      9-1.02–Building permits: Applications
      9-1.03–Building permits: Issuance: Conditions
Article 1. General Plan
      9-2.102–Nature and purpose
Article 2. Procedure for Amendments to the General Plan
      9-2.201–Amendment procedures
      9-2.203–Increases on residential densities or commercial acreage
      9-2.204–Limitations on amendments relating to the “Parks, Golf Courses, Open Space” designation.
Article 3. Petitions for Amendments to the General Plan
      9-2.301–Filing: Form: Scope
      9-3.305–Urban lot splits
Article 4. Specific Plans
      9-2.401–Authority: Scope
      9-2.402–Specific Plan applications and adoption
      9-2.403–Contents of Specific Plans
      9-2.404–Filing fees
Article 5. Urban Restriction Boundary
      9-2.501–Purpose and findings
      9-2.502–General Plan amendment
      9-2.503–Exemptions for certain projects
      9-2.504–Insertion date
      9-2.506–Amendment or repeal
Article 1. General Provisions
      9-3.101–Citation and authority
      9-3.103–Modifications of requirements
Article 2. Definitions
      9-3.201–Incorporated and specific definitions
      9-3.202–Advisory Agency
      9-3.203–Appeal Board
      9-3.204–City Engineer
      9-3.205–County Surveyor
      9-3.206–Flag lot
      9-3.207–Geologically hazardous area
      9-3.208–Hillside area
      9-3.211–Permanent domestic water supply
      9-3.212–Public service easement (P.S.E.)
      9-3.213–Stock cooperative apartment project
      9-3.216–Subdivision Map Act
      9-3.217–Tentative map
      9-3.218–Vesting tentative map
Article 3. Map Requirements
      9-3.301–Subdivisions creating five or more lots or parcels
      9-3.302–Subdivisions creating four or less lots or parcels: Waivers
      9-3.304–Condominium, community apartment, and stock cooperative apartment projects
      9-3.305–Urban lot splits
Article 4. Processing Fees
Article 5. Filing of Tentative Maps
      9-3.501–Preliminary maps and data
      9-3.502–Submission of tentative maps: Environmental documentation
      9-3.503–Preliminary procedure
      9-3.504–Information to be provided on tentative maps: General
      9-3.505–Topography and lots
      9-3.506–Design and improvements
      9-3.507–Documents to be submitted with tentative maps
      9-3.508–Soil and geology reports
      9-3.509–Number of copies
      9-3.510–Acceptance of maps
Article 6. Design and Improvements
      9-3.603–Size requirements
      9-3.604–Street rights-of-way
      9-3.605–Utility easements
      9-3.606–Drainage easements
      9-3.607–State highways
      9-3.608–Public water agencies
      9-3.609–Public wastewater agencies
      9-3.610–Street lighting
Article 7. Hearings, Reports, and Appeals, Expirations and Extensions of Approvals
      9-3.701–Reports and recommendations
      9-3.702–Hearings and appeals
      9-3.703–Development allotment or reservation of allotment required
      9-3.704–Expiration and extension of tentative map approvals
Article 8. Filing and Approval of Vesting Tentative Maps
      9-3.802–Filing and processing
      9-3.805–Vesting on approval of vesting tentative map
      9-3.806–Development allotment
Article 9. Final Map and Parcel Map Requirements
      9-3.901–Final map and parcel map requirements
      9-3.902–Preparation: Multiple final maps
      9-3.903–Size and materials
      9-3.904–Boundary lines
      9-3.905–Title sheets
      9-3.906–Key maps and location maps
      9-3.907–Survey data
      9-3.908–Data for lots
      9-3.910–Easement dimensioning
      9-3.911–Easement dedications
      9-3.913–Established lines
      9-3.914–City boundaries
      9-3.916–Lot numbers and parcel numbers
      9-3.917–Title blocks
      9-3.918–Engineers' certificates
      9-3.921–Additional information
