When the drainage portion of a stack exceeds 16 feet (4.88 m) in height above a 45-degree to 90-degree offset or house drain, it shall have its lower portion consisting of 30 percent of its height from such offset free of any fixture drain or branch. Such suds pressure zone of the drainage stack need not exceed 24 feet (7.32 m) in height.
In an offset of 60 degrees to 90 degrees or a house drain when the drainage portion of a stack exceeds 16 feet (4.88 m) in height, a zone in the horizontal piping consisting of 30 percent upstream of the drainage stack connection shall be free of any drainage openings. Such suds pressure zone of the offset or house drain need not exceed 24 feet (7.32 m).
In an offset of 60 degrees to 90 degrees or a house drain when the drainage portion of a stack exceeds 16 feet (4.88 m) in height, a zone in the horizontal piping consisting of 15 percent downstream of the drainage stack connection shall be free of any drainage openings. Such suds pressure zone of the offset or house drain need not exceed 12 feet (3.66 m).
Where a vertical offset occurs in a soil or waste stack below the lowest horizontal branch, change in diameter of the stack because of the offset shall not be required. If a horizontal offset occurs in a soil or waste stack below the lowest horizontal branch, the required diameter of the offset and the stack below it shall be determined as for a building drain in accordance with Table 18-29-710A.
Building drains that cannot be discharged to the sewer by gravity flow shall be discharged into a tightly covered and vented sump, from which stack the liquid shall be lifted and discharged into the building gravity drainage system by automatic pumping equipment or other approved method.
A gate valve located on the discharge side of the check valve shall be installed in the pump or ejector discharge piping between the pump or ejector and the gravity drainage system. Access shall be provided to such valves. Such valves shall be located above the sump cover required by Section 18-29-712.1 or, when the discharge pipe from the ejector is below grade, the valves shall be accessibly located outside the sump below grade in an access pit with a removable access cover.
Exception: In single family residential buildings, only a check valve shall be required, located on the discharge piping from the sewage pump or ejector.
The sump pump, pit and discharge piping shall conform to the requirements of Sections 18-29-712.3.1 through 18-29-712.3.5.