In buildings more than 150 ft (45.75 m) in height, all vertical lines of piping shall be provided with swing sections or traverse joints or other device which shall absorb the strains or stresses due to the expansion and contraction or vibration of the vertical pipe lines.
Piping bundles for manifold systems shall be supported in accordance with Table 18-29-308.5. Support at changes in direction shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Where hot water piping is bundled with cold water piping, hot water piping shall be insulated in accordance with Section 18-29-607.5.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. III, § 18)
The base flood elevation shall be used to define areas prone to flooding and shall be established in accordance with Chapter 16-6.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. III, § 20)