      9-3.922–Standard practices
      9-3.923–Limits of errors
      9-3.924–Size of lettering
      9-3.925–Parcel map preparation
      9-3.927–Submission for certification
      9-3.928–Information to be submitted with final maps and parcel maps
      9-3.929–Improvement plans
      9-3.930–Improvement agreements
      9-3.931–Tax Collector's signatures or letters
      9-3.932–Evidence of title
      9-3.934–Off-site easements
      9-3.935–Utility statements
      9-3.936–Wastewater services
      9-3.937–Water services
      9-3.938–Fire Chief's certificate
      9-3.939–Stormwater acceptance easements
      9-3.940–Street rights-of-way
      9-3.941–Park sites
      9-3.942–Storm drain channels
      9-3.943–Private street easements
      9-3.944–Other easements
      9-3.945–Geologic and soils reports
      9-3.946–Filing of maps: Approval: Denial
Article 10. Dedication and Improvement Regulations
      9-3.1002–Acceptance, rejection, and termination of offers of dedication
      9-3.1003–Improvement agreements: Completion of improvements and acceptance
      9-3.1004–Completion of improvements: Extensions
      9-3.1006–Street tree planting
      9-3.1007–Improvement plans
      9-3.1008–Approval of improvement plans
      9-3.1009–Preparation of improvement plans
      9-3.1010–Grading plans included in improvement plans
      9-3.1011–Scale of improvement plans
      9-3.1012–Contents of improvement plans
      9-3.1013–Changes in improvement plans
      9-3.1014–Cost estimates
      9-3.1015–Commencement of improvements
      9-3.1016–Street improvements
      9-3.1017–Drainage improvements
      9-3.1018–Wastewater and water supply systems
      9-3.1019–Fire protection
      9-3.1020–Underground utilities
      9-3.1021–Street name and traffic signs
      9-3.1023–Underground openings
      9-3.1024–Water wells
      9-3.1026–As-built plans
      9-3.1027–Improvement standards and specifications
Article 11. Improvement Security
      9-3.1101–Requirement of improvement security
      9-3.1102–Amount of improvement security
      9-3.1103–Exoneration of improvement security
Article 12. Reversions and Mergers
      9-3.1201–Reversions to acreage
      9-3.1202–Initiation of proceedings by owners
      9-3.1203–Initiation of proceedings by the Council
      9-3.1204–Data for reversions to acreage
      9-3.1208–Effect of filing reversion maps with the County Recorder
      9-3.1209–Return of fees and deposits and release of securities
      9-3.1210–Mergers of nonconforming contiguous parcels
      9-3.1211–Effective date of mergers
      9-3.1212–Notification of intention to merger: Hearing
      9-3.1213–Request for hearing
      9-3.1214–Procedure for hearing
      9-3.1215–Procedure for determination following hearing
      9-3.1216–Determination when no hearing is requested
      9-3.1217–Mergers and resubdivision
Article 13. Monuments
      9-3.1301–Final map and parcel map monuments
      9-3.1302–Monument construction
      9-3.1303–Monument bonds
      9-3.1304–Notices of setting of final monuments: Payment of engineers and surveyors
Article 14. Environmental Impact and Grading and Erosion Control
      9-3.1401–Environmental impact
      9-3.1402–Grading and erosion control
Article 15. Improvement Fees, Supplemental Capacity, and Reservations
      9-3.1501–Costs of bridges and major thoroughfares
      9-3.1502–Reservations for public uses
      9-3.1503–Costs of drainage and wastewater facilities
      9-3.1504–Other fees: Improvements
      9-3.1505–Supplemental improvements
Article 16. Additional Fees and Dedications: School Facilities and Park and Recreational Purposes
      9-3.1601–Dedication of land and/or payments in lieu of fees for school facilities
