18-29-410.2 Reserved.
18-29-410.3 Accessible drinking fountains.
18-29-410.4 Substitution.
18-29-410.5 Prohibited location.
18-29-411 Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations.
18-29-411.1 Water connection.
18-29-411.2 Waste connection.
18-29-412 Floor and Trench Drains.
18-29-412.1 Approval.
18-29-412.2 Floor drains.
18-29-412.3 Size of floor drains.
18-29-412.4 Where required.
18-29-412.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.3 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.4 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.5 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.6 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.7 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.8 Reserved.
18-29-412.4.9 Reserved.
18-29-412.5 Floor slope.
18-29-413 Food Waste Disposer Units.
18-29-413.1 Approval.
18-29-413.2 Domestic food waste disposer waste outlets.
18-29-413.3 Commercial food waste disposer waste outlets.
18-29-413.4 Water supply required.
18-29-414 Garbage Can Washers.
18-29-414.1 Water connection.
18-29-414.2 Waste connection.
18-29-415 Laundry Trays.
18-29-415.1 Approval.
18-29-415.2 Waste outlet.
18-29-416 Lavatories.
18-29-416.1 Approval.
18-29-416.2 Cultured marble lavatories.
18-29-416.3 Lavatory waste outlets.
18-29-416.4 Movable lavatory systems.
18-29-416.5 Tempered water for public handwashing facilities.
18-29-417 Showers.
18-29-417.1 Approval.
18-29-417.2 Water supply riser.
18-29-417.3 Shower waste outlet.
18-29-417.4 Shower compartments.
18-29-417.4.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-417.4.2 Wall area.
18-29-417.4.3 Shower installation.
18-29-417.4.4 Water temperature safety.
18-29-417.4.5 Dimensions.
18-29-417.4.6 Materials.
18-29-417.4.7 Public or institution showers.
18-29-417.5 Shower floor or receptors.
18-29-417.5.1 Support.
18-29-417.5.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-417.6 Glazing.
18-29-418 Sinks.
18-29-418.1 Approval.
18-29-418.2 Sink waste outlets.
18-29-418.2.1 Facilities with no range oven.
18-29-418.3 Movable sink systems.
18-29-419 Urinals.
18-29-419.1 Approval.
18-29-419.2 Substitution for water closets.
18-29-419.3 Urinals for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-419.4 Surrounding material.
18-29-420 Water Closets.
18-29-420.1 Approval.
18-29-420.2 Water closets for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-420.3 Water closet seats.
18-29-420.4 Water closet connections.
18-29-420.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-420.6 Chemical closets.
18-29-420.7 Reserved.
18-29-421 Whirlpool Bathtubs.
18-29-421.1 Approval.
18-29-421.2 Installation.
18-29-421.3 Drain.
18-29-421.4 Suction fittings.
18-29-422 Health Care Fixtures and Equipment.
18-29-422.1 Scope.
18-29-422.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.7 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.8 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-422.9 Sterilizer equipment requirements.
18-29-422.9.1 Sterilizer piping.
18-29-422.9.2 Steam supply.
18-29-422.9.3 Steam condensate return.
18-29-422.9.4 Condensers.
18-29-422.10 Special elevations.
18-29-423 Specialty Plumbing Fixtures.
18-29-423.1 Water connections.
18-29-423.2 Approval.
18-29-423.3 Footbaths and pedicure baths.
18-29-424 Faucets and Fixture Fittings.
18-29-424.1 Approval.
18-29-424.1.1 Faucets and supply fittings.
18-29-424.1.2 Waste fittings.
18-29-424.2 Hand showers.
18-29-424.3 Individual shower valves.
18-29-424.4 Multiple (gang) showers.
18-29-424.5 Bathtub and whirlpool bathtub valves.
18-29-424.6 Hose-connected outlets.
18-29-424.7 Temperature-actuated, flow-reduction devices for individual fixture fittings.
18-29-424.8 Transfer valves.
18-29-424.9 Water closet personal hygiene devices.
18-29-424.10 Head shampoo sink faucets.
18-29-424.11 Prerinse spray valve.
18-29-425 Flushing Devices for Water Closets and Urinals.
18-29-425.1 Flushing devices required.
18-29-425.1.1 Separate for each fixture.
18-29-425.2 Flushometer valves and tanks.
18-29-425.3 Flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.1 Ball cocks.
18-29-425.3.2 Overflows in flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-425.3.4 Access required.
18-29-425.4 Flush pipes and fittings.
18-29-426 Floor Sinks.
18-29-426.1 Approval.
Article 5. Water Heaters
18-29-501 General.
