Head shampoo sink faucets shall be supplied with hot water that is limited to not more than 120°F (49°C). Each faucet shall have integral check valves to prevent crossover flow between the hot and cold water supply connections. The means for regulating the maximum temperature shall be one of the following:
1. A limiting device conforming to ASSE 1070/ ASME A112.1070/CSA B125.70.
2. A water heater conforming to ASSE 1084.
3. A temperature-actuated, flow-reduction device conforming to ASSE 1062.
(Added Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. IV, § 23)
Each water closet, urinal, clinical sink and any, plumbing fixture that depends on trap siphonage to discharge the fixture contents to the drainage system shall be provided with a flushometer valve, flushometer tank or a flush tank designed and installed to supply water in quantity and rate of flow to flush the contents of the fixture, cleanse the fixture and refill the fixture trap.
Flushometer valves and tanks shall comply with ASSE 1037. Vacuum breakers on flushometer valves shall conform to the performance requirements of ASSE 1001 or CSA CAN/CSA B64.1.1. Access shall be provided to vacuum breakers. Flushometer valves shall be of the water-conservation type and shall not be utilized where the water pressure is lower than the minimum required for normal operation. When operated, the valve shall automatically complete the cycle of operation, opening fully and closing positively under the water supply pressure. Each flushometer valve shall be provided with a means for regulating the flow through the valve. The trap seal to the fixture shall be automatically refilled after each valve flushing cycle.
Flush tanks equipped for manual flushing shall be controlled by a device designed to refill the tank after each discharge and to shut off completely the water flow to the tank when the tank is filled to operational capacity. The trap seal to the fixture shall be automatically refilled after each flushing. The water supply to flush tanks equipped for automatic flushing shall be controlled with a timing device or sensor control devices.