      9-3.1602–Dedication of land for park and recreational purposes
      9-3.1603–Subdividers required to provide park and facilities
      9-3.1604–Application of article provisions
      9-3.1605–Relation of land required to population density
      9-3.1606–Determination of population density
      9-3.1607–Amount of land to be dedicated
      9-3.1608–Amount of fees in lieu of land dedication
      9-3.1609–Credit for private open space
      9-3.1610–Choice of dedication of land or payment of fees or both
      9-3.1611–Designation of development time
      9-3.1612–Limitations on use of land and fees
Article 17. Correction and Amendment of Maps
      9-3.1702–Form and contents
      9-3.1703–Submittal and approval by the City Engineer
      9-3.1704–Filing with the County Recorder
Article 18. Enforcement of Chapter Provisions
      9-3.1803–Certificates of compliance
      9-3.1804–Certificates of noncompliance
      9-3.1805–Certificates of compliance and noncompliance: Appeals of determinations of the Community Development Director
Article 1. Title, Purpose and Interpretation
      9-4.104–Pending actions and proceedings
      9-4.105–Continuation of existing laws
      9-4.106–Public utilities
      9-4.107–City project review
Article 2. Definitions
Article 3. Establishment and Designation of Zones
      9-4.301–Use zones
      9-4.303–Additional sub-zones
      9-4.305–Uncertainty of zone boundaries
      9-4.307–Height Limit Overlay Zone (H)
      9-4.308–Historic Landmark Overlay Zone (HL)
      9-4.309–Establishment and designation of zones
      9-4.310–Mixed-Use Overlay Zone (MUOZ)
Article 4. Rural-Agricultural Zones (R-A)
      9-4.401–Permitted uses (R-A)
      9-4.402–Uses requiring special use permits (R-A)
      9-4.403–Animals and fowl (R-A)
      9-4.404–Previously designated Residential-Agricultural Zone properties (R-A)
      9-4.405–Food cooperatives (R-A)
Article 5. Rural-Exclusive Zones (R-E)
      9-4.501–Permitted uses (R-E)
      9-4.502–Uses requiring special use permits (R-E)
      9-4.503–Animals and fowl (R-E)
      9-4.504–Food cooperatives (R-E)
Article 6. Single-Family Estate Zones (R-O)
      9-4.601–Permitted uses (R-O)
      9-4.602–Uses requiring special use permits (R-O)
      9-4.603–Animals and fowl (R-O)
      9-4.604–Food cooperatives (R-O)
Article 7. Single-Family Residential Zones (R-1)
      9-4.701–Permitting uses (R-1)
      9-4.702–Uses requiring special use permits (R-1)
      9-4.703–Animals and fowl (R-1)
      9-4.704–Food cooperatives (R-2)
Article 8. Two-Family Residential Zones (R-2)
      9-4.801–Permitted uses (R-2)
      9-4.802–Uses requiring special use permits (R-2)
      9-4.803–Food cooperatives (R-2)
Article 9. Residential Planned Development Zones (R-P-D)
      9-4.901–Intent and purpose (R-P-D)
      9-4.902–Permitted uses (R-P-D)
      9-4.903–Uses requiring special use permits (R-P-D)
      9-4.904–Development standards (R-P-D)
      9-4.905–Residential planned development permits (R-P-D)
      9-4.906–Residential Planned Development–Single-Family Detached sub-zone (R-P-D-SFD)
      9-4.907–Density transfer considerations (R-P-D)
      9-4.908–Residential planned development permits: Lands designated SP (R-P-D)
      9-4.909–Development allotment or reservation of allotment required (R-P-D)
      9-4.910–Food cooperatives (R-P-D)
      9-4.911–Residential planned development: Single-family detached dwellings within an R-P-D sub-zone with a density greater than 4.5 dwelling units per net acre
Article 10. Multiple-Family Residential Zones (R-3)
      9-4.1001–Permitted uses (R-3)
      9-4.1002–Additional permitted uses (R-3)
      9-4.1003–Uses requiring special use permits (R-3)
      9-4.1004–Residential planned development permits (R-3)
