18-29-405.4.1 Floor flanges.
   Floor flanges for water closets or similar fixtures shall be not less than 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick for brass, 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick for plastic, and 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick and not less than a 2-inch (50 mm) caulking depth for cast-iron or galvanized malleable iron.
18-29-405.4.1.1 Hard lead floor flanges.
   Floor flanges of hard lead shall weigh not less than 1 pound 9 ounces (0.7 kg) and shall be composed of lead alloy with not less than 7.75 percent antimony by weight. Closet screws and bolts shall be of brass. Flanges shall be secured to the building structure with corrosion-resistant screws or bolts.
18-29-405.4.2 Securing floor outlet fixtures.
   Floor outlet fixtures shall be secured to the floor or floor flanges by screws or bolts of corrosion-resistant material.
18-29-405.4.3 Securing wall-hung water closet bowls.
   Wall-hung water closet bowls shall be supported by a concealed metal carrier that is attached to the building structural members so that strain is not transmitted to the closet connector or any other part of the plumbing system. The carrier shall conform to ASME A112.6.1.
18-29-405.5 Water-tight joints.
   Joints formed where fixtures come in contact with walls or floors shall be sealed with permanent caulk or other approved material.
18-29-405.6 Plumbing in mental health centers.
   In mental health centers, pipes or traps shall not be exposed, and fixtures shall be bolted through walls.
18-29-405.7 Design of overflows.
   Where any fixture is provided with an overflow, the waste shall be designed and installed so that standing water in the fixture will not rise in the overflow when the stopper is closed, and no water will remain in the overflow when the fixture is empty.