18-29-501.1 Scope.
18-29-501.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-501.3 Drain valves.
18-29-501.4 Location for access.
18-29-501.5 Water heater labeling.
18-29-501.6 Tankless water heaters.
18-29-501.6.1 Coils.
18-29-501.7 Pressure marking of storage tanks.
18-29-501.8 Temperature controls.
18-29-501.8.1 Instantaneous water heaters.
18-29-501.9 Heat exchangers.
18-29-502 Installation.
18-29-502.1 General.
18-29-502.2 Water heaters installed in non- private garages.
18-29-502.3 Rooms used as a plenum.
18-29-502.4 Prohibited location.
18-29-502.5 Water heaters installed in closets accessed through sleeping rooms or bathrooms.
18-29-502.6 Water heaters installed in attics, basements or other areas.
18-29-503 Connections.
18-29-503.1 Cold water line valve.
18-29-503.1.1 Shutoff valves.
18-29-503.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-504 Safety Devices.
18-29-504.1 Antisiphon devices.
18-29-504.2 Vacuum relief valve.
18-29-504.3 Energy cutoff device.
18-29-504.4 Shutdown.
18-29-504.5 Relief valve.
18-29-504.5.1 Installation.
18-29-504.6 Relief valve approval.
18-29-504.7 Relief outlet waste.
18-29-504.7.1 Discharge.
18-29-504.7.2 Location.
18-29-504.7.3 Materials.
18-29-504.8 Required pan.
18-29-504.8.1 Pan size and drain.
18-29-504.8.2 Pan drain termination.
18-29-505 Insulation.
18-29-505.1 Unfired vessel insulation.
Article 6. Water Supply and Distribution
18-29-601 General.
18-29-601.1 Scope.
18-29-601.2 Inspections and notices.
18-29-601.3 Access for inspections.
18-29-601.4 Solar energy utilization.
18-29-602 Water Required.
18-29-602.1 General.
18-29-602.1.1 Obligations of water consumers.
18-29-602.1.2 Obligations of water consumers – Private water mains on private property.
18-29-602.2 Potable water required.
18-29-602.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-602.4 Reserve water supply.
18-29-602.4.1 Installation of line valves or taps.
18-29-602.4.2 Dual meter settings.
18-29-603 Water Service.
18-29-603.1 Size of water service pipe and water meter.
18-29-603.1.1 Meter spreader connection.
18-29-603.1.2 Water service for fire protection systems.
18-29-603.1.3 Permit required.
18-29-603.2 Separation of water service and building sewer/drain.
18-29-603.2.1 Water supply systems installed near a sewer structure.
18-29-603.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-603.2.3 Backfill.
18-29-603.3 Metered service.
18-29-603.3.1 Authority.
18-29-603.3.2 Connection of nonmetered to metered service.
18-29-603.3.3 Licensed and bonded contractor.
18-29-603.3.4 Location.
18-29-603.3.5 Construction of meter vaults.
18-29-603.3.6 Installation of taps.
18-29-603.3.7 Plans accompany permit application.
18-29-603.3.8 Notification of wrecking buildings for terminating water service.
18-29-604 Design of Building Water Distribution System.
18-29-604.1 General.
18-29-604.2 System interconnection.
18-29-604.3 Water distribution system design criteria.
18-29-604.4 Maximum flow and water consumption.
18-29-604.4.1 WaterSense compliance.
18-29-604.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-604.5 Size of fixture supply.
18-29-604.5.1 Minimum size.
18-29-604.6 Variable street pressures.
18-29-604.7 Inadequate water pressure.
18-29-604.8 Water pressure reducing valve or regulator.
18-29-604.8.1 Reserved.
18-29-604.8.2 Repair and removal.
18-29-604.9 Water hammer.
18-29-604.9.1 Air chambers.
18-29-604.10 Size of water supply pipes.
18-29-604.10.1 Minimum sizes of branch distributing pipes for fixtures and appliances.
18-29-604.10.1.1 Demand load.
18-29-604.10.1.2 Size of piping.
18-29-604.10.1.3 Available pressure.
18-29-604.10.2 Procedures for calculating sizing.
18-29-604.11 Individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings.
18-29-604.11.1 Reserved.
18-29-605 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-605.1 Water compatibility.
18-29-605.2 Soil and ground water.
18-29-605.3 Lead content of water supply pipe and fittings.
18-29-605.3.1 Lead content of drinking water pipe and fittings.
18-29-605.4 Water service pipe.
18-29-605.4.1 Materials for supply pipes and fittings.
18-29-605.5 Water distribution pipe.
