The water supply to a commercial dishwashing machine shall be protected against backflow by an air gap that is integral with the machine or a backflow preventer shall be installed in accordance with Section 18-29-608. Air gaps shall comply with ASME A112.1.2 or A112.1.3.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. IV, § 13)
The waste connection of a commercial dishwashing machine shall comply with Section 18-29-802.1.6.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. IV, § 13)
The waste connection of a residential dishwasher shall connect directly to a wye branch fitting on the tailpiece of the kitchen sink, directly to the dishwasher connection of a food waste disposer, or through an air break to a standpipe. The waste line of a residential dishwasher shall rise and be securely fastened to the underside of the sink rim or countertop.
(Added Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. IV, § 13)