Sec. 9-4.306. Ambiguities.
   (a)   If ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this chapter, or if ambiguity exists with respect to matters of height, yard, or area requirements, or the determination of the exact location of zone boundaries, it shall be the duty of the Commission to ascertain all pertinent facts concerning such use or matter and, by resolution of record, to set forth its findings and its interpretation. Such resolution shall be forwarded to the Council for review and determination, and thereafter the administrative interpretation fixed by the Council shall govern the matter until and unless changed by subsequent administrative interpretation or by an amendment to the provisions of this chapter.
   (b)   For the purposes of this section and for determining conditions and limitations for variances and permits of any kind, the following matters shall be considered:
   (1)   Technical evidence and scientific means of measurement, where available, in determining the form and intensity of conditions;
   (2)   Effects or results typically associated with the maintenance or operation of identifiable uses;
   (3)   The ambient level of sound;
   (4)   Sound measured in decibels; and
   (5)   Vibrations above and below the auditory range; odors, fumes, smoke, and other emissions and whether toxic or nontoxic; the incidence of hazards, including explosion or contamination; the chemical identification and classification of emissions from any use, whether industrial, commercial, or domestic; the traffic generating capacity, in terms of peak, average, and minimum flow, and the volume of passengers or freight, or both; the need and consuming capacity for electrical energy, natural gas, oil, water, and sewage disposal; and the existing and needed transportation facilities.
(§ 8166.7, T.O.O.C.)