Sec. 9-4.1109. Landscaping, lighting, and storage (C-O).
   The following general provisions shall apply in C-O Zones:
   (a)   Landscaping.
   (1)   Three (3%) percent or more of the parking area shall be landscaped, and such landscaping shall be considered as part of the required ten (10%) percent. In complying with the three (3%) percent landscaping requirement, the planting beds shall be distributed through the parking area as evenly as possible. For example, a plot plan showing the entire three (3%) percent landscaping in one large planting bed concentrated on only one portion of the parking area shall not be permitted.
   (2)   Whenever the parking or circulation area abuts a public street along the property lines adjacent to the streets, except within the approved exit and entrance ways, the Community Development Director shall require a planting strip not less than one and one-half (1-1/2’) feet wide but may not require more than four and one-half (4-1/2’) feet side. The planting shall be maintained at a minimum height of two and one-half (2-1/2’) feet. Where sign distance may be impaired, the Community Development Director may permit a lesser height requirement. Appropriate wheel blocks, posts, or curbs, shall be installed along the parking area adjacent to the planting strip.
   (3)   Wherever the property abuts an R Zone, there shall be erected along the property line abutting the R Zone a solid or decorative fence or wall six (6’) feet in height which substantially bars the view and light, or there shall be planted and maintained an evergreen hedge at a height of six (6’) feet. Such improvements shall not exceed two and one-half (2-1/2’) feet in height for a distance of twenty (20’) feet from the public right-of-way.
   (4)   Trees, approved as to number, placement, spacing, and type by the Landscape Supervisor, shall be planted in the parkway area between the curbs and sidewalks.
   (5)   The required landscaping area shall be provided with permanent irrigation systems and may contain pools and pedestrian walks.
   (b)   Lighting. Lighting may not illuminate or glare onto any adjacent property or street so as to be objectionable to adjacent residents or hazardous to motorists. Alternating lights shall be strictly prohibited.
   (c)   Storage of materials and equipment. Storage of materials and equipment may be permitted only when enclosed and when incidental to the use of an office or other building located on the front portion of the same lot. Any such storage plan shall be approved and shown on the plot plan.
   (d)   Temporary storage of trash. Temporary storage of trash shall be enclosed and not viewable from a public street or walk.
(§ 8138.8, T.O.O.C., as added by § 1, Ord. 85)