Floor drains located within walk-in refrigerators or freezers in food service and food establishments shall be indirectly connected to the sanitary drainage system by means of an air gap. Where a floor drain is located within an area subject to freezing, the waste line serving the floor drain shall not be trapped and shall indirectly discharge into a waste receptor located outside of the area subject to freezing.
Exception: Where protected against backflow by a backwater valve, such floor drains shall be indirectly connected to the sanitary drainage system by means of an air break or air gap.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VIII, § 1)
Where devices and equipment, such as sterilizers and relief valves, discharge potable water to the building drainage system, the discharge shall be through an indirect waste pipe by means of an air gap.
Where wastewater from swimming pools, backwash from filters and water from pool deck drains discharge to the building drainage system, the discharge shall be through an indirect waste pipe by means of an air gap.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VIII, § 1)
Waste piping from aspirators, sterilizers or any other equipment which would produce a partial vacuum by cooling shall discharge to the drainage piping system through an air gap into a waste receptor. The minimum size shall be 1 inch (25 mm) and the maximum length of the indirect waste shall not exceed 15 feet (4.57 m) and shall be provided with cleanouts at every 90 degree turn which are accessibly located. Each indirect waste pipe shall be individually piped to the waste receptor with material that is required by this chapter. Waste receptors serving indirect pipes connected to the above equipment shall be located in the same room. Each waste receptor shall be trapped and vented as required by this chapter. The air gap shall be not less than two times the diameter of the indirect waste pipe.
The discharge from a commercial dishwashing machine shall be through an air gap into a waste receptor in accordance with Section 18-29-802.3.
Exception: Where the fixture is within 4 feet (1219 mm) horizontally of and located in the same room as a floor drain, the fixture waste pipe may be directly connected on the sewer side of the floor drain trap, provided that the fixture waste pipe is trapped and vented as required by this chapter. No other fixture waste pipe shall be connected between the floor drain trap vent connection and the fixture being protected.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VIII, § 1)