18-29-605.6 Fittings.
18-29-605.7 Valves.
18-29-605.8 Manufactured pipe nipples.
18-29-605.9 Prohibited joints and connections.
18-29-605.10 Flexible water connectors.
18-29-605.11 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.12 Brass.
18-29-605.12.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.12.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.12.4 Welded joints.
18-29-605.13 Gray iron and ductile iron joints.
18-29-605.14 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.1 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.2 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.3 Reserved.
18-29-605.14.4 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.14.5 Welded joints.
18-29-605.15 Copper tubing.
18-29-605.15.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.15.2 Flared joints.
18-29-605.15.3 Grooved and shouldered mechanical joints.
18-29-605.15.4 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.15.5 Press-connect joints.
18-29-605.15.6 Soldered joints.
18-29-605.15.7 Push-fit fitting joints.
18-29-605.16 CPVC plastic.
18-29-605.16.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.16.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-605.16.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17 Steel.
18-29-605.17.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.18 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.19 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.20 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-605.21 Joints between different materials.
18-29-605.21.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-605.22 Protection for pipes and fixtures.
18-29-605.23 Hydrants and non-freeze hydrants protection.
18-29-605.24 Water supply pipe protection.
18-29-605.25 Refrigerant condensers.
18-29-605.26 Dead-ends prohibited.
18-29-605.27 Air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
18-29-605.28 Permissible exceptions.
18-29-606 Installation of the Building Water Distribution System.
18-29-606.1 Location of full-open valves.
18-29-606.2 Location of shutoff valves.
18-29-606.3 Access to valves.
18-29-606.4 Valve identification.
18-29-606.5 Water pressure booster systems.
18-29-606.5.1 Hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, gravity tank.
18-29-606.5.1.1 Requirements.
18-29-606. Pressure relief valve.
18-29-606. Compression tank.
18-29-606. Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.1.2 Booster pump system.
18-29-606. Gravity tanks.
18-29-606. Total pressure.
18-29-606. Low pressure cutoff.
18-29-606.5.2 Surge tank for pumps.
18-29-606.5.3 Check valves required.
18-29-606.5.3.1 Approval required.
18-29-606.5.4 Equipment required for tanks receiving city water.
18-29-606.5.4.1 Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.4.2 Size.
18-29-606.5.4.3 Covers and support.
18-29-606.5.5 Recycling system for vehicle wash installations.
18-29-606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location.
18-29-606.5.7 Tank drain pipes.
18-29-606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks.
18-29-606.5.9 Pressure relief valve requirements.
18-29-606.5.10 Pressure relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks.
18-29-606.6 Test of distribution pipes.
18-29-607 Hot Water Supply System.
18-29-607.1 Where required.
18-29-607.1.1 Temperature limiting means.
18-29-607.1.2 Tempered water temperature control.
18-29-607.1.2.1 Reserved.
18-29-607.2 Hot or tempered water supply to fixtures.
18-29-607.2.1 Circulation systems and heat trace systems for maintaining heated water temperature in distribution systems.
18-29-607.2.1.1 Pump controls for hot water storage system.
18-29-607.2.1.2 Demand recirculation controls for distribution systems.
18-29-607.2.1A Reserved.
18-29-607.2.2 Piping for recirculation systems having temperature-actuated mixing valves.
18-29-607.3 Thermal expansion control.
18-29-607.3.1 Reserved.
18-29-607.3.2 Reserved.
18-29-607.4 Flow of hot water to fixtures.
18-29-607.5 Insulation of piping.
18-29-607.6 Expansion joints.
18-29-608 Protection of Potable Water Supply.
18-29-608.1 General.
18-29-608.2 Plumbing fixtures.
18-29-608.3 Water supply pipes.
18-29-608.3.1 Special equipment, water supply protection.
18-29-608.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-608.5 Secondary water.
18-29-608.6 Prohibited use of secondary water.
18-29-608.6.1 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.7 Stop-and-waste valves prohibited.
18-29-608.8 Identification of potable and nonpotable water.
18-29-608.9 Re-utilization prohibited.
18-29-608.10 Reuse of piping.
18-29-608.11 Painting of water tanks.
18-29-608.12 Pumps and other appliances.
18-29-608.13 Backflow protection.
18-29-608.13.1 Air gap.
18-29-608.13.2 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers.
18-29-608.13.3 Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent.
18-29-608.13.4 Barometric loop.
18-29-608.13.5 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers.
18-29-608.13.6 Double check-valve assemblies.
18-29-608.14 Location of backflow preventers.
18-29-608.15 Protection of potable water outlets.
