A chemical drainage vent system shall be designed and installed in accordance with this chapter. Chemical drainage and vent systems shall be completely separated from the sanitary systems. Chemical waste shall not discharge to a sanitary drainage system until such waste has been treated in accordance with Section 18-29-803.2.
Gasoline, benzene, naphtha, and other volatile, flammable or explosive wastes shall not discharge into a house sewer, public sewer, or sewage treatment plant. Refer to Sections 18-29-1003.1 through 1003.13, Interceptors and Separators for oil interceptor requirements.
Whenever an industrial plant or other establishment discharges or proposes to discharge industrial wastes into any waters, sewer, drain, watercourse or natural outlet in the city of Chicago, such plant or establishment shall either:
1. Reduce or modify the objectionable characteristics or constituents of such industrial wastes to meet the limits or requirements of Section 18-29-805.2 and to prevent pollution; or
2. Control the quantities and rates of discharge of such industrial wastes over a 24-hour day and a seven- day week to prevent surge discharges which may place an unreasonable burden upon the sewage works on the metropolitan water reclamation district.