      9-4.1005–Food cooperatives (R-3)
Article 10.5 Mixed-Use (MU) and Mixed-Use Overlay (MUOZ) Zones
      9-4.1050–Purpose (MU/MUOZ)
      9-4.1051–Permitted uses (MU/MUOZ)
      9-4.1052–Development standards (MU/MUOZ)
Article 11. Commercial Office Zones (C-O)
      9-4.1101–Purpose (C-O)
      9-4.1102–Permitted uses (C-O)
      9-4.1103–Uses requiring special use permits (C-O)
      9-4.1104–Planned development permits (C-O)
      9-4.1105–Signs (C-O)
      9-4.1106–Height regulations (C-O)
      9-4.1107–Area regulations (C-O)
      9-4.1108–Off-street parking (C-O)
      9-4.1109–Landscaping, lighting, and storage (C-O)
Article 12. Neighborhood Shopping Center Zones (C-1)
      9-4.1200–Purpose (C-1)
      9-4.1201–Uses requiring development permits (C-1)
      9-4.1202–Uses requiring special use permits (C-1)
      9-4.1203–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (C-1)
      9-4.1204–Development permits: Issuance (C-1)
      9-4.1205–Nonresidential buildings in redevelopment areas
Article 13. Highway and Arterial Business Zones (C-2)
      9-4.1300–Purpose (C-2)
      9-4.1301–Uses requiring development permits (C-2)
      9-4.1302–Uses requiring special use permits (C-2)
      9-4.1303–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (C-2)
      9-4.1304–Development permits: Issuance (C-2)
      9-4.1305–Nonresidential buildings in redevelopment areas
Article 14. Community Shopping Center Zones (C-3)
      9-4.1400–Purpose (C-3)
      9-4.1401–Permitted uses (C-3)
      9-4.1402–Uses requiring special use permits (C-3)
      9-4.1403–Uses requiring development permits (C-3)
      9-4.1404–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (C-3)
      9-4.1405–Development permits: Issuance (C-3)
      9-4.1406–Nonresidential buildings in redevelopment areas
Article 15. Regional Shopping Center Zones (C-4)
      9-4.1500–Purpose (C-4)
      9-4.1501–Permitted uses (C-4)
      9-4.1502–Uses requiring special use permits (C-4)
      9-4.1503–Uses requiring development permits (C-4)
      9-4.1504–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (C-4)
      9-4.1505–Development permits: Issuance (C-4)
Article 16. Industrial Park Zones (M-1)
      9-4.1601–Purpose (M-1)
      9-4.1602–Permitted uses (M-1)
      9-4.1603–Uses requiring special use permits (M-1)
      9-4.1604–Uses requiring development permits (M-1)
      9-4.1605–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (M-1)
      9-4.1606–Development permits: Issuance (M-1)
Article 17. Light Manufacturing Zones (M-2)
      9-4.1701–Permitted uses (M-2)
      9-4.1702–Uses requiring special use permits (M-2)
      9-4.1703–Development permits: Issuance (M-3)
      9-4.1704–Development permits: Conditional limitations (M-2)
Article 18.    Design Review: Requirements and Procedure
      9-4.1801–Architectural design review required
      9-4.1802–Precise plan of design required
      9-4.1803–Single-family detached residential and individual townhouse and condominium exceptions
      9-4.1804–Commercial, industrial, institutional exceptions
      9-4.1805–Precise plan of design applications
      9-4.1806–Architectural design review guidelines
      9-4.1807–Design review criteria
      9-4.1808–Design review procedure
      9-4.1810–Inapplicability of article to repainting of residences
      9-4.1811–Exceptions for redevelopment projects
Article 19. Condominium Conversions, Mobile Home Park Subdivisions
and Mobile Home Park Changes of Use
      9-4.1901–Purpose and intent
      9-4.1904–Condominium conversions
      9-4.1905–Mobile home park subdivisions
      9-4.1906–Mobile home park change of use
      9-4.1907–Denial for coercive acts
Article 20. Mobile Home Park Development Zones
      9-4.2001–Purpose (T-P-D)
      9-4.2002–Permitted uses (T-P-D)
