Chemical, contaminated water, or sewage lines or vessels shall comply with Sections 18-29-608.16.6.1 through Section 18-29-608.16.6.3.
No person, corporation or firm shall connect any pressure vessel to the city water supply. This includes a storage tank, tank car, tank truck or trailer or other miscellaneous pressurized tank or cylinder containing or having contained liquefied gaseous petroleum products or other liquefied gaseous chemicals.
Water for flushing or cooling (or to be otherwise instilled into such a vessel) shall be obtained by gravity through an indirect connection. If water under pressure is required, it may be supplied only by means of an auxiliary pump taking suction from a suction tank provided for this purpose only, with an over-rim supply having an indirect connection.
There shall be no direct connection between the city water lines and lines, equipment or vessels containing raw or contaminated water, contaminating chemicals or sewage. Such connections shall be made only through an indirect connection.
(Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 354)