18-29-1102.7 Fittings.
   Pipe fittings shall be approved for installation with the piping material installed, and shall conform to the respective pipe standards or one of the standards listed in Table 18-29-702.4. The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drainage type.
18-29-1103 Traps.
18-29-1103.1 Main trap.
   Leaders and storm drains connected to a combined sewer shall be trapped. Individual storm water traps shall be installed on the storm water drain branch serving each conductor, or a single trap shall be installed in the main storm drain just before its connection with the combined building sewer or the public sewer. One trap may serve more than one downspout, and any such trap shall be on the downstream side of the connection to any sanitary sewer or any combined sewer or drain, and shall be set where not subject to frost.
18-29-1103.2 Material.
   Storm water traps, when required, shall be of the same material as the piping system to which they are attached.
18-29-1103.3 Size.
   Traps for individual conductors shall be the same size as the horizontal drain to which they are connected.
18-29-1103.4 Cleanout.
   An accessible cleanout shall be installed on the building side of the trap.
18-29-1104 Conductors and Connections.