      9-4.2003–Senior mobile home park overlay zone (SMHP)
      9-4.2004–Development permits: General conditions and limitations (T-P-D)
      9-4.2005–Occupancy limitations & rentals
      9-4.2006–Age verification & compliance procedures
      9-4.2007–Duty of mobile home park residents to comply with age verification request
      9-4.2008–Duty of mobile home park owners/operators to comply with age reporting requirement and certification
Article 21. Uses Allowed by Zone
      9-4.2102–Permitted uses in specific plan areas
      9-4.2103–Matric key
      9-4.2104–Permitted use matrix - Residential zones
      9-4.2104.5–Permitted use matrix - Mixed-use zones and mixed-use overlay zones
      9-4.2105–Permitted use matrix - Non-residential zones
      9-4.2106–Limitations on specific uses
      9-4.2107–Findings for approval of entitlements for permitted uses
Article 22. Objective Design Standards for Residential Development
      9-4.2201–Intent and purpose
      9-4.2203–Definition of terms
      9-4.2204–Relationship to other ordinances
      9-4.2205–Objective design standards
Article 23. Sign Regulations
      9-4.2301–Purpose and intent
      9-4.2302–Permit required
      9-4.2304–Construction, maintenance, and removal
      9-4.2305–Residential zones
      9-4.2306–Residential zones: New subdivisions
      9-4.2307–Trailer Park Development Zones (T-P-D)
      9-4.2308–Commercial and industrial zones
      9-4.2309–Commercial and industrial zones: General requirements
      9-4.2310–Special use permits
      9-4.2311–Nonconforming signs
      9-4.2312–Signs seal program: Exceptions
      9-4.2313–Outdoor display of merchandise
Article 24. Off-Street Parking
      9-4.2401–Intent and purposes
      9-4.2402–Parking spaces required
      9-4.2403–Computation of off-street parking spaces
      9-4.2404–General installation requirements of parking areas
      9-4.2405–General design standards of parking areas
      9-4.2405.5–Parking structures: General design guidelines
      9-4.2406–Applicability of Amendments
Article 25. Height, Yard, Area, and Building Conditions and Exceptions
      9-4.2501–Building height
      9-4.2502–Building height: Exceptions
      9-4.2503–Yards: General
      9-4.2504–Front yards
      9-4.2505–Side yards
      9-4.2506–Side yards where two-family, multiple, or row dwellings front or rear on a side yard
      9-4.2507–Reduced side yards
      9-4.2508–Rear yards
      9-4.2509–Projections into required yards
      9-4.2509.1–Setback reductions in residential areas
      9-4.2509.2–Electrical, barbed wire, broken glass, etc. in fencing
      9-4.2509.5–Area requirements for accessory buildings
      9-4.2510–Lot area
      9-4.2511–Substandard reverse-corner and wedge-shaped lots
      9-4.2512–Lot splits
      9-4.2513–Building setback lines for property adjoining roads, streets, and highways
      9-4.2514–Structures within mapped roads, streets, and highway rights-of-way
      9-4.2515–R Zone restrictions
      9-4.2516–Transportable facilities for dwelling purposes
      9-4.2518–Home occupations
      9-4.2519–Garage sales and boutique sales
      9-4.2520–Food cooperatives
      9-4.2521–Accessory dwelling units
      9-4.2522–Fire protection
      9-4.2523–Restaurant outdoor customer dining areas
      9-4.2524–Residential Sports Facilities
      9-4.2525–Emergency shelters
      9-4.2526–Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities
      9-4.2527–Transitional and supportive housing
      9-4.2528–Self-storage facilities
      9-4.2529–Replacement housing requirements and occupant protections
Article 26. Community Park and Recreational Facilities
      9-4.2602–Residential developers to provide park and recreational facilities
