In service areas developed after May 30, 2003, where separate sanitary and storm sewers are constructed, drain connections for buildings constructed after May 30, 2003 shall have separate sanitary waste water and storm water connections.
(Added Coun. J. 5-7-03, p. 621, § 1)
The sanitary and storm drainage systems of a structure shall be entirely separate except where combined sewer systems are utilized. Where a combined sewer is utilized, the building storm drain shall be connected in the same horizontal plane at or downstream of where the building drain exits the building.
Where feasible, storm water inflows to the existing combined sewer in the public right-of-way shall be directed to a separate storm sewer, should a separate public storm sewer become available. Such re-direction of storm water inflows shall take place within five years of the establishment and availability of a separate public storm sewer, or such reasonable longer period of time as in the judgment of the commissioner of water management is necessary to accomplish such re- direction. This requirement shall not apply to buildings in existence on May 30, 2003, located on private property, that do not have distinct sanitary waste water and storm water connections.
(Added Coun. J. 5-7-03, p. 621, § 1)
Roof drains shall have strainers extending not less than 4 inches (100 mm) above the surface of the roof immediately adjacent to the roof drain. Strainers shall have an available inlet area, above roof level, of not less than one and one-half times the area of the conduct or leader to which the drain is connected. All downspouts from gravel roofs shall be fitted with serviceable devices to screen out loose gravel.
Roof drain strainers for use on recreational decks, sun decks, parking decks and similar areas that are normally serviced and maintained shall comply with Section 18-29-1105.1 or shall be of the flat-surface type, installed level with the deck, with an available inlet area not less than two times the area of the conductor or leader to which the drain is connected.
The connection between roofs and roof drains which pass through the roof and into the interior of the building shall be made water tight by the use of approved flashing material. Refer to Section 18-29-305.7.