18-29-608.16 Connections to the potable water system.
18-29-608.16.1 Beverage carbonator.
18-29-608.16.1.1 Backflow preventer.
18-29-608.16.2 High-pressure steam boilers.
18-29-608.16.3 Connections to automatic fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems.
18-29-608.16.4 Fire protection equipment, risers, standpipes, tanks to be drained and flushed.
18-29-608.16.5 Fire-extinguishing equipment cross- connection.
18-29-608.16.5.1 Prohibitions.
18-29-608.16.6 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.1 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.2 Water flushing or cooling.
18-29-608.16.6.3 Chemical, contaminated water, or sewage lines or vessels.
18-29-608.16.7 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-608.16.8 Portable cleaning equipment.
18-29-608.16.9 Dental pump equipment.
18-29-608.17 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.17.1 Well locations.
18-29-608.17.1.1 Distances.
18-29-608.17.1.2 Direct connections.
18-29-609 Health Care Plumbing.
18-29-609.1 General.
18-29-609.1.1 Where required.
18-29-609.2 Water service.
18-29-609.3 Hot water.
18-29-609.4 Vacuum breaker installation.
18-29-609.5 Prohibited water closet and clinical sink supply.
18-29-609.6 Clinical, hydrotherapeutic and radiological equipment.
18-29-609.7 Condensate drain trap seal.
18-29-609.8 Valve leakage diverter.
18-29-610 Disinfection of Potable Water System.
18-29-610.1 Scope.
18-29-611 Water Treatment Units.
18-29-611.1 Design.
18-29-611.2 Reverse osmosis systems.
Article 7. Sanitary Drainage
18-29-701 General.
18-29-701.1 Scope.
18-29-701.2 Sewer required.
18-29-701.3 Separate building sewer connection.
18-29-701.4 Sewage treatment.
18-29-701.5 Damage to drainage system or public sewer.
18-29-701.6 Tests.
18-29-701.7 Connections.
18-29-701.8 Notification of wrecking buildings and sealing or abandoning sewer facilities.
18-29-702 Materials.
18-29-702.1 Above-ground sanitary drainage and vent pipe.
18-29-702.1.1 Mixed-occupancy buildings.
18-29-702.2 Underground building sanitary drainage and vent pipe.
18-29-702.3 Building sewer pipe.
18-29-702.4 Fittings.
18-29-702.5 Temperature rating.
18-29-702.5.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.2 Reserved.
18-29-702.5.1.3 Reserved.
18-29-702.6 Chemical waste system.
18-29-702.6.1 Reserved.
18-29-702.6.2 Reserved.
18-29-702.7 Reserved.
18-29-702.8 Safe pans.
18-29-702.8.1 Material.
18-29-702.8.2 Construction.
18-29-703 Building Sewer.
18-29-703.1 Building sewers, building drains or drainage systems installed near the water pipes and water supply system.
18-29-703.2 Drainage pipe in filled ground.
18-29-703.3 Sanitary and storm sewers.
18-29-703.3.1 Combined sewers.
18-29-703.4 Existing building sewers and drains.
18-29-703.4.1 Inspection of existing underground building sewers for drain and reuse.
18-29-704 Drainage Piping and Installation.
18-29-704.1 Slope of horizontal drainage piping.
18-29-704.2 Change in size.
18-29-704.3 Connections to offsets and bases of stacks.
18-29-704.4 Future fixtures.
18-29-704.5 Reserved.
18-29-704.5.1 Reserved.
18-29-704.5.2 Reserved.
18-29-705 Joints.
18-29-705.1 General.
18-29-705.2 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.4 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.2 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.3 Reserved.
18-29-705.4.4 Reserved.
18-29-705.5 Cast iron.
18-29-705.5.1 Caulked joints.
18-29-705.5.2 Compression gasket joints.
18-29-705.5.3 Mechanical joint coupling.
18-29-705.6 Concrete joints.
18-29-705.7 Copper pipe.
18-29-705.7.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.7.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.7.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.7.4 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.7.5 Welded joints.
18-29-705.8 Copper tubing.
18-29-705.8.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.8.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.8.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.9 Borosilicate glass joints.
18-29-705.9.1 Caulked joints.
18-29-705.10 Steel.
18-29-705.10.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.10.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.11 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.12 PVC plastic.
18-29-705.12.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.12.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-705.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.13 Vitrified clay.
18-29-705.14 Polyethylene plastic.
18-29-705.14.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.14.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.15 Polyolefin plastic.
18-29-705.15.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.15.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints.
18-29-705.16 Polyvinylidene fluoride plastic.