      9-4.2603–Application of article provisions
      9-4.2604–Relation of land required to population density
      9-4.2605–Determination of population density
      9-4.2606–Amount of land to be dedicated
      9-4.2607–Amount of fees in lieu of land dedication
      9-4.2608–Credit for private open space
      9-4.2609–Choice of dedication of land or payment of fees or both
      9-4.2610–Designation of development time
      9-4.2611–Limitations on use of land and fees
Article 27. Nonconforming Buildings and Uses
      9-4.2701–Nonconforming uses of land
      9-4.2702–Nonconforming buildings: Nonresidential
      9-4.2702.5–Nonresidential buildings: Nonresidential buildings in redevelopment areas
      9-4.2703–Nonconforming buildings: Residential
      9-4.2704–Nonconforming uses of conforming buildings
      9-4.2705–Nonconforming uses of nonconforming buildings
      9-4.2706–Nonconforming uses of land and buildings
      9-4.2707–Nonconforming lots
Article 28. Variances and Permits
      9-4.2801–Variances: Authorized
      9-4.2802–Permits, filing applications and payment of fees
      9-4.2802.5–Conditions on certain special use permits
      9-4.2803–Review and action on applications
      9-4.2804–Authority of the Community Development Director to approve permit applications
      9-4.2805–Administrative actions
      9-4.2806–Hearings: Procedure
      9-4.2807–Appeals of administrative decisions to the Planning Commission
      9-4.2808–Appeals to Council
      9-4.2810–Former procedures superseded
      9-4.2814–Granting for certain land and uses
      9-4.2815–Oil and gas permits: Conditions
      9-4.2816–Exempt housing projects
      9-4.2817–Inactive planning applications
Article 29. Amendments
      9-4.2903–Applications: Form
      9-4.2904–Applications: Filing fees
      9-4.2905–Applications: Acceptability and effect of signatures
      9-4.2906–Applications: Permanent records
      9-4.2907–Additional area
      9-4.2908–Commission hearings
      9-4.2909–Commission hearings: Time
      9-4.2910–Commission hearings: Notices
      9-4.2911–Commission hearings: Investigations
      9-4.2912–Commission hearings: Continuance
      9-4.2913–Commission hearings: Rules of conduct
      9-4.2914–Commission recommendations
      9-4.2915–Commission recommendations: Majority vote required: Finality
      9-4.2916–Council hearings
      9-4.2917–Council hearings: Modification of Commission recommendations
      9-4.2918–Council hearings: Decisions
      9-4.2920–Urgency interim ordinances
      9-4.2921–Prezoning unincorporated territory
Article 30. Enforcement, Violations and Penalties
      9-4.3001–Conflicting licenses, permits, and certificates
      9-4.3002–Annexed property
      9-4.3003–Nonconforming buildings and uses
      9-4.3004–Enforcement: Appeals
      9-4.3006–Abatement of nuisances
      9-4.3007–Noncompliance with permits or zone clearance: Stop orders
Article 31. Hillside Planned Development Zones (H-P-D)
      9-4.3100–Purpose and policy (H-P-D)
      9-4.3101–Hillside areas defined: Application of article provisions (H-P-D)
      9-4.3102–Permitted uses (H-P-D)
      9-4.3103–Hillside Planned Development Single-Family Detached sub-zone (H-P-D–S-F-D)
      9-4.3104–Uses requiring special use permits (H-P-D)
      9-4.3105–Density (H-P-D)
      9-4.3106–Grading Control (H-P-D)
      9-4.3107–Open space ownership and maintenance (H-P-D)
      9-4.3108–Development standards (H-P-D)
      9-4.3109–Permits (H-P-D)
      9-4.3110–Application for hillside plan development permit
      9-4.3111–Permit hearing processing
      9-4.3112–Development allotment or reservation of allotment required (H-P-D)
Article 32. Public, Quasi-Public, and Institutional Lands and Facilities Zone (P-L)
