Article 9. Vents (18-29-901 et seq.)
18-29-901 General.
18-29-901.1 Scope.
   The provisions of this article shall govern the materials, design, construction and installation of vent systems.
18-29-901.2 Trap seal protection.
   The plumbing system shall be provided with a system of vent piping that will permit the admission or emission of air so that the seal of any fixture trap shall not be subjected to a pneumatic pressure differential of more than 1 inch (25 mm) of water (249 Pa).
18-29-901.2.1 Venting required.
   Every trap and trapped fixture shall be vented in accordance with one of the venting methods specified in this chapter.
18-29-901.3 Chemical waste vent system.
   The vent system for a chemical waste system shall be independent of the sanitary vent system and shall terminate separately through the roof to the open air.
18-29-901.4 Use limitations.
   The plumbing vent system shall not be utilized for purposes other than the venting of the plumbing system, except that the waste of a fixture with a value of one fixture unit may be installed to wash out the base of a vent stack.
18-29-901.5 Tests.
   The vent system shall be tested in accordance with Sections 18-29-312.1 through 18-29-312.2.
18-29-901.6 Protection from freezing.
   All vent pipes shall be adequately protected from freezing or adequately sized to account for frost build- up.