Single-family shower compartments or stalls shall have at least 1,024 square inches (6606 cm
) outside dimension (O.D.) floor area and shall be at least 32 inches (813 mm) in shortest outside dimension. All other shower compartments or stalls shall have no less than 1,296 square inches (3292 cm
) outside dimension floor area and shall be at least 32 inches (813 mm) in shortest outside dimension.
Floors or receptors under shower compartments shall be laid on, and supported by, a smooth and structurally sound base. Support for shower compartments shall comply with the following requirements:
1. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sheet shall be a minimum of 0.040 inch (1 mm) thick, and shall meet the requirements of ASTM D4551. Sheets shall be joined by solvent welding in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Non-plasticized chlorinated polyethylene (PE) sheet shall be a minimum 0.040 inch (1.02 mm) thick.
3. Other materials of similar durability and water resistance may be used provided they are approved by the buildings commissioner.