18-29-604.10.1.1 Demand load.
   The water supply demand load in the distributing system shall be based upon the number, type, and probable simultaneous use of the fixtures to be supplied.
18-29-604.10.1.2 Size of piping.
   The size of piping shall be such that the velocity of each flow during maximum domestic demand will not exceed 8 feet per second (2.44 m/s).
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 13)
18-29-604.10.1.3 Available pressure.
   In determining the available pressure to overcome friction in the piping system, head meter and other losses shall be deducted from the minimum available pressure source. When the pressure exceeds 100 psi (690 kPa) at any plumbing fixture, the pressure shall be reduced by an approved type reducing valve. The minimum size of fixture supply pipes are shown in Table 18-29-604.5.
18-29-604.10.2 Procedures for calculating sizing.
   See Appendix A for procedures for sizing of the water supply system.
18-29-604.11 Individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings.
   Where individual pressure balancing in-line valves for individual fixture fittings are installed, such valves shall comply with ASSE 1066. Such valves shall be installed in a location with access. The valves shall not be utilized alone as a substitute for the balanced pressure, thermostatic or combination shower valves required by Section 18-29-424.3.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 14)
18-29-604.11.1 Reserved.
Editor's note – Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 14, repealed § 18-29-604.11.1, which pertained to size of air chamber.
18-29-605 Materials, Joints and Connections.