18-29-1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors.
   Inside storm drainage conductors installed above ground shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-702.1.
18-29-1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe.
   Underground building storm drain pipe shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-702.2, except that neither polyvinyl chloride (PVC) nor polypropylene (PPL) pipe and fittings shall be allowed in stormwater detention applications as oversized pipe.
18-29-1102.4 Building storm sewer standards.
   Building storm sewers shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-702.3.
(Amend Coun. J. 3-27-02, p. 82090, §§ 1, 3; Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4)
18-29-1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe.
   Subsoil drains shall be open-jointed, horizontally split or perforated pipe conforming to one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-1102.5, except corrugated pipe is not allowed.
Table 18-29-1102.5
Subsoil Drain Pipe
Cast-iron pipe
ASTM A74; ASTM A888; CISPI 301
Polyethylene (PE) plastic pipe
ASTM F405; ASTM F667; CSA B182.1; CSA B182.6; CSA B182.8
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe (Type Sewer
Pipe, PS25, SDR35, PS50 or PS100)
ASTM D 2729; ASTM D3034; ASTM F891; CSA B182.2; CSA B182.4
Stainless steel drainage systems, Type 316L
ASME A112.3.1
Vitrified clay pipe
(Amend Coun. J. 7-29-15, p. 3537, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. XI, § 3)
18-29-1102.6 Roof drains.
   Roof drains shall conform to ASME A112.21.2.
18-29-1102.7 Fittings.
   Pipe fittings shall be approved for installation with the piping material installed, and shall conform to the respective pipe standards or one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-702.4. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drainage type.