18-29-708.3.6 Manholes.
   Manholes serving a building drain shall have secured gas-tight covers and shall be located in accordance with Section 18-29-708.8.
18-29-708.4 Concealed piping.
   Cleanouts on concealed piping, piping under a floor slab or piping in a crawl space of less than 36 inches (915 mm) in height, or piping in a plenum shall be extended through and shall terminate flush with the finished wall, floor or ground surface or shall be extended to the outside of the building. Cleanout plugs shall not be covered with cement, plaster or any other permanent finish material. Where it is necessary to conceal a cleanout or to terminate a cleanout in an area subject to vehicular traffic, the covering plate, access door or cleanout shall be of an approved type designed and installed for this purpose.
18-29-708.5 Opening direction.
   Every cleanout shall be installed to open to allow cleaning in the direction of the flow of the drainage pipe or at right angles thereto.
18-29-708.6 Prohibited installation.
   Cleanout openings shall not be utilized for the installation of new fixtures or floor drains, except where approved and where another cleanout of equal access and capacity is provided.
18-29-708.7 Minimum size.
   Cleanouts shall be the same nominal size as the pipe they serve up to 4 inches (100 mm). For pipes larger than 4 inches (100 mm) nominal size, the minimum size of the cleanout shall be 4 inches (100 mm).
   Exception: "P" trap connections with slip joints or ground joint connections, or stack cleanouts that are no more than one pipe diameter smaller than the drain served, shall be approved.
18-29-708.8 Pipes 8 inches and larger.
   For building sewers 8 inches (200 mm) and larger nominal size, manholes shall be provided and located at each change in direction greater than 45 degrees, and at the locations and intervals referenced in the current edition of the permit requirement and fees book.
18-29-708.9 Clearances.
   Cleanouts on 6-inch (150 mm) and smaller pipes shall be provided with a clearance of not less than 18 inches (457 mm) for rodding. Cleanouts on 8-inch (200 mm) and larger pipes shall be provided with a clearance of not less than 36 inches (914 mm) for rodding.