Sec. 9-4.2817 Inactive planning applications.
   (a)   Applications incomplete for processing.
   (1)   An application shall be considered inactive, if the applicant, for a period of 60 consecutive days, fails to submit all information or fees requested in order for the application to be considered complete for processing.
   (2)   The Community Development Director shall have the authority to deem an inactive application that is incomplete for processing to have been withdrawn. The Community Development Director or his or her designee shall notify the applicant/property owner of his or her decision to deem the application to be withdrawn. The applicant may appeal the Director's decision to the Planning Commission within 10 days after the decision.
   (b)   Applications complete for processing.
   (1)   An application considered complete for processing shall be considered inactive if the applicant, for a period of 180 consecutive days, fails to pursue a decision on the application or submit all supplemental information or fees requested for processing the application, including, but not limited to, items required to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act.
   (2)   The Community Development Director shall have the authority to deem an inactive application that is complete for processing to have been withdrawn. The Community Development Director or his or her designee shall notify the applicant/property owner of his or her decision to deem the application to be withdrawn. The applicant may appeal the Director's decision to the Planning Commission within 10 days after the decision.
   (c)   This section shall apply to new applications and retroactively to any application that was pending on the effective date of this section.
(§ 25, Ord. 1555-NS, eff. May 13, 2011)