Only potable water shall be supplied to plumbing fixtures that provide water for drinking, bathing or culinary purposes, or for the processing of food, medical or pharmaceutical products. Unless otherwise provided in this Article, potable water shall be supplied to all plumbing fixtures.
Whenever a continuous supply of water is deemed indispensable by the Commissioner of Buildings, Fire Commissioner or Commissioner of Water Management, the owner or occupant shall provide a tank (or other receptacle of sufficient capacity) to supply the needs of such building, structure or premises, including any required for fire protection, during the period that the pipe section to which the service pipe is connected is shut off for repairs, connections, extensions or testing purposes.
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 339; Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 3)
In lieu of the installation of such a tank or other receptacle, the owner or occupant shall provide for continuous water supply by requesting the city to install line valves in the water main or to install a tap in the water main for an auxiliary or emergency connection of a second service pipe with separate meter control so that each service pipe shall have an independent source of supply.
To further insure a continuous supply of water where line valves are installed in the water main, dual meter settings shall be installed by the owner or occupant. The cost of these installations is to be borne by the owner or occupant of the building, structure or premises to which the water service is furnished.
The water service pipe and water meter shall be sized to supply water to the premises in the minimum quantities and at the minimum pressures required in this chapter. Water service pipe shall be sized in accordance with Section 18-29-604.10 for domestic uses plus any additional requirements for fire protection systems. New water service pipe shall not be less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) in diameter.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 4)