18-29-705.16.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-29-705.16.2 Mechanical and compression sleeve joints.
18-29-705.17 Reserved.
18-29-705.18 Joints between different materials.
18-29-705.18.1 Copper pipe or tubing to cast-iron hub pipe.
18-29-705.18.2 Copper or copper-alloy pipe or tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-705.18.3 Cast-iron pipe to galvanized steel or brass pipe.
18-29-705.18.4 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material.
18-29-705.18.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-705.18.6 Borosilicate glass to other materials.
18-29-705.18.7 Stainless steel drainage systems to other materials.
18-29-705.19 Drainage slip joints.
18-29-705.20 Caulking ferrules.
18-29-705.21 Reserved.
18-29-705.22 Stainless steel drainage systems.
18-29-706 Connections Between Drainage Piping And Fixtures.
18-29-706.1 Connections and changes in direction.
18-29-706.2 Obstructions.
18-29-706.3 Installation of fittings.
18-29-707 Prohibited Joints and Connections.
18-29-707.1 Prohibited joints.
18-29-708 Cleanouts.
18-29-708.1 Scope.
18-29-708.2 Cleanout plugs.
18-29-708.3 Where required.
18-29-708.3.1 Horizontal drains within buildings.
18-29-708.3.2 Building sewers.
18-29-708.3.3 Changes of direction.
18-29-708.3.4 Base of stack.
18-29-708.3.5 Building drain and building sewer junction.
18-29-708.3.6 Manholes.
18-29-708.4 Concealed piping.
18-29-708.5 Opening direction.
18-29-708.6 Prohibited installation.
18-29-708.7 Minimum size.
18-29-708.8 Pipes 8 inches and larger.
18-29-708.9 Clearances.
18-29-708.10 Access.
18-29-709 Fixture Units.
18-29-709.1 Values for fixtures.
18-29-709.2 Fixtures not listed in Table 18-29-709.1.
18-29-709.3 Conversion of gpm flow to dfu values.
18-29-709.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-709.5 Values for indirect waste receptor.
18-29-709.5.1 Clear-water waste receptors.
18-29-710 Drainage System Sizing.
18-29-710.1 Maximum fixture unit load.
18-29-710.1.1 Sizing building drains and building sewers for combined sanitary and storm drainage.
18-29-710.1.2 Minimum size.
18-29-710.1.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-710.1.4 Vertical stack offsets.
18-29-710.2 Future fixtures.
18-29-710.3 Underground drainage piping.
18-29-711 Offsets in Drainage Piping in Buildings of Five Stories or More.
18-29-711.1 Horizontal branch connections above or below vertical stack offsets.
18-29-711.1.1 Omission of vents for vertical stack offsets.
18-29-711.2 Horizontal branch connections to horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.1 Omission of vents for horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.2 Suds pressure zones.
18-29-711.3.2.1 Height.
18-29-711.3.2.2 Upstream.
18-29-711.3.2.3 Downstream.
18-29-711.4 Offsets below lowest branch.
18-29-712 Sumps and Ejectors.
18-29-712.1 Building drains below sewer.
18-29-712.2 Check and gate valve required.
18-29-712.3 Sump design.
18-29-712.3.1 Sump pump.
18-29-712.3.2 Sump pit.
18-29-712.3.3 Discharge piping.
18-29-712.3.4 Maximum effluent level.
18-29-712.3.5 Ejector connection to the drainage system.
18-29-712.4 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors.
18-29-712.4.1 Capacity.
18-29-712.4.2 Duplex equipment required.
18-29-713 Health Care Plumbing.
18-29-713.1 Scope.
18-29-713.2 Bedpan washers and clinical sinks.
18-29-713.3 Indirect waste.
18-29-713.4 Vacuum system station.
18-29-713.5 Bottle system.
18-29-713.6 Central disposal system equipment.
18-29-713.7 Central vacuum or disposal systems.
18-29-713.7.1 Piping.
18-29-713.7.2 Velocity.
18-29-713.8 Vent connections prohibited.
18-29-713.9 Local vents and stacks for bedpan washers.
18-29-713.9.1 Multiple installations.
18-29-713.9.2 Trap required.
18-29-713.9.3 Trap seal maintenance.
18-29-713.10 Sterilizer vents and stacks.
18-29-713.10.1 Drainage.
18-29-713.11 Sterilizer vent stack sizes.
18-29-713.11.1 Bedpan steamers.
18-29-713.11.2 Boiling-type sterilizers.
18-29-713.11.3 Pressure sterilizers.
18-29-713.11.4 Pressure instrument washer sterilizer sizes.
