The purpose of this Chapter is:
(a) To establish procedures and requirements for providing affordable housing in the City and to ensure that affordable housing is included in future housing stock developed within the City.
(b) To establish a linkage fee program through which nonresidential developments are able to mitigate the additional demand for affordable housing in the City caused by new employment resulting from nonresidential developments.
(c) To implement goals and policies of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan that seek to increase the supply of affordable housing in the City.
(d) To comply with the provisions of California Government Code Section 65915, which requires cities to adopt an ordinance that specifies how it will provide density bonuses and other incentives to applicants who construct housing developments that include specified percentages of affordable housing.
(§ 1, Ord. 1506-NS, eff. October 9, 2008)