Where automobiles are serviced, greased, repaired or washed or where gasoline is dispensed, separators shall have a minimum capacity of 6 cubic feet (0.17 m
) for the first 100 square feet (9.3 m
) of area to be drained into the separator. Parking garages in which servicing, repairing or washing is not conducted, and in which gasoline is not dispensed, shall require a triple basin. Areas of commercial garages utilized only for storage of automobiles are required to be drained through a triple basin.
Commercial laundries shall be equipped with an interceptor with a wire basket or similar device, removable for cleaning, that prevents passage into the drainage system of solids 1/2 inch (12 mm) or larger in size, string, rags, buttons, or other materials detrimental to the public sewage system.
Access shall be provided to each interceptor and separator for service and maintenance. Interceptors and separators shall be maintained by periodic removal of accumulated grease, scum, oil, or other floating substances and solids deposited in the interceptors or separators as often as necessary to ensure efficient operation. Each owner shall keep a written record of all maintenance of the interceptor or separator for the life of the unit, or for a period of five years, whichever is longer. Such record of maintenance shall be made available for review by the department of buildings and the department of water management or their duly authorized representatives. The written record of maintenance shall also be transmitted to the department of buildings or the department of water management, as prescribed by the department, upon request.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4)