18-29-714 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-715 Backwater Valves.
18-29-715.1 Sewage backflow.
18-29-715.2 Fixture branches.
18-29-715.3 Material.
18-29-715.4 Seal.
18-29-715.5 Diameter.
18-29-715.6 Location.
18-29-716 Flood Control.
18-29-716.1 Flood control devices.
18-29-716.2 Flood control systems.
Article 8. Indirect/Special Waste
18-29-801 General.
18-29-801.1 Scope.
18-29-801.2 Protection.
18-29-802 Indirect Wastes.
18-29-802.1 Where required.
18-29-802.1.1 Food handling.
18-29-802.1.2 Floor drains in food storage areas.
18-29-802.1.3 Potable clear-water waste and swimming pools.
18-29-802.1.4 Nonpotable clear-water waste.
18-29-802.1.5 Waste piping.
18-29-802.1.6 Commercial dishwashing machines.
18-29-802.1.7 Sinks.
18-29-802.2 Materials, joints and connections.
18-29-802.3 Installation.
18-29-802.3.1 Air gap.
18-29-802.3.2 Air break.
18-29-802.4 Waste receptors.
18-29-802.3.1 Size of receptors.
18-29-802.3.2 Open hub drains.
18-29-802.3.1 Standpipes.
18-29-803 Special Wastes.
18-29-803.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-803.2 Neutralizing device required for corrosive wastes.
18-29-803.3 System design.
18-29-803.4 Volatile wastes.
18-29-804 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-804.1 General.
18-29-804.2 Acid waste piping material.
18-29-805 Waste Water Control.
18-29-805.1 Preliminary treatment.
18-29-805.1.1 Approval.
18-29-805.2 Prohibited wastes.
18-29-805.2.1 Maximum concentration.
18-29-805.2.2 Types of discharge.
18-29-805.3 Discharges of clean waters.
18-29-805.4 Manholes.
18-29-805.4.1 Use and permit.
18-29-805.5 Gauging and sampling.
18-29-805.5.1 Legal or financial obligation.
18-29-805.6 Sampling methods.
18-29-805.7 Analyses.
18-29-805.7.1 Preliminary treatment.
18-29-805.7.2 Written approval.
Article 9. Vents
18-29-901 General.
18-29-901.1 Scope.
18-29-901.2 Trap seal protection.
18-29-901.2.1 Venting required.
18-29-901.3 Chemical waste vent system.
18-29-901.4 Use limitations.
18-29-901.5 Tests.
18-29-901.6 Protection from freezing.
18-29-902 Materials.
18-29-902.1 Vents.
18-29-902.2 Sheet copper.
18-29-902.3 Sheet lead.
18-29-903 Vent Stacks and Stack Vents.
18-29-903.1 Main vent required.
18-29-903.2 Vent stack required.
18-29-903.3 Vent termination.
18-29-903.4 Vent connection at base.
18-29-903.5 Vent headers.
18-29-904 Vent Terminals.
18-29-904.1 Vent terminals required.
18-29-904.1.1 Roof extension unprotected.
18-29-904.1.2 Occupiable rooftop.
18-29-904.1.3 Reserved.
18-29-904.1.4 Sidewall vent terminal.
18-29-904.2 Frost closure.
18-29-904.3 Flashings.
18-29-904.4 Prohibited use.
18-29-904.5 Location of vent terminal.
18-29-904.6 Extension outside a structure.
18-29-905 Vent Connections and Grades.
18-29-905.1 Connection.
18-29-905.2 Grade.
18-29-905.3 Vent connection to drainage system.
18-29-905.4 Vertical rise of vent.
18-29-905.5 Height above fixtures.
18-29-905.6 Side inlet.
18-29-905.7 Vent for future fixtures.
18-29-906 Fixture Vents.
18-29-906.1 Distance of trap from vent.
18-29-906.2 Venting of fixture drains.
18-29-906.3 Crown vent.
18-29-907 Individual Vent.
18-29-907.1 Individual vent permitted.
18-29-908 Common Vent.
18-29-908.1 Individual vent as common vent.
18-29-908.2 Connection at the same level.
18-29-908.3 Connection of different levels.
18-29-909 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-910 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-911 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-912 Combination Drain and Vent System.
18-29-912.1 Type of fixtures.
18-29-912.2 Waste piping and trap.
18-29-912.2.1 Branches.
18-29-912.2.2 Sinks, lavatories, and other fixtures.
18-29-912.2.3 Long mains.
18-29-912.2.4 Floor drains.
18-29-912.3 Size.
18-29-913 Island Fixture Venting.
