Cleanout plugs shall be of brass, plastic or other approved materials. Brass cleanout plugs shall be utilized with metallic drain, waste and vent piping only, and shall conform to ASTM A74. Plastic cleanout plugs shall conform to the requirements of Section 18-29-702.4. Plugs shall have raised square or countersunk square heads. Countersunk heads shall be installed where raised heads are a trip hazard. Cleanout plugs with borosilicate glass systems shall be of borosilicate glass.
Cleanouts shall be located in accordance with Sections 18-29-708.3.1 through 18-29-708.3.5.
All horizontal drains shall be provided with cleanouts located not more than 100 feet (30.48 m) apart, except that the maximum shall be 50 feet (15.25 m) for drains 4 inches (100 mm) diameter or less, 150 feet (45.7 m) for drains 10 inches (250 mm) diameter or larger.
Cleanouts shall be installed at each change of direction of the building drain or horizontal waste or soil lines greater than 45 degrees (0.79 rad). Where more than one change of direction occurs in a run of piping, only one cleanout shall be required for each 40 feet (12.2 m) of developed length of the drainage piping.
There shall be a cleanout near the junction of the building drain and the building sewer. The cleanout shall be either inside or outside the building wall and shall be brought up to the finished ground level or to the basement floor level. An approved two-way cleanout is allowed to be used at this location to serve as a required cleanout for both the building drain and building sewer. The cleanout at the junction of the building drain and building sewer shall not be required if the cleanout on a 3-inch (75 mm) or larger diameter soil stack is located within a developed length of 10 feet (3.05 m) of the building drain and building sewer connection.
Manholes serving a building drain shall have secured gas-tight covers and shall be located in accordance with Section 18-29-708.8.