Where automatic grease removal devices are installed, such devices shall be located downstream of each fixture or multiple fixtures in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The automatic grease removal device shall be sized to pretreat the measured or calculated flows for all connected fixtures or equipment. Ready access shall be provided for inspection and maintenance.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. X, § 3)
The required capacity of gravity grease interceptors and gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems shall be determined by multiplying the peak drain flow into the interceptor in gallons per minute by a retention time of 30 minutes.
Prefabricated gravity grease interceptors shall be designed and tested in accordance with IAPMO/ANSI Z1001. Manufactured gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems shall be designed and tested in accordance with ASME A112.14.6 and IAMPO/ANSI Z1001. Gravity grease interceptors and gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Where manufacturer's instructions are not provided, gravity grease interceptors and gravity grease interceptors with fats, oils and greases disposal systems shall be installed in compliance with ASME A112.14.6 and IAMPMO/ANSI Z1001.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. X, § 3)
Engineered gravity grease interceptors, which are designed by a registered professional engineer or are constructed in compliance with Department of Water Management standards, shall comply with Sections 18-29-1003.3.8.1 and 18-29-1003.3.8.2 and the capacity requirement of Section 18-29-1003.3.7.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. X, § 3)