18-29-913.1 Limitation.
18-29-913.2 Vent connection.
18-29-913.3 Vent installation below the fixture flood level rim.
18-29-914 Relief Vents – Stacks of More Than 10 Branch Intervals.
18-29-914.1 Where required.
18-29-914.2 Size and connection.
18-29-915 Vents for Stack Offsets.
18-29-915.1 Vent for horizontal offset of drainage stack.
18-29-915.2 Upper section.
18-29-915.3 Lower section.
18-29-916 Vent Pipe Sizing.
18-29-916.1 Size of stack vents and vent stacks.
18-29-916.2 Vents other than stack vents or vent stacks.
18-29-916.3 Developed length.
18-29-916.4 Multiple branch vents.
18-29-916.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-916.5 Sump vents.
18-29-916.5.1 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors other than pneumatic.
18-29-916.5.2 Pneumatic sewage ejectors.
18-29-917 Vents Not Required.
18-29-917.1 Not required.
18-29-918 Deliberately omitted.
Article 10. Traps, Separators and Interceptors
18-29-1001 General.
18-29-1001.1 Scope.
18-29-1002 Trap Requirements.
18-29-1002.1 Fixture traps.
18-29-1002.1.1 Open plumbing.
18-29-1002.1.2 Traps underground.
18-29-1002.1.3 Animal facilities and barn drainage.
18-29-1002.1.4 Basement floor drains.
18-29-1002.1.5 Backwater valves.
18-29-1002.2 Design of traps.
18-29-1002.3 Prohibited traps.
18-29-1002.4 Trap seals.
18-29-1002.5 Size of fixture traps.
18-29-1002.6 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1002.7 Trap setting and protection.
18-29-1002.8 Recess for trap connection.
18-29-1002.9 Acid-resisting traps.
18-29-1002.10 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-1003 Interceptors and Separators.
18-29-1003.1 Where required.
18-29-1003.1.1 Reserved.
18-29-1003.2 Approval.
18-29-1003.3 Grease interceptors.
18-29-1003.3.1 Grease interceptors and automatic grease removal devices required.
18-29-1003.3.2 Food waste disposers restriction.
18-29-1003.3.3 Additives to grease interceptors.
18-29-1003.3.4 Reserved.
18-29-1003.3.5 Hydromechanical grease interceptors; fats, oils and greases disposal systems and automatic grease removal devices.
18-29-1003.3.5.1 Grease interceptor capacity.
18-29-1003.3.5.2 Rate of flow controls.
18-29-1003.3.6 Automatic grease removal devices.
18-29-1003.3.7 Gravity grease interceptors and gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems.
18-29-1003.3.8 Engineered gravity grease interceptors (grease catch basin).
18-29-1003.3.8.1 Location and construction.
18-29-1003.3.8.2 Basin cover.
18-29-1003.3.9 Direct connection.
18-29-1003.4 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1003.4.1 Reserved.
18-29-1003.5 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1003.6 Volatile waste separator.
18-29-1003.6.1 Garages.
18-29-1003.7 Separation of liquids.
18-29-1003.7.1 General design requirements.
18-29-1003.7.2 Garage and service stations.
18-29-1003.8 Sand interceptors in commercial establishments.
18-29-1003.9 Laundries.
18-29-1003.10 Bottling establishments.
18-29-1003.11 Slaughterhouses.
18-29-1003.12 Venting of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1003.13 Access and maintenance of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1004 Materials, Joints and Connections.
18-29-1004.1 General.
Article 11. Storm Drainage
18-29-1101 General.
18-29-1101.1 Scope.
18-29-1101.2 Where required.
18-29-1101.2.1 Roof drainage and downspouts.
18-29-1101.2.2 Drainage of areas and yards.
18-29-1101.2.3 Storm runoff.
18-29-1101.3 Prohibited drainage.
18-29-1101.4 Tests.
18-29-1101.5 Continuous flow.
18-29-1101.6 Fittings and connections.
18-29-1101.7 Roof design.
18-29-1101.8 Cleanouts required.
18-29-1101.9 Backwater valves.
18-29-1102 Materials.
18-29-1102.1 General.
18-29-1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors.
18-29-1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe.
18-29-1102.4 Building storm sewer standards.
18-29-1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe.
18-29-1102.6 Roof drains.
18-29-1102.7 Fittings.
18-29-1103 Traps.
18-29-1103.1 Main trap.
18-29-1103.2 Material.
18-29-1103.3 Size.
18-29-1103.4 Cleanout.
18-29-1104 Conductors and Connections.
18-29-1104.1 Prohibited use.
