18-29-402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures.
   Materials for specialty fixtures not otherwise covered in this article shall be of stainless steel, soapstone, chemical stoneware or plastic, or shall be lined with lead, copper-base alloy, nickel-copper alloy, corrosion-resistant steel or other material especially suited to the application for which the fixture is intended.
18-29-402.3 Sheet copper.
   Sheet copper for general applications, shower pans or flashing of fixtures shall conform to ASTM B152 and shall weigh not less than 12 ounces per square foot (3.7 kg/m 2 ).
18-29-402.4 Sheet lead.
   Sheet lead for shower pans shall weigh not less than 4 pounds per square foot (19.5 kg/m 2 ) and the sheet lead shall be coated with an asphalt paint or other approved coating.
18-29-402.5 Fixture strainer.
   Every fixture other than a water closet, pedestal urinal, clinic service sink or hospital fixture and every floor drain, shall be provided with a metallic strainer.
18-29-402.6 Fixture overflow.
   A new or existing overflow pipe if provided for a fixture, shall be connected on the inlet side of the trap and shall be accessible for cleaning.
18-29-403 Minimum Plumbing Facilities.
18-29-403.1 Minimum number of fixtures.
   For new buildings, additions and changes of occupancy, plumbing fixtures shall be provided in the minimum number shown in Table 18-29-403.1, based on the intended use of the building or space. Occupancies and uses not shown in Table 18-29-403.1 shall be considered individually by the Building Commissioner. Occupancies and uses and the number of persons (for various occupancies and uses) shall be as determined by Chapters 14B-3 and 14B-10 and Section 18-29-403.1.1.
Table 18-29-403.1
Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures a
(See Sections 403.1.1 and 403.2)
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Table 18-29-403.1, please click here.
(Urinals, see Section 18-29-419)
(See Section 18-29-410)
(Urinals, see Section 18-29-419)
(See Section 18-29-410)
Assembly h
Restaurants, banquet halls and food courts; nightclubs, bars, taverns, dance halls and facilities for similar purposes f
1 per each 30 to 90
1 per each 25 up to 100
1 per 50
1 per 500
1 service sink
1 per each 50 above 90
1 per each 30 above 100
Facilities for viewing of the performing arts or motion pictures (fixed or movable seating); art galleries, conference centers, exhibition halls, lecture halls, libraries, and museums; facilities for indoor sporting events and athletic activities (with spectator seating) f
1 per each 30 up to 60
1 per each 15 up to 60
1 per 1,000
1 service sink
1 per each 70 between 61 and 340
1 per each 30 between 61 and 340
1 per each 100 above 340
1 per each 50 above 340
Places of religious worship b
1 per each 30 up to 90
1 per each 20 up to 100
1 per 1,000
1 service sink
1 per each 50 above 90
1 per each 25 above 100
Stadiums, bleachers and grandstands for viewing outdoor sporting events and activities f, g
1 per each 60 up to 240
1 per each 30 up to 240
1 per 1,000
1 service sink
1 per each 100 between 241 and 1040
1 per each 50 between 241 and 1040
1 per each 150 above 1040
1 per each 75 above 1040
Facilities for indoor sporting events and athletic activities (without spectator seating) f, g
1 per each 30 up to 90
1 per each 25 up to 100
1 per 500
1 service sink
1 per each 50 above 90
1 per each 30 above 100
Facilities for the transaction of business, professional services, other services involving merchandise, banks, ambulatory care, light industrial activities and similar uses h
1 for first 10
2 for 11 – 25
1 additional for each 25
in excess of 25
1 per 40
1 per 100
1 service sink
Education of children through the 12th grade level and child day care not classified as an institutional occupancy
1 per 100
1 service sink
Factory and industrial
Facilities in which occupants are engaged in fabrication, assembly or processing of products or materials
(See Section 411)
1 per 400
1 service sink
Care recipients in custodial care facilities c
1 per 10
care recipients
1 per 10
care recipients
1 per 8
care recipients
1 per 100
care recipients
1 service sink
Care recipients in hospitals and nursing homes c
1 per room d
1 per room d
1 per 15
care recipients
1 per 100
care recipients
1 service sink per floor
Adult or child day care c
1 per 15
care recipients
1 per 15
care recipients
Note e
1 per 100
care recipients
1 service sink