      9-4.3200–Purposes (P-L)
      9-4.3201–Uses requiring development permits (P-L)
      9-4.3202–Uses requiring special use permits (P-L)
      9-4.3203–Development permits: Conditions and limitations (P-L)
      9-4.3204–City projects reviewed by Planning Commission (P-L)
Article 33. Height Limit Overlay Zone (H)
      9-4.3300–Purpose (H)
      9-4.3301–Height limits (H)
      9-4.3302–Front yards (H)
      9-4.3303–Side yards (H)
      9-4.3304–Rear yards (H)
      9-4.3305–Area requirements (H)
Article 34. Historic Landmark Overlay Zone (HL)
      9-4.3400–Purpose (HL)
      9-4.3401–Delineation of historic landmarks or sites (HL)
      9-4.3402–Archaeological sites: Special provisions (HL)
      9-4.3403–Regulations (HL)
      9-4.3404–Appeals (HL)
Article 35. Protected Ridgeline Overlay Zone Regulations (PR)
      9-4.3500–Purpose (PR)
      9-4.3501–Protected ridgeline zone (PR)
      9-4.3502–Protected ridgeline development standards
      9-4.3503–Commercial/industrial zone specific plan alternative
      9-4.3504–Site planning/information submitted
Article 36. Open Space Zone (OS)
      9-4.3600–Purposes (OS)
      9-4.3601–Uses requiring development permits (OS)
      9-4.3602–Uses requiring special use permits (OS)
Article 37. Urban Lot Splits and Two-Unit Housing Developments
      9-4.3701–Intent and purpose
      9-4.3703–Definition of terms
      9-4.3705–Urban lot split - planning permit and application requirements
      9-4.3706–Urban lot split - standards and requirements
      9-4.3707–Two-unit housing development - planning permit and application requirements
      9-4.3708–Two-unit housing development - standards and requirements
Article 38. Special Use Permit for Rental of Dwelling
      9-4.3800–Special use permit to rent dwelling
Article 39. Highway and Arterial Business/Auto Mall Zone (C-2/AM)
      9-4.3900–Purpose (C-2/AM)
      9-4.3901–Permitted uses (C-2/AM)
      9-4.3902–Uses requiring special use permits (C-2/AM)
      9-4.3903–Development permits: Standards, conditions and limitations (C-2/AM)
Article 40. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Standards for New Development
      9-4.4001–Purpose, authorization and intent
      9-4.4003–Transportation demand and trip reduction standards and measures
      9-4.4004–Applicability of TDM development standards
      9-4.4005–Review of transit impacts
Article 41. Temporary uses
      9-4.4101–Uses permitted subject to a temporary use permit
Article 42. Oak Tree Preservation and Protection
      9-4.4203–Oak tree preservation
      9-4.4204–Permit required
      9-4.4206–Processing of permits: Standards for granting or denying permits
      9-4.4207–Conditions on removal
      9-4.4208–Non-liability of City
Article 43. Landmark Tree Preservation and Protection
      9-4.4303–Landmark tree preservation
      9-4.4304–Permit required: Exemptions
      9-4.4305–Processing of permits: Standards for granting or denying permits
      9-4.4306–Conditions on removal
      9-4.4307–Nonliability of City
      9-4.4309–Tree valuation
      9-4.4310–Designation of historic trees
Article 44. Wireless Communications Facilities
      9-4.4402–Permits required
      9-4.4403–Compliance with policies
Article 1. Purpose
      9-5.102–Specific provisions
Article 2. Continuity and Ratification
      9-5.201–Ratification of prior City requirements
      9-5.202–Ratification of prior reports
Article 3. Notice Requirements
      9-5.301–Notice of draft environmental documents
      9-6.02–Inhabited annexations (twelve or more registered voters)
      9-6.03–All annexations
       9-7.01–Exempted charges for low income senior citizen housing
      9-8.01–Findings and purpose
      9-8.03–Application of chapter provisions