18-29-1104.1.1 District sewer lines.
18-29-1104.2 Combining storm with sanitary drainage.
18-29-1104.2.1 Separate sewer systems.
18-29-1104.3 Floor drains.
18-29-1105 Roof Drains.
18-29-1105.1 Strainers.
18-29-1105.2 Flat decks.
18-29-1105.3 Roof drain flashing.
18-29-1105.4 Maximum area.
18-29-1106 Size of Conductors, Leaders and Storm Drains.
18-29-1106.1 General.
18-29-1106.2 Vertical conductors and leaders.
18-29-1106.3 Building storm drains and sewers.
18-29-1106.4 Vertical walls.
18-29-1106.5 Parapet wall scupper location.
18-29-1106.6 Size of roof gutters.
18-29-1107 Fines.
18-29-1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm System.
18-29-1108.1 Size of combined drains and sewers.
18-29-1109 Values for Continuous Flow.
18-29-1109.1 Equivalent roof area.
18-29-1110 Controlled Flow Roof Drain Systems.
18-29-1110.1 General.
18-29-1110.1.1 Design.
18-29-1110.2 Control devices.
18-29-1110.3 Installation.
18-29-1110.4 Minimum number of roof drains.
18-29-1111 Sumps.
18-29-1111.1 Subsoil drains.
18-29-1111.2 Building subdrains.
18-29-1111.3 Pumping system.
18-29-1111.3.1 Pump capacity and head.
18-29-1111.3.2 Construction.
18-29-1111.3.3 Electrical.
18-29-1111.3.4 Piping.
Article 12. Swimming Pools and Other Swimming Facilities
18-29-1201 General.
18-29-1201.1 Scope.
18-29-1202 Nonprivate Swimming Pools.
18-29-1202.1 Scope.
18-29-1202.2 Additional requirements.
18-29-1202.3 Location.
18-29-1202.4 Permit required.
18-29-1202.5 Construction requirements.
18-29-1202.5.1 Illinois Swimming Facility Code.
18-29-1202.5.2 Water source.
18-29-1202.5.3 Piping materials.
18-29-1202.5.4 Cleanouts.
18-29-1202.5.5 Working space.
18-29-1203 Bather Preparation Facilities.
18-29-1203.1 Scope.
18-29-1203.2 General design requirements.
18-29-1203.2.1 Separate facilities.
18-29-1203.2.2 Floors.
18-29-1203.2.3 Light and ventilation.
18-29-1203.2.4 Hose bibbs.
18-29-1203.2.5 Large facilities.
18-29-1203.3 Showers, water closets and lavatories.
18-29-1203.3.1 School facilities.
18-29-1203.4 Dressing rooms.
18-29-1203.5 Foot spray.
18-29-1203.6 Drinking fountains.
18-29-1204 Private Residential Swimming Pools.
18-29-1204.1 Scope.
18-29-1204.2 Location.
18-29-1204.3 Permit required.
18-29-1204.4 Construction requirements.
18-29-1204.4.1 Recirculation pools.
18-29-1204.4.2 Materials.
18-29-1204.4.3 Structural design.
18-29-1204.4.4 Pool deck.
18-29-1204.4.5 Enclosure.
18-29-1204.4.6 Slope.
18-29-1204.4.7 Steps or ladders.
18-29-1204.4.8 Overflow gutters.
18-29-1204.4.9 Inlets.
18-29-1204.4.9.1 Water recirculation system inlets.
18-29-1204.4.9.2 Makeup water.
18-29-1204.4.9.3 Water systems construction conformance.
18-29-1204.4.10 Outlets.
18-29-1204.4.10.1 Water recirculation system outlets.
18-29-1204.4.10.2 Drainage system.
18-29-1204.4.10.3 Drain water discharge.
18-29-1204.4.11 Recirculation system and appurtenances.
18-29-1204.4.11.1 Required apparatuses.
18-29-1204.4.11.2 Water volume turnover.
18-29-1204.4.11.3 Pump capacity.
18-29-1204.4.11.4 Backwash filter rate.
18-29-1204.4.11.5 Hair and lint strainer.
18-29-1204.4.11.6 Pressure filters.
18-29-1204.4.11.7 Disinfection equipment.
18-29-1204.4.11.8 Gaseous chlorination systems prohibited.
18-29-1204.5 Water source.
18-29-1204.6 Safety.
18-29-1204.7 Seasonal operation.
18-29-1204.8 Maintenance.
Article 13. Referenced Standards
18-29-1301 Referenced Standards.
18-29-1301.1 General.
Article 1. Administration (18-29-101 et seq.)