Access shall be provided to each interceptor and separator for service and maintenance. Interceptors and separators shall be maintained by periodic removal of accumulated grease, scum, oil, or other floating substances and solids deposited in the interceptors or separators as often as necessary to ensure efficient operation. Each owner shall keep a written record of all maintenance of the interceptor or separator for the life of the unit, or for a period of five years, whichever is longer. Such record of maintenance shall be made available for review by the department of buildings and the department of water management or their duly authorized representatives. The written record of maintenance shall also be transmitted to the department of buildings or the department of water management, as prescribed by the department, upon request.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4)
The materials and methods utilized for the construction and installation of traps, interceptors and separators shall comply with this chapter and the applicable provisions of Article 7. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow of the piping.
Article 11. Storm Drainage (18-29-1101 et seq.)
Storm drainage shall be provided pursuant to Sections 18-29-1101.2.1 through 18-29-1102.3.
All roofs exceeding 750 square feet (69.7 m
) in area shall be drained to a sewer, where such is available in any adjoining public way, or public place. Every connecting roof downspout having the open roof connection, located nearer than 12 feet (3.66 m) to an inside lot line or any door or window on the same premises, shall be trapped on the downspout side of the connection to any sanitary sewer or any combined sewer or drain, and shall be set where not subject to frost.
1. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit the temporary or permanent disconnection of the roof downspout of a building from the sewer or combined sewer so long as the disconnection does not result in the drainage of water beyond the property lines of the lot on which the building is located, or create a public hazard or nuisance.
2. Roofs of buildings of Group R-2, R-3, R-4 or R-5 occupancy and single-story buildings of any occupancy may be provided with external downspouts discharging onto a paved or landscaped area, provided the water thus discharged can be drained directly to an area drain or catch basin connected to a public sewer, without spilling over onto adjacent property, including the public way, or creating a public hazard or nuisance.
3. If there is a conflict between this section and a site's stormwater management plan approved by the department of water management, the stormwater management plan shall prevail.
(Amend Coun. J. 3-27-02, p. 82090, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. XI, § 1)
Outside areas other than roof areas may be drained to a sewer and when paved shall be so drained where necessary to avoid the discharge of water onto adjoining premises. Paved areas of 400 square feet or less where connected to the sewer shall be provided with trapped connections before connecting to any sanitary sewer or combined sewer, with traps placed where not subject to frost. Outside areas exceeding 400 square feet (37.2 m2), and not more than 5,000 square feet (1,524 m2), where connected to sewers, shall be connected through a catchbasin, not less than 3 feet (915 mm) in diameter and not less than 3 feet (915 mm) deep below the bottom of the trap. Areas of more than 5,000 square feet (1,524 m2) shall be provided with a catchbasin not less than 4 feet (1,220 mm) in diameter and not less than 3 feet 6 inches (1,067 mm) deep below the bottom of the trap. To the extent possible, no sheet flow or discharge of stormwater that creates a public hazard or nuisance shall be allowed to adjacent private property or the public way.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4)