Sec. 9-3.507. Documents to be submitted with tentative maps.
   Each tentative map submitted to the Community Development Department shall be accompanied by documents containing the following:
   (a)   A signed statement by all the parties listed as owners of the real property on the latest equalized County assessment roll, or by their authorized agents, consenting to the filing of the tentative map;
   (b)   A description of the land within the proposed subdivision;
   (c)   The disposition to be made of all existing structures, trees and other significant vegetation and natural features, wells, tanks, irrigation facilities, and public utility facilities and the submittal of an Oak Tree Report, prepared pursuant to this Code, if required by the Community Development Director;
   (d)   A report describing the proposed method and plan of stormwater disposal (the plan, including the locations of storm drain lines, inlets, and ultimate outlets may be shown on the tentative map) prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State. The stormwater report shall include a hydrologic and hydraulic study, indicating the following conditions before and after development: drainage areas, major watercourses, quantity of stormwater and patterns, and diversion and collection systems. Flood hazard areas, based on 100-year storm frequency, shall be delineated on the tentative map, based on approved County Flood Control District methodology and, if applicable, included in an inundation easement and offered for dedication to the City or the District, as required. Buildable sites, as designated in the soils report (see Section 9-3.508 of this article), shall be located outside of flood hazard areas. The drainage requirements of the County Road Standards shall also apply;
   (e)   A certification by the applicant, supported by a preliminary title report, that the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through, or the use of, property within the proposed subdivision;
   (f)    A statement of all proposed deviations to the City standards for map, street, and storm drainage design, together with justifications for each;
   (g)   The submittal of a traffic report, containing information as required by the City Transportation Planner and Traffic Engineer;
   (h)   The preparation of a certified archaeological survey of the entire area or fuel modification zone within the boundaries of the subject property, and all other areas that may be affected by development of the site;
   (i)   Preparation of a comprehensive floral report, identifying all vegetation on the property, and associated impacts. The brush clearance area shall be included on the map, and information shall be submitted providing a plant replacement program for those affected areas;
   (j)   Identification of a maintenance program along with appropriate vehicular and pedestrian access for maintenance crews for all common areas including fuel modification zones; and
   (k)   The submittal of a phasing plan, which shall include the following:
   1.     Recording of the final map,
   2.    Grading of lots and infrastructure,
   3.    Construction of dwelling units, including accessory common facilities.
(Ord. 744-NS, eff. April 17, 1980, as amended by § 2, Ord. 1047-NS, eff. November 14, 1989)