Employees in custodial care facilities, hospitals, nursing homes and detention and correction facilities c
1 per 25
1 per 35 employees
1 per 100 employees
Visitors in hospitals, nursing homes and detention and correctional facilities
1 per 75
1 per 100 visitors
1 per 500 visitors
Detainees in prisons c
1 per cell
1 per cell
1 per 15 detainees
1 per 100 detainees
1 service sink
Detainees in detention and correctional facilities other than prisons c
1 per 15
1 per 15 detainees
1 per 15 detainees
1 per 100 detainees
1 service sink
Retail stores, service stations, shops, salesrooms, markets, and shopping centers
1 per each 25 up to 100
1 per each 15 up to 90
1 per 40
1 per 1,000
1 service sink
1 per each 40 above 100
1 per each 25 above 90
Hotels (more than 10 transient occupants)
1 per
1 per guestroom
1 per guestroom
1 service sink
Dormitories and congregate living facilities (transient) with sleeping accommodations for more than 10 persons or more than 5 sleeping rooms
1 per 10
1 per 10
1 per 8
1 per 100
1 service sink
Dormitories and congregate living facilities (non-transient) with sleeping accommodations for more than 10 persons or more than 5 sleeping rooms
1 per 10
1 per 10
1 per 8
1 per 100
1 service sink; 1 kitchen sink per dw. unit;
1 auto. clothes washer connect per 20 guests
Apartment houses, townhouses and single-family dwellings
1 per
dwelling unit
1 per
dwelling unit
1 per
dwelling unit
1 kitchen sink per dw. unit.,
1 auto. clothes washer connect per 20 dw. units
Congregate living facilities with accommodations for 10 or fewer persons and 5 or fewer sleeping rooms
1 per
dwelling unit
1 per
dwelling unit
1 per
dwelling unit
1 kitchen sink per dw. unit;
1 auto. clothes washer connection
Storage i
Facilities for the storage of goods, warehouses, storehouses and freight depots
1 per 100
1 per 100
(see Section 411)
1 per 1,000
1 service sink
Temporary structures and uses j
Temporary uses intended for human occupancy
1 per 300
1 per 300
1 per water closet
Construction sites
See Section 18-29-311
a.   One fixture is required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction of the number of persons indicated.
b.   Fixtures located in adjacent buildings under the ownership or control of the place of religious worship shall be made available during periods the facility is occupied.
c.   Toilet facilities for employees shall be separate from facilities for care recipients or detainees. The number of care recipients or detainees used to determine the minimum number of fixtures required for care recipients or detainees and visitors shall be based on the capacity of the facility. The number of employees used to determine the minimum number of fixtures required for employees shall be the largest anticipated number of employees per shift.
d.   A single-occupant toilet room with one water closet and one lavatory serving not more than two adjacent patient rooms shall be permitted where such room is provided with direct access from each patient room and with provisions for privacy.
e.   For day nurseries, a maximum of one bathtub shall be required.
f.   Where both indoor and seasonal outdoor seating or activity areas are provided, the occupant load for seasonal outdoor seating and activity areas located on private property, other than waiting areas, shall be included when determining the minimum number of fixtures required.
g.   The required number and type of plumbing fixtures for swimming pools and swimming facilities shall be in accordance with Article 12.
h.   Includes small assembly-type uses classified as Group B occupancies in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Chicago Building Code.
i.   Toilet facilities and drinking fountains shall not be required to be provided for storage areas without regular human occupancy. At least one single-user toilet room shall be provided on the premises for employees and maintenance personnel.
j.   For temporary structures and uses, where access to sewer and water connections is not readily available and adequate toilet facilities are not available within 500 feet (152.4 m), nonsewer-type toilets conforming to PSAI Z4.3 and portable water-based handwashing stations shall be provided in lieu of water closets and lavatories.
k.   The number of lavatories in a toilet facility shall not be less than required by Section 18-29-403.1.4.
(Amend Coun. J. 3-27-02, p. 82090, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. XVI, § 9; Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. IV, § 6)