18-29-803 Special Wastes.
18-29-803.1 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-803.2 Neutralizing device required for corrosive wastes.
   Corrosive liquids, spent acids or other harmful chemicals that destroy or injure a drain, sewer, soil or waste pipe, or create noxious or toxic fumes or interfere with sewage treatment processes, shall not be discharged into the plumbing system device for corrosive waste. No corrosive wastes which are equal or greater in corrosive action than a ph lower than 4.5 or higher than 10.0, having corrosive properties sufficient to cause damage or hazards to structures, equipment, or personnel, shall discharge into any house sewer without first discharging into a dilution tank or basin. Such devices shall be automatically provided with a sufficient supply of diluting water or neutralizing medium so as to make the contents noninjurious before discharge into the drainage system. No other waste pipe shall connect to a dilution basin. Every dilution tank used for this purpose shall be constructed of earthenware, polyethylene, propylene or glass and shall be provided with a standing waste and overflow or other approved means to insure dilution.
(Amend Coun. J. 3-27-02, p. 82090, § 3)
18-29-803.3 System design.
   A chemical drainage vent system shall be designed and installed in accordance with this chapter. Chemical drainage and vent systems shall be completely separated from the sanitary systems. Chemical waste shall not discharge to a sanitary drainage system until such waste has been treated in accordance with Section 18-29-803.2.