      9-8.04–Findings required
      9-8.05–Dedication of land or payment of fees required
      9-8.06–Choice of dedication or payment of fees: Procedures
      9-8.07–Limitations on use of land and fees
      9-8.08–Schedules specifying use of land or fees
      9-8.09–Reports by the school district
      9-9.01–Time limitations for judicial reviews of City decisions or actions taken
Article 1. General Provisions
      9-10.101–Intent and purpose
Article 2. Affordable Housing Trust Fund
      9-10.201–Creation of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund
      9-10.202–Revenue to Fund
      9-10.203–Purpose and use of monies in the Fund
      9-10.204–Administration of the Fund
Article 3. Inclusionary Housing Program
      9-10.301–Purpose and intent
      9-10.304–Inclusionary Housing Plan
      9-10.305–Standards for inclusionary units
      9-10.306–Alternative Compliance Procedures
      9-10.307–Inclusionary housing incentives
      9-10.308–General requirements for inclusionary units
Article 4. Nonresidential Development Linkage Fees
      9-10.404–Nonresidential use categories
      9-10.405–Assignment of specific use to nonresidential use categories
      9-10.406–Method of calculation
      9-10.407–Determination and payment of fees
      9-10.408–Adjustment and review of fees
      9-10.409–Use of linkage fees
Article 5. Density Bonus Program
      9-10.501–Purpose and intent
      9-10.502–Eligibility for density bonus
      9-10.503–Incentives, modifications or waivers
      9-10.504–Density bonus or incentive for child care facility
      9-10.505–Density bonus or incentive for condominium conversions
      9-10.506–Density bonus plan
      9-10.507–City review and approval of density bonus plan
      9-10.508–General requirements for density bonus affordable units
Article 6. Compliance Procedures
      9-10.601–Affordable housing agreement
      9-10.602–Affordable unit restrictions
      9-10.603–Implementation, monitoring and enforcement
      9-10.604–Wavier requirements
Article 7. Incentives for Small and Underutilized Parcels
      9-10.701–Purpose and intent
      9-10.702–Eligibility for incentives
      9-11.04–Qualification as an applicant
      9-11.05–Review of application
      9-11.06–Public hearings
      9-11.07–Notice requirements
      9-11.08–Failure to receive notice
      9-11.09–Determination by Planning Commission
      9-11.10–Decision by City Council
      9-11.11–Approval and effective date of a development agreement
      9-11.13–Periodic review required
      9-11.14–Proceedings for amending, modification or termination
Article 1. Purpose
      9-12.101–Applicability: Notices of application and public hearing notices
      9-12.102–Applicability: Environmental review notices
Article 2. Notices of Applications and Public Hearing Notices
      9-12.201–Contents of notice
      9-12.202–Notice requirements
      9-12.203–Notice by mailing or delivery: Category 1 applications
      9-12.204–Notice by mailing or delivery: Five-hundred-foot radius
      9-12.205–Notice to local agencies
      9-12.206–Notice to homeowners and property owners associations
      9-12.207–Notice by posting with a small sign
      9-12.208–Notice by posting with a large sign
      9-12.209–Notice by publication (legal advertising section)
Article 3. Environmental Review Notices
      9-12.301–Contents of notice
      9-12.302–Notice requirements
Article 1. General
      9-13.103–City Council authority
Article 2. Disposition of Open Space Property
      9-13.201–Public hearing required
      9-13.202–Notice requirements
      9-13.203–Consolidation of hearings
Article 3. Exceptions
      9-13.301–Transfer to other agencies for open space purposes
      9-13.302–Minor open space adjustments