Full-open valves shall be installed in the following locations:
1. On the building water service pipe from the public water supply near the curb;
2. On the water distribution supply pipe at the entrance into the structure;
3. On the discharge side of every water meter;
4. On the base of every water riser pipe in other than Group R-5 occupancies or townhouses;
5. On the top of every water down-feed pipe in occupancies other Group R-5 occupancies;
6. On the entrance to every water supply pipe to a dwelling unit, except where supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops;
7. On the water supply pipe to a gravity or pressurized water tank;
8. On the water supply pipe to every water heater.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 21)
Shutoff valves shall be installed in the following locations:
1. On the fixture supply to each plumbing fixture other than bathtubs and showers in Group R occupancies, and other than in individual dwelling units or sleeping units that are provided with unit shutoff valves or shutoff valves for each bathroom group;
2. On the water supply pipe to each sillcock;
3. On the water supply pipe to each appliance or mechanical equipment; and
4. On water services 1 1/2 inches (40 mm) or larger requiring meters either in the building or in a meter vault, valves shall be installed on the inlet and outlet sides of the meter and as near as practicable thereto. Meters on 1-inch (25 mm) services have a valve on the inlet side only. Valves located in the meter vault shall not eliminate the need for the valve in the building. All such valves shall be accessible for operation at all times.
(Amend Coun. J. 10-14-21, p. 37722, Art. VI, § 22)
Water pressure booster systems shall be provided as required by Sections 18-29-606.5.1 through 18-29-606.5.10.
When the water pressure in the city water main is insufficient to furnish an adequate water supply for any purpose in any building, structure or premises, a hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, or gravity tank shall be installed.
Each compression tank shall be so connected that the air content thereof shall be no less than 25 percent of its total capacity. Each compression tank shall be provided with a sludge drain pipe which shall be connected to such tank at the lowest level of the bottom section thereof and shall discharge through an indirect connection into the drainage system with a minimum air gap